What is EDV? Monthly cash payment

Persons with disabilities have the right to a monthly payment, the amount of which is established in full accordance with the Federal Law, namely, article under number 28.1. It is called "On the Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities in the Russian Federation." More details on what constitutes a monthly payment will be described below.

Who sets the size of payments?

what is edv

The formation of the monthly payment is the responsibility of the territorial authority of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. There was a question about what is EDV? Then you need to understand that its purpose does not imply the presence of a district coefficient, which is usually set by the government of the Russian Federation depending on the place of residence. In our case, it’s from the area in which the person lives, claiming payments.

What size benefits can people with disabilities hope?

Also, when deciding what EDV is, it is necessary to clarify that it is installed in a strictly fixed amount. There is a classification for this. It has the following form:

1. Disabled persons of the first group can count on cash benefits in the amount of 2,974 rubles.

2. Disabled people of the second group receive benefits in the amount of 2123 rubles.

3. Persons with disabilities in the third group may rely on benefits amounting to 1,700 rubles.

4. Children with disabilities receive payments in the amount of 2123 rubles.

5. Chernobyl disabled people can count on payments in the amount of 2123 rubles. In addition, they are granted the right to receive a disability subsidy.

Also, speaking about what EDV is, it should be noted that its size is subject to annual indexation starting April 1. This is set by the federal bill for a specific fiscal year, as well as for the planning time of the projected inflation rate.

What needs to be done to start receiving payments?

edv for military

So, what is EDV is clear. Now we should talk about how the accruals are made. The procedure in which monthly payments are made to certain certain categories of people in the country is approved on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, starting in 2004. This order is called “On Approving the Procedure for Making a Monthly Cash Payment to Certain Categories of Citizens in the Russian Federation”.

In order to receive cash payments every month, a disabled person simply needs to contact the Pension Fund and draw up an appropriate application. This must be done at the place of residence or at the place where the pay case is located. In order to receive a pension (EDV) for a disabled child, you must fill out an application and submit it at the place of residence. This should be done by his parents. In the event that the parents live separately from the child, the application is submitted by the parent or guardian with whom the child lives directly. In the situation when he was already 14 years old, he is quite capable of applying to the Pension Fund on his own in order to establish the size of the EDV.

Persons with disabilities or their legal representatives will be able to apply for payment at any convenient time after the right to it arises. This happens by submitting special documentation, including applications.

The date upon which the application will be accepted is recorded in the appropriate journal in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The fact that the application, as well as all the necessary documentation has been handed over, will be confirmed by a receipt. This paper is issued directly to the applicant.

From what moment will payments begin?

unit sizes

After the EDV sizes are established, payments will begin to come from the day the appeal was made. This should happen no earlier than the person has the right to these same payments. The appeal day means the moment when the territorial service of the Pension Fund accepted a statement from the person and all the necessary documentation. In the event that the documents were sent by mail, EDV payments will be assigned from the day that will be indicated on the postmark at the place of departure of official papers.

The decision on the purpose of payments will be made by the Pension Fund, namely its territorial body. This should happen within ten days, but not later. The day the documentation and application were submitted will be taken as the starting point.

EDV in 2014 is appointed for the period during which a person belongs to the category of people entitled to cash benefits. This is fixed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The need for recalculation


The decision on the need to recalculate the amount of cash payments will be made by the Pension Fund, namely its territorial body. This procedure should be completed within five days, but not later. The date of receipt of the extract from the survey certificate will be considered as the countdown time. This document is drawn up at the institution in which the medical and social examination took place.

What if the decision is negative?

If the application is refused, the territorial organization of the Pension Fund must notify the applicant of this within 5 days from the moment when a certain decision was made. The reasons for the refusal must be indicated, as well as the procedure for appealing against the decision that was made. All documentation must be returned at the same time.

If the person who applied for the monthly payment does not agree with the decision made by the Pension Fund, namely the territorial organization, then he will be able to appeal it to a higher organization of the Pension Fund. In addition, both decisions may subsequently be appealed as a result of litigation.

What categories of people do benefits apply to?


Who can count on EDV? Earlier we have already mentioned several categories of citizens. The list of those categories of people who are offered payments should be supplemented.

1. The size of the EDV war veterans is about 2337 rubles.

2. Participants of the WWII who have become disabled can rely on payments equal to 4247, 84 rubles.

3. Participants in the WWII can count on payments in the amount of 3185.87 rubles.

4. Employees, rank-and-file officers and senior officials of internal affairs bodies, as well as employees of fire fighting services, penitentiary bodies who became disabled due to wounds, shell shock or other injuries sustained during the performance of their duties. The amount of payments is about 3088 rubles.

5. EDV for the military, who served in military units, organizations, military schools, which were not part of the army during the Second World War, as well as employees who were awarded medals of the Soviet Union, is about 927 rubles.

6. People who worked during the WWII in air defense, on the construction of defensive structures, at naval bases, airfields and other military facilities within the rear, on the front, in the areas of fleet operations, on front-line sections, on roads ( iron and automobile). Crew members of ships of transport fleets interned at the very beginning of the WWII in ports of other countries. They can count on EDV in the amount of 927 rubles.

A complete list of those categories of people who can count on monthly payments can be found in the territorial authority of the Pension Fund.

What documentation should be collected?

units in 2014

In order to get EDV, veterans, the disabled, the military, children with disabilities, etc. must submit an application. This can be done at any time after the right arose. In the event that you are a citizen of Russia, but there is no registration of a place of residence, you should file an application at your place of residence.

The following documents must be attached to the application for the provision of EDV for the military, minors, disabled people, veterans, etc.

  • passport;
  • insurance certificate issued by the Pension authority;
  • documents providing the right to benefits.

In some situations, it may be necessary for those documents that serve as identification and credentials of a legal representative. Adoptors, guardians, trustees act as such a category of persons. Documents that can confirm family relationships, as well as finding a disabled person dependent on it, may be required. A full list of required documents can also be found in the territorial authority of the Pension Fund.

Who is involved in the payments?

According to the Federal Law “On Monetization of Benefits”, the Pension Fund is responsible for the formation of monthly payments, as well as directly with the payments themselves. Delivery and payment is made on the same day on which a pension is issued to a disabled person. This is all done by the same organization. This usually happens at the post office of the place of residence.


to veterans of the fighting

In this review, we tried to highlight the main nuances that are characteristic of monthly cash payments. You can learn more about this procedure in the territorial service of the Pension Fund. We hope that this review helped you figure out what the monthly cash payments are.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26999/

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