Dolphinarium in Sudak - a sea of โ€‹โ€‹pleasure

In Crimea, there are many places where you can see the performance with the participation of marine life. For example, Alushta, Yevpatoriya, Golubitskaya, Sudak, Koktebel. Dolphinarium is liked by both children and adults. Funny animals do not leave anyone indifferent. In this article we will talk about the dolphinarium in Sudak.

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What is it

It opened on June 14, 2013. Dolphinarium in Sudak is the place where you can relax with the whole family. It is rightfully considered one of the best such entertainment venues on the Crimean peninsula, although it opened relatively recently. Not only dolphins, but also fur seals perform on its water arena. In the summer, the dolphinarium in Sudak is open daily with one day off on Mondays. Submissions come with success and collect full houses.

What a view

Dolphinarium in Sudak is called "Nemo", as well as the International network of cultural and recreational complexes, which it is part of. Experienced trainers work in it, who put complex and interesting tricks with animals. The program is so diverse and so professionally executed that it is considered one of the best in Europe. The main artists of the show are bottlenose dolphins. They are the most intelligent and trainable of all representatives of their family, the more so everyone knows that dolphins love people and are in good contact with them. Still, it is amazing how they understand the commands of their coach and execute them with all kinds of dexterity and artistry.

dolphinarium nemo pike perch

Close contact

For those who liked the marine life so much that they want to get in closer contact with them, swimming with dolphins is provided. Both children and adults can do this under the supervision of experienced trainers. From this pastime, only positive emotions remain. Kids are especially pleased, because communication with bottlenose dolphins not only brings them joy, but also has a beneficial effect on their health.

Therapeutic effect

Scientists have long been studying how communication and swimming with dolphins affects the well-being of a person. It has long been known that dolphins can even cure some diseases. There are even special programs developed by psychologists. Thanks to them, it is possible to treat delays in psychological and speech development, hyperactivity, behavior disorders, minimal brain activity. Dolphin therapy is useful for children with cerebral palsy, early childhood autism, Down syndrome. Dolphinarium "Nemo" (Sudak) is a place where specialists work who will find an individual approach to each child. The methods of communication with marine life and the duration of stay in the water are calculated based on the individual characteristics of the child and his diagnosis. But even healthy people swimming with these mammals will be very useful. Especially for those who suffer from insomnia, chronic fatigue, neurosis, unstable psycho-emotional, post-traumatic condition, stress.

pike perch crimea dolphinarium

As it will be

How is swimming with dolphins? First you need to put on a special wetsuit, which you will be given here at the dolphinarium, and they will select the right size. There are several options for this service. In the first case, a person dips into the water and clings to a bottlenose fin fin, which will ride it in a circle. In this case, the dolphinarium photographer takes an A4 photo and after a while gives it to the bather. The next service is more expensive, but there will be more pleasure, because a person will stay in the water and be able to chat with dolphins for several minutes (from 5 to 10). In the allotted time, dolphins will ride the visitor on their abdomen, substitute fins for which you can cling to and also make a circle around the pool. In addition, you can see closely how these mammals do complex tricks and dance on the trainer's command. Your relatives or friends will be able to capture these moments on a photo or camcorder for free. Children under 5 years old are given children's inflatable vests to ensure their safety on the water. The water temperature in the dolphinarium is +24 degrees. Swimming with bottlenose dolphins must be booked in advance.

pike perch koktebel dolphinarium

You wonโ€™t have to miss

In addition to entertainment and treatment, in the dolphinarium you can study the life of dolphins and other inhabitants of the sea, find out how they suffer because of environmental problems, what needs to be done to avoid this. People and adults learn to love animals, to be closer to them. Therefore, you must definitely visit the city of Sudak (Crimea). Dolphinarium "Nemo" is one of its most striking attractions. It is located at the intersection of Vinogradnaya and Lomonosov streets at the address: st. Communal, d.9A. The dolphinarium is beautifully decorated, the audience is hidden from the sun and other weather troubles by peculiar canopies, and the water surface itself is in the open. During the performance, dolphins dance, perform acrobatic stunts with balls, hoops, ride trainers who also keep up with their pets in physical training. The most unusual is that bottlenose dolphins can draw. And the picture, which is made by marine mammals, can go to the most successful visitor to the dolphinarium.


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