Isaac Asimov: Three Laws of Robotics

People of all generations are always worried about the question: "What future awaits us?" Most often, it is considered in the context of the fate of a particular person and his children. But there is a separate category of citizens who are concerned about the fate of civilization and the prospects for its further development.

Many minds are looking for the answer to this burning question! Scientists, historians, philosophers, writers, religious figures and even fans of quantum mechanics build their predictions and conjectures. A rather curious point of view was stated in his writings by Isaac Asimov, a great science fiction writer and popularizer of science.

three laws of robotics

Isaac Asimov - the most multifaceted science fiction of the 20th century

In one village of Smolensk on the outskirts of the RSFSR, the boy Isaac (real name of the writer) was born. Three years later, Isaac's Jewish family emigrated to America. Asimovs settled in one of the districts of New York, in Brighton Beach. Another name is “Little Odessa”, this area has traditionally been settled by emigrants from Russia.

From childhood, the boy spoke English and Yiddish. His worldview was formed by books, especially the works of Sholom Aleichem. The boy grew up obviously capable and inquisitive. Therefore, he easily graduated from Columbia University of New York with a degree in Chemistry. In 1942, Isaac moved to Philadelphia, where he had a fateful meeting with Robert Heinlein. Just after it, the three laws of robotics were invented by the writer.

azim three laws of robotics

Creative way

The writer, who came up with the three laws of robotics, is undoubtedly a unique person. Azimov is the author of more than five hundred books, and he wrote not only science fiction. In his arsenal of humorous, detective and even works in the genre of fantasy.

In addition to his bright writing talent, Asimov was a comprehensively developed person, not subject to religion. He knew history, psychology, chemistry and astronomy very well. Knowledge in various fields of science, coupled with good imagination, generated many interesting ideas. One of them is psychohistory, science, which to this day provides broad ground for thought. Azimov also popularized science among the common population: he explained complex things in plain language.

Traveling the Bible with Asimov

In addition to well-known science fiction books , we recommend reading the Bible Guide. The book is written fascinatingly, informatively and interestingly. After reading it in the head, the information systemized in abundance in the most read book of all times and peoples is systematized. Next, read about the three laws of robotics, which came up with the legendary American science fiction.

Prerequisites for the emergence of legendary laws

It cannot be said that for no reason, Asimov took and came up with three laws of robotics. A person is most affected by the era in which he lives; values ​​are formed by the family and society (the latter plays a decisive role).

Azimov’s youth passed during the rapid development of science and technology, among educated people with innovative thinking. These two factors laid down a definite worldview of the writer. It was he who contributed to his thoughts about our civilization, about the possibility of the existence of other life forms in the Universe and about robots that can become good helpers to people.

Only the man of the industrial era could come up with the three laws of robotics. And this, of course, is understandable. And Isaac Asimov became them (the three laws of robotics are presented in the next chapter). How they sound and what their essence is, more on this later.

Three laws of robotics: what is the point?

For the first time, legendary laws appear in Asimov’s cycle “On Robots”. Most interestingly they are presented in the fantastic story "Round dance".

came up with three laws of robotics

Having created complex assistant robots, a person imperceptibly for himself endows them with part of his intellect. It is quite probable a situation (repeatedly described in books and films) when thinking machines gain power over their creators. That is why laws are needed to limit robots.

How strict are the laws of robotics?

During his career, Azimov had different attitudes to invented laws. In the first stories of the series “On Robots,” Laws are more like safety rules or are the answer to the funny question: “How to behave with a robot?”

In later stories, Asimov believes that Laws are part of the mathematical structure of the robot’s positron brain. A parallel with human instincts suggests itself. It is at the call of his artificial nature that the robot acts for the benefit of man - it helps him with complex tasks and listens to his instructions.

science fiction writer three laws of robotics

Human interpretation

Azimov is primarily a science fiction writer. Strangely enough, the three laws of robotics fit the principles of many of the Earth's ethical systems. If you think about it, these three sentences contain the right universal human values.

The writer himself in the story "Uliki", published in 1946, gives their justification. Susan, the protagonist of the story, comes to three fundamental conclusions:

  • It’s normal for a normal person not to harm other people. Unless otherwise. For example, during a war, a person has to defend his life, and sometimes save other people.
  • Feeling responsible to society, a conscious person follows the recommendations of authoritative people - doctors, teachers, leaders.
  • Everyone takes care of the safety of their physical and mental health, which is also very important.

It is difficult to argue with the universal interpretation of the laws of Asimov. Obviously, one who follows these simple rules through life is a good person.

Isaac Asimov Three Laws of Robotics

Predictions of Isaac Asimov

Long and fascinating discussions can be held about the three laws of robotics. We’ll talk about Azimov’s predictions now. Yes, this unique person was engaged in futurology and quite successfully, as today shows. In 1964, in New York, a science fiction writer shared with the public his vision of the world after 50 years. So, the main predictions of Asimov:

  • Electronic devices will save people from routine tasks. Gadgets will appear that make coffee on their own and turn raw bread into toasts. It came true.
  • Technology will step forward. There will be an opportunity to see your interlocutor during a telephone conversation; You can also study serious documents directly on the screen of your gadget. It came true (Skype technology and video calls on smartphones).
  • Robots will enter the life of an ordinary person, and many electronic devices will work without wires, due to powerful batteries. It came true (more and more people use robotic vacuum cleaners; smartphones and tablets can work autonomously for a long time).
  • The world's population will be 6.5 billion people, the United States - 350 thousand. The powers that be will have to think about humane methods of birth control, otherwise the Earth will turn into a solid Manhattan. 2014 will be a turning point for human civilization. Partly came true (the Earth's population for 2014 was 7.046 billion, and the United States - 314 billion; 2014 turned out to be very interesting, it’s difficult to judge about the turning point; it will show time).
  • Mankind will become a serious problem. More and more people will begin to experience this mental illness. Therefore, in 2014, one of the most important medical areas will be psychiatry. It came true ... mood swings (scientific cyclotymia) for many people have long become the norm. However, many have learned to deal with this effectively.

writer invented the three laws of robotics

Isaac Asimov, the three laws of robotics and science fiction - this is a triad that provides an interesting look at the world of the future.


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