Touching quotes about love, about devotion. Life Quotes

There are few people in the world who correctly interpret the word “love”. But even those who confuse tender feelings with fleeting enthusiasm often say words of love to their chosen ones. What does it mean to love your neighbor? First of all, this is the ability to accept it with all the advantages and disadvantages. It also includes the ability to be faithful, faithful. You can learn about all this from the most moving sayings that are in the treasury of world wisdom. They allow you to understand what is the essence of the most tender feelings.

true love

Ability to give

The following touching quote by Swami Vivekananda recalls what a true feeling of love is:

Love never asks, it always gives.

The presence of trembling feelings allows an individual to help his partner grow both spiritually and in terms of health. A loving person will never demand from his partner to live by his rules. On the contrary, such a person will contribute to his beloved in all his endeavors. Even if we are talking, for example, about a situation when he decided to tie up with alcohol or quit smoking. Also, if his chosen one decided to go on a diet or switch to proper fractional nutrition, then a loving person will never offer her to go to a cafe, have dinner with a cake or order pizza.

The words of the Prophet Muhammad

Surprisingly, the following life quote, so relevant today, is taken from the Qur'an. She was pronounced by the Prophet Muhammad:

No love is higher than respect.

And these ancient words will be relevant in our time. To love is to respect and not try to fool your partner. A loving person will never deny or manipulate his partner.

You can consider a specific example illustrating this phrase. Imagine the situation that a girl found a guy for how he flirted with a waitress. A young man who loves her will not deny this or say what she thought. In this situation, he will simply sincerely apologize.

Love and selfishness

Aurelius Augustine, in his life quote, spoke of how correlated love and selfishness are:

Love for one's neighbor is limited by how much each person loves himself.

Egoism and altruism, in the words of Aurelius Augustine, are inversely related. If a person is attentive to the object of his adoration, he or she will be able to compromise their interests. For example, to yield in quarrels, to seek a way out of this situation.

couple at sunset

Words of Mother Teresa

And this touching quote belongs to Mother Teresa:

Love cannot be an end in itself, otherwise it loses all meaning.

These words call for the manifestation of altruism. A caring person is inclined to think not only about himself, but also about his neighbor. He will always be sympathetic and show signs when a partner needs it. As a rule, such natures always take the opinion of their partner before deciding on any issue. This shows indifference in relation to a loved one and his point of view.

If for a person love is an end in itself, and he revels in his feelings - there is no higher goal in them.

quotes about love

The complicated art of love

This touching quote belongs to Shell Silverstein:

How much trouble in the old door? Depends on how loud you shut it. How many slices are in the bread? Depends on how thinly you cut it. How much good per day? Depends on how well you live. And how much love is inside your soulmate? Depends on how much you give it away.

The good that one person gives to another determines the depth of his feelings. Often, people call love something that has nothing to do with it. Determining the truth here is simple: this touching quotation from Silverstein very well helps. If the other person receives only the good from his lover, these feelings can be called love.

If the relationship is filled with quarrels, suspicions, accusations and demands - there can be no talk of any true love. One who loves is able to fully trust and not control his loved one. A loving person, as a rule, trusts his partner in everything, does not start looking for a dirty trick from scratch. He will not check his cell phone every two minutes in the absence of its owner. To love is to respect, not to humiliate, and not to offend. The one who has tender feelings values ​​his beloved. He always gives him only good emotions.

Trust and comfort

The following touching quote about love sheds light on how loving and loved people should feel:

When someone truly loves you, a feeling of security and comfort is born through communication with him.

Such relationships are possible only if they trust each other. To truly love is to be open to one's neighbor and not to try to deceive or not to negotiate anything. A loving person will not shirk truthful answers to questions posed, he will be ashamed to lie. If there is complete frankness in the relationship, then such relationships are built on absolute trust.

clouds in the form of hearts

Freedom and love

A beautiful saying belongs to the enlightened Indian master Osho:

If you can have both freedom and love, you don't need anything else. You have everything - that for which life is given.

Allowing a partner to have a personal space is the most important of the qualities. It must be remembered that everyone has the right to personal freedom. To the extent possible, a loving person will allow his partner to be at a distance from himself. In addition, a loving person will never forbid his chosen one to spend time with friends.

After all, if a person has freedom, but does not have emotional attachment, such an existence cannot be called full-fledged. At the same time, having a relationship without freedom is also not acceptable. Osho's aphorism speaks of the importance of balance.

About devotion

Quotes about devotion will be interesting to many . They talk about the importance of loyalty in relationships:

  • "Devotion is a virtue inherent in those who are about to be betrayed." A. Beers.
  • "Devotion is in most cases a trick of pride, the purpose of which is to gain trust; it is a way to rise above other people and penetrate the most important secrets." F. Laroshfuko.
  • "The dog is so faithful that you don’t even believe that a person deserves such love." Ilya Ilf.
  • "Not appreciating devotion risks being betrayed." Ilya Shevelev.

About understanding

These words belong to the Indian poet and writer Rabindranath Tagore:

When hearts are full of love and beat only from meeting to separation, a slight hint is enough to understand each other.

To truly love is to be able to listen and hear. The one who has tender feelings is always ready to listen and support the object of his adoration. Even when the problem does not seem at all difficult. Also in true love, such a moment as mutual interest is important. Without it, understanding is hardly possible. Who loves, shows interest in the hobbies and activities of his partner. Even if a person is not interested in any specific hobby of a lover, then in any case, you need to ask how he is doing.

Love is comparable to a beautiful garden

A touching quote comparing thoughts of love with a charming garden belongs to Alfred Tennyson:

If I had a flower every time I think of you, then I could walk the rest of my life in a beautiful garden.

For a loving person, even the thought of an object of adoration is comparable to a beautiful flower. One who has tender feelings will never be cruel to an object. Therefore, if something similar is present in the relationship, it is worth considering - are these feelings love? Maybe they have much more desire for power, selfishness, rather than true attachment?

Touching quotes (wading to tears)

These statements will appeal to those for whom love has turned into pain. They help to talk about their feelings on a social network. Or you can just try to calm yourself with these words - after all, the presence of such aphorisms and statements suggests that everyone is not alone in their experiences:

  • "The diamonds of tears crumbled by chance, and mixed with warm rainwater. You did not say a word to me goodbye, my closest, most beloved mine." Natasha Koroleva.

  • "Suffering is the tears that wash our souls." Tatyana Egorovna Solovova.

  • "Goodbye, my love. Goodbye, my star. But with my heart I’m probably with you forever, and a tear will fall from heaven." Oleg Miami.

  • "I have to let her go. She will not be back. The distance is too great. I cannot climb the mountains that have grown between us." Charles Martin from the movie "Between Us Mountains."

sadness in love

Sayings about mother

A lot of aphorisms are associated with the highest kind of love - the mother to the child. The following touching quotes about mom will appeal to every child, be he 15 years old or 45:

  • "Maternal hands are the embodiment of tenderness." Victor Hugo.

  • "The mother’s heart sees farthest and smells better than anyone else’s heart." Arkady Perventsev.

  • "The mother’s heart is the universal abyss of love, care and forgiveness." Leonid Sukhorukov.

  • "Not a single man, not even the best, can understand what maternal experiences are." Oleg Roy.

old mother

When reading touching words, it is important not to go headlong into sadness. Some people prone to depression sometimes make this mistake. But, despite the importance of love, you need to pay attention to other aspects of life. After all, no matter how things were in relations with loved ones or parents, life still continues. Of course, it is important to improve and maintain them. But if something unpleasant happened today in your personal life - tomorrow will allow you to fix it, or enjoy a new love.


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