Kurgan: attractions, their description and photos

In the western part of the Ishim Plain , the administrative center of one of the many regions of the Trans-Urals is located. Since its founding in 1679, the Kurgan has become the largest city in terms of economic, industrial and cultural development.

Historical data

It is known from history textbooks that starting from the 17th century, Russia expanded due to the land rich in natural resources located beyond the Ural Range. Initially, these were small Cossack detachments, which pressed the army of the khan deep into Siberia. And today, thousands of tourists want to get to the mound. Sights of the city will not leave anyone indifferent.

Colonization did not pass by the territory of the present Kurgan region, which was once inhabited by the Bashkirs, Kalmyks, and Kazakhs. The first Russian settlement was built near the Tsarev burial mound, near which the Tobol River flows. The place for Tsarev settlement was not just chosen, it was a strategically important point. From time to time, the settlement was destroyed as a result of raids by local Kazakhs. However, the village was restored every time by its inhabitants.

Tsarev Kurgan was a really huge embankment. In the 60s of the XX century, local authorities considered it unnecessary to continue. Thus, the historical name remains of the giant mound. At the same time, it was decided to preserve other attractions for posterity.

Almost 100 years after its foundation, in 1782, the settlement acquired the status of a city, which consisted of the Old and New Towns. The first of them was inside the second. The old city is represented by the Kremlin, whose gates are quite reliable, since they were double. In the New Town, in addition to residential buildings, there were warehouses with military property, military barracks, a cellar with gunpowder. Outside, 8 very powerful bastions defended, beyond which a wide ditch was dug around the city.

In the cardinal reconstruction of the Kurgan, the merit of Governor General Kashkin is great. According to them, the developed master plan, at the end of the XVIII century, it was supposed to divide the city into quarters, and they consisted of streets. The Tobol River, more precisely the direction of its course, served as a reference point for buildings. Rich citizens could afford to build houses of stone, the rest of the inhabitants settled in wooden buildings. The industry of that time was represented by three forges, one soap maker and two tanneries. For church services, one parish is organized.

It took another hundred years for the city to become a shopping center where you could buy bread, butter, lard and meat. Industry mainly existed from raw materials supplied by agricultural producers. So the city of Kurgan developed. The sights of the village should be seen by everyone who is in this area.

The Trans-Siberian Railway project served as a significant impetus to the development of the city, a new life began. This period was marked in the history of the city by the construction of more than sixty factories and plants, a new direction in gardening appeared - the cultivation of tobacco. The Kurgan was developing rapidly. The sights of the city will be interesting to everyone who loves museums and monuments.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the first plant in Russia to produce water turbines was launched. Literally from the first days of the Great Patriotic War, according to the historical order of the country's leadership, in Kurgan, as well as in many other cities of the Trans-Urals, enterprises were transported from the western regions and quickly put into operation. This circumstance contributed to the establishment of the Kurgan as a huge industrial center with developed medical and educational institutions.

Decembrists houses

The city has many museums, among them there are unique nationwide. Such, for example, include objects related to the Decembrists.

barrow sights

In one of these houses in 1845-1846. lived with his family (wife and two children), the Decembrist poet V.K. Kyukhelbeker, a former friend, lyceum student of Pushkin. The house of the famous Decembrist managed to restore the situation of that time. Be sure to visit these sights of the Mound. Photos of the exhibition will not convey the whole atmosphere, these exhibits must be seen with your own eyes.

In 1975, in the house where the family of the Decembrist M.M. Naryshkin lived in the 30s of the XIX century, a museum was created, which is considered to be a branch of the regional regional studies. After all the inside rooms (libraries, living room, dining room and master room) were completely restored, the house acquired an almost original appearance. For the manufacture of furniture, craftsmen used Karelian birch and mahogany. Among other items - a lot of bronze ware, dishes made of silver and porcelain.

Museum of Aviation

The Museum of Aviation Engineering is located on Gagarin Street, and has been operating since 1985. It is considered unique and unique throughout the Urals and Siberia. On its vast territory, covered with asphalt, an area of ​​5.5 thousand square meters. m, there are various types of aircraft. They are represented by the military - “Instant” and “Dryers” - and the passenger - Ilyushin and Antonov.

For the sake of this powerful complex, it is worth visiting the Kurgan. Sights of this scale should be seen by all residents of Russia.

Kurgan city sights

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

The decision to build the temple was made in the winter of 1895. The bulk of the money was donated by an honorary citizen, the merchant D. I. Smolin. Other merchants and parishioners also contributed their part. As a result, the temple of Prince Alexander Nevsky was built and consecrated on June 22, 1902 with the collected folk money.

In fact, it functioned until 1929. Then, over the years, a museum was organized here, converted into a gym, faculty of mechanization of the Higher Party School, a clothing depot, and a planetarium. Only during the perestroika period, it was decided to use it for its intended purpose - the religious building was returned to the Orthodox community. Since the summer of 1989, the building began to be restored and restored. In 1993, the church of Alexander Nevsky became a cathedral.

sights of the mound photo

Fire Tower

The historical building has been standing since 1882, and for residents of the Kurgan it is more than an ordinary cultural monument, symbolizes the fire department. Moreover, the Gosh mannequin installed on its roof, on which artificial respiration was practiced at one time, is now called upon to protect from fires.

Such interesting sights of Kurgan await every tourist. Named photos are often used for local calendars.

Monuments in the city of Kurgan

The monument to the famous hero of the beloved Soviet film “The White Sun of the Desert” is installed where he is supposed to stand, - opposite the customs building. Immortalized in granite, Pavel Vereshchagin has been here since 2007 thanks to the efforts of customs officers who did not spare his personal savings for him. The popular Russian customs officer Vereshchagin constantly reminds his colleagues that they should be decent and not give in to the temptation to take bribes.

Mamaev Kurgan Attractions

Zero kilometer is a kind of analogue of those monuments that are installed in some Russian settlements and around the world. The postman cast in bronze at full height stands on the zero kilometer of roads near the main post office. Its opening is timed to the historical date - the 333th anniversary of the founding of the city of Kurgan.

Puppet Theater "Gulliver"

The creation of the Kurgan Puppet Theater was conceived during the Great Patriotic War, in late summer 1943. However, the theater troupe for a long time did not have a building, the performances were away. In 1948, the puppeteers were sheltered by the regional philharmonic society.

And the year 1949 was marked in the life of the theater troupe by the premiere of the play “The Scarlet Flower”, which took place on its own stage of the puppet theater. For the entire period of creative activity, the troupe is recognized as one of the best not only in Russia, but also in France.

Volgograd Attractions Mamaev Kurgan

The Puppet Theater "Gulliver" was honored to be called a landmark of the Mound, for the reason that it is one of the first such cultural institutions. Everyone who is in Siberia should look at the Kurgan. Sights of the city will appeal to everyone who loves old buildings and interesting monuments.

Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd

In Russia, there is another place called the mound. On the right bank of the Volga River in the Central region of the city of Volgograd, Mamaev Kurgan is located. Sights of this scale are revered by all the inhabitants of our large country. It was here that fierce battles took place during the Battle of Stalingrad.

barrow sights

For the sake of this place, many seek to visit Volgograd. Sights - Mamaev Kurgan, Motherland is calling - of a military nature. On the territory there are burial places of soldiers who fought for the country and were killed in these fierce battles.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E27015/

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