Covering material for beds: types, characteristics, application

To reduce the negative impact of weather factors on crop yields, it is customary to use covering material today. This technology has allowed the cultivation of thermophilic plants in regions with adverse climates. In the north and in the middle lane this approach is used to protect plants from low temperatures, while in the south this method allows you to protect adult plants and crops from winds, birds, insects and diseases.

The need to use material

spunbond cover material

The success of growers and gardeners should not depend on natural factors and weather whims. Modern technologies for growing crops involve the use of covering material to achieve different goals. The use of some agricultural techniques allows you to:

  • reduce the ripening time of some crops;
  • increase productivity;
  • achieve an early harvest;
  • reduce the cost of processing beds;
  • protect plants from harmful insects, birds and frosts;
  • ensure the normal development of crops in those conditions when plants cannot absorb moisture (this applies to physiological drought from 0 ° C to +8 ° C - the use of covering material can reduce the loss of moisture from the soil during the dry period).

Application: basic methods

spanbond black

In order for the plants to develop normally, they must receive moisture, heat and light. Cultures have certain biological characteristics and requirements for agricultural technology. If you use cover material for beds, you can protect the soil or plants. In the latter case, the bed is hidden completely. For this, the material is pulled over arcs, frames or supports.

You can cover the bed without using a frame, in this case the edges of the material are sprinkled with soil. If the goal is to protect the earth, then mulching should be used. To do this, the bed is covered, and plants are planted in a covering material (holes should be made in advance in it).

The layer will act as a mulch and can protect the soil from drying out and overheating, but weeds will not spread. Covering material for beds can be applied in different seasons, for example:

  • at the beginning of the growing season;
  • in the summer;
  • in the fall;
  • at the onset of winter.

In the first case, young plants can be hidden from low temperatures. In this case, heat-loving cultures do not die and develop in favorable conditions. When the material is laid in the summer, the bed does not overheat, the plants are protected from rain, pests, wind and hail. This approach increases the efficiency of agricultural practices by the type of top dressing, watering and loosening the soil.

Covering material for beds can be used in the fall. This allows you to achieve a good harvest of repairing varieties of berries, as well as short daylight crops. This allows you to get a good harvest of radishes, green crops and lettuce. At the onset of winter, covering material for beds can also be used. This approach is relevant for perennials that need additional protection. Some varieties of strawberries take shelter before the onset of cold weather, as well as perennial garlic and onions. To do this, you can use materials that were previously used, which increases their profitability.

Main types

strawberry cover material

To date, several types of described materials are known that are classified into large groups, namely:

  • non-woven materials;
  • polyethylene covering materials.

The structure can have black or white color, and canvases can be divided taking into account the density. They are:

  • light
  • dense;
  • medium.

The former and the latter are white, while dense materials are black or white.

Characteristics of a plastic film, its advantages and disadvantages

greenhouse cover material

Covering material for greenhouses can be represented by a plastic film, which until recently was the most common. It was usually used to shelter plants. The film is on sale in the form of rolls and sleeves, the thickness of which varies from 0.03 to 0.4 mm.

Among the main advantages should be highlighted:

  • light transmittance;
  • ability to protect plants from rain and frost.

Such a film is absorbed by more modern materials for many reasons. It is demanding for supports when installed on beds, does not provide the possibility of penetration of moisture or air. Labor costs with the use of such a film increase, because plants need ventilation and regular watering.

Condensation accumulates on the surface of the film, which impairs air exchange and causes the development of various diseases in plants. After precipitation, water accumulates on the outer surface, which leads to sagging of the shelter.

Covering material for greenhouses in the form of a plastic film can withstand only one season. If you want to purchase a more reliable option, then you should prefer a reinforced film, which is a more durable, but less plastic option. On the market today you can find films that are able to convert the radiation of the sun into the light spectrum. It activates photosynthesis in plants, promotes their growth, and also increases resistance to negative factors.

Characteristics of nonwovens

non-woven cover material

Non-woven covering material has replaced polyethylene, which is not characterized by high strength. Externally, such canvases resemble a film, but the properties when compared with polyethylene are different. Fabrics are made of polypropylene fibers by gluing at high temperatures. It is based on stabilized propylene. This raw material is environmentally friendly and belongs to the group of polymers.

Among the advantages of this type of covering material for beds can be distinguished:

  • ease;
  • softness;
  • the possibility of frameless shelter of plants;
  • resistance to sun;
  • the possibility of using in greenhouses and greenhouses as a second shelter;
  • harmlessness;
  • ease of use;
  • tear resistance.

Among the shortcomings of agrofibre, it should be noted that it is not a panacea for all the troubles of vegetable growers and gardeners. Success will depend on:

  • selected technique;
  • selection of varieties;
  • bed slope directions;
  • degree of soil warming;
  • the right choice of density.

If you are deciding how to choose cover material for beds, you should consider whether you are ready to take the material every morning when growing pollinated plants. At night, the beds are closed again, parthenocarpic hybrids of cucumber act as an exception. Nonwovens can be damaged by birds and stray dogs.

Varieties of Nonwovens

covering material for beds how to choose

To date, several varieties of non-woven materials are known. They are represented by several companies, for example:

  • Spanbond
  • "Agrospan";
  • Aagrotex.

Each manufacturer canvases can have a different density. In agrofibre it is low and reaches 17 g / m 2 . The canvases are white and suitable for sheltering beds from late and early frosts. The frame does not need material. If you prefer fiber with an average density of 42 g / m 2 , then you can use it in frame tunnels, greenhouses and greenhouses.

Dense white material (60 g / m2) is used at any time of the year. They can cover berries, shrubs and winter crops.

Choosing a cover material for strawberries, you can pay attention to the black non-woven fabric, which eliminates the germination of weeds between the rows. The use of the canvas helps to increase the heating of the soil. Such a mulch is laid out between rows or spreads over the entire garden.

Description of two-tone material


Having familiarized yourself with the assortment of the modern market, you can find a two-color non-woven material, which is agrofiber, superior in functionality to black materials. It combines thin layers of white and black. Installation is carried out on the soil with the black side, while white is on the surface. It eliminates soil overheating by reflecting light.


Black "Spanbond" is made using a melt stabilizer, which is added to the composition of agrofibre and ensures long-term use of polymer material. In gardening, it is customary to use canvases, the density of which varies from 17 to 80 g / m 2 . The exact choice depends on the goals pursued.

Spanbond can be used in open or sheltered ground. It has good breathability, has a homogeneous structure and differs in light transmission. The material is characterized by high thermal insulation properties, low specific gravity and high strength.

Black "Spanbond" is resistant to external factors and does not change its properties at temperatures up to +100 ° C. The minimum value is -55 ° C. Putrefactive bacteria to the canvases are not terrible, as is mold. The material is inert to chemical compounds, so pesticide treatment will not affect the condition and quality.

Additional benefits

For plants, Spanbond is non-toxic, so it will not negatively affect the future crop. Use such covering material for beds from weeds is possible at any time of the year. In the spring, it is laid to accelerate the heating of the soil and the possibility of conducting earlier crops. Cloths protect the emerged seedlings from night temperatures and return frosts.

If you get a white "Spanbond", then for beds, greenhouses and hotbeds it is better to use a density of 42 and 60 g / m 2 . This will ensure an optimal level of illumination, reliable protection and eliminate the accumulation of condensate.

Type Assignment

Spanbond covering material is offered for sale in several forms. If it has a white color and a density of 18 g / m 2 , it is intended to shelter plantings and crops, as well as weather protection. With an increase in the density of white material to 30 g / m 2 it can be used to protect against summer hail and spring frosts.


If you want to keep the crop in the beds, it is better to use covering material. It will not only protect the plants, but also allow the soil not to overheat. The soil will no longer lose excessive moisture.

Before you purchase the Spanbond covering material, you should ask about its density and purpose. If the first of the mentioned parameters is 60 g / m 2 , then you can use a white canvas for greenhouses and greenhouses located in areas with an unfavorable climate.


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