Kinesiological exercises for preschoolers. Kinesiology exercises for children

The formation and development of the nervous system and brain begins long before the birth of the baby and does not end immediately after graduation. The active phase of development occurs in the first years of life, when the child learns the world, he has speech and improves the synchronous operation of two cerebral hemispheres. All parents would like to see their little one attentive, with good memory, logic, and quick wit. There is a separate science that is dedicated to the development and improvement of the functioning of mental processes - this is kinesiology.

kinesiology exercises

What does kinesiology do?

We all know that any actions of the hands or feet first impulses pass through the brain. This is confirmed by the well-known Pavlov reflex arc . It is this connection between the brain and actions that the creators of the science of kinesiology took as a basis. They argue that both hemispheres of the brain can effectively develop through special actions - kinesiological exercises. After their lengthy implementation, the result will please any parent, both a preschooler and a child attending school. Their main benefit is that the corpus callosum of the child’s brain develops, stress resistance increases, fatigue decreases, and the work of mental processes improves.

Exercise classification of this science

kinesiology exercises for preschoolers

Kinesiological exercises for preschoolers are simple, children can easily perform them. What are the types of developmental actions, what are they aimed at?

  1. At the beginning of the lesson, you need to configure the child to work, so stretch marks are used. They consist in the fact that children perform tasks for maximum tension and muscle relaxation.
  2. When the child is in good shape and tries to perform all the actions that he will be told, breathing kinesiology exercises are used. They contribute to the development of self-control in children, as well as the emergence of a sense of rhythm.
  3. Work to improve brain function continues with oculomotor action. They help to remove muscle clamps in children , and also contribute to better interaction between the two hemispheres.
  4. After active development, you should relax; for this, exercises leading to relaxation are used. Muscle tension is relieved and the child relaxes.

The benefits of orderly breathing for children's brains

kinesiological exercises for students

Breathing is important not only in terms of physiology. In addition to providing oxygen to every cell in the child’s body, it also helps develop voluntary action and self-control in the child. Respiratory kinesiological exercises for students are not difficult, but very useful.

"Blow out the candle"

The child imagines that there are 5 candles in front of him. He needs to blow out one candle first with a large stream of air, then distribute the same volume of air into 5 equal parts to blow out everything.

Head shake

Starting position: while sitting or standing, straighten your shoulders, lower your head forward and close your eyes. Then the child begins to shake his head in different directions and breathe deeply as soon as he can.

"Nose breathing"

The exercise is that children breathe only one nostril. It is important to position the fingers correctly: the right nostril closes with the right thumb, the left - with the little finger of the left hand. The remaining fingers are always pointing up. It is important to breathe deeply and leisurely.


Children standing take a deep breath, cover their nose with their fingers and squat. In this position, they mentally count to 5, then get up and release air. The exercise resembles the actions of a diving swimmer.

Eye and body movement in kinesiology

A child with the help of this set of exercises can expand the field of vision, improve the process of thinking, remembering and speech development. Kinesiological exercises for children in general contribute to the activation of learning, and synchronized eye and tongue movements occupy not the least place in this.

kinesiological exercises for children

"Eyes and tongue"

Children take a deep breath, raising their eyes, at this time the tongue also rises. Then exhale, returning to its original position. The same thing during inspiration is done with the tongue and eyes in all directions, including diagonals.

This exercise can first be facilitated by applying only eye movements, then adding breath.


You need to take a pen or pencil in your right hand and draw a horizontal figure eight on a piece of paper. Do the same with your left hand. After that, try to draw a drawing with both hands at once.


Against the background of rhythmic music, perform the following steps: walk in place with the accompaniment of each step with a wave of your hand. For example, when a step is made by the left leg, the left arm also waves, with the right one in the same way.

"Hand work"

Not all kinesiological exercises for preschoolers are easy. Children cannot complete some tasks, therefore work with hands comes to the aid of educators, speech therapists and psychologists. In addition, such actions develop fine motor skills of the hands, which means that more nerve connections are formed between different parts of the brain.

The exercise is that the child should put his fist on the table, then put his palm with his edge, then put his palm on the surface. The task is fulfilled by hands alternately, then simultaneously.


The palms on the table perform movements: the right one lies (palm down), the left one is clenched into a fist, then vice versa. With each change in the position of the hands, the tongue moves to the right, to the left.

Tone and relaxation

In order for the children to tune in to work and then after it rest both emotionally and physically, there are special exercises.

Normalization of tone: "Apples in the garden"

The child imagines that he is in the garden and is trying to pick a beautiful apple. To do this, he stretches out his arms as much as possible when he "tears" the apple, takes a sharp breath and, bending down to the floor, puts the apple in the basket. Use hands in turn, then together.

Kinesiological exercises for relaxation: "Cams"

Bend your thumbs inside your palms, clench your fist. When the child takes a breath, the fists should be gradually squeezed to the maximum. When exhaling, gradually open the palm (up to 10 times).

"Ice and Fire"

The host commands: “Fire!”, The children actively perform various movements. During the command "Ice!", The child freezes, greatly straining all his muscles. Repeat up to 8 times.

The benefits of kinesiology exercises

kinesiology exercises in speech therapy

The benefits these exercises bring are tremendous. The child not only becomes smart, active, energetic and self-controlling, his speech and finger coordination improves. Kinesiological exercises are widely used in speech therapy, psychology, defectology, neuropsychology, pediatrics, and pedagogy. Such tasks not only develop neural connections, but also amuse children, giving them pleasure.


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