How to choose a donut filling machine. Donut Making Machine Reviews

Donuts today can be safely called cult food. There are decorations in the form of donuts, interior items in the form of donuts, clothes decorated with a print depicting donuts.

donut machine
Even Iron Man is a fan of donuts! If you want, you can make good money on such popularity by first selecting the right equipment.


First, a little hardware. Donuts are dough products (yeast or baking powder), fried in large quantities of oil. The most popular species are donuts (in the form of a ring) and Berliners (round solid). Further, their commercial variation: dough products coated with glaze, decorated with toppings and stuffed with all kinds of mixtures, have a great taste and attractive appearance. Donuts also existed in the Union, but then they were really just fried pieces of dough, maybe a little sprinkled with powdered sugar on top.

donut making machine
Yes, delicious, nostalgia, and so on, but the current sophisticated consumer needs a spectacular look and variety (with powdered sugar and without powdered sugar - this is not variety). It’s advantageous to cook donuts really with fillings, since any, even the most successful dough, is boring, while the internal content can vary the taste quite well.

How to cook

The principle for making donuts on an industrial scale is as follows:

  • kneading dough according to the routing;
  • molding products (used apparatus for the production of donuts);
  • roasting products (in the same apparatus);
  • rid of finished donuts from excess fat;
  • filling;
  • glaze coating.

Below we will tell you exactly what equipment will be needed for this.

The list of equipment for donuts with filling

So, the technique. Let us consider in detail each item prescribed above:

  • Kneading dough. In order for the finished products to turn out to be lush, with a large number of pores, which will become the place for the filling, the dough should be sufficiently liquid (thickly drain from a spoon). For this purpose, both dough mixers and mixers are suitable. Yes, in the latter it is not recommended to knead the dough on an ongoing basis, but the donut is liquid enough not to spoil this “preliminary” donut machine.
  • Forming products. It all depends on the recipe, but in most cases the apparatus for the production of donuts handles, since it includes a dispenser (mechanical or automatic). If the dough is steep enough, then the molding should occur separately using a dough sheeter and a press.
  • Roasting of products occurs directly in the apparatus for the production of donuts. This piece of equipment is a deep fryer, where the volume is distributed as follows - a shallow depth and an impressive area of ​​the base. Thanks to this, the donuts are fried in one layer, which provides them with a uniform golden crust.
  • Ridding finished donuts of excess fat. To do this, from the donut machine, the products are moved to a grid with a pallet.
  • Filling.
    stuffed donut machine
    For this, special devices are used, which are an analogue of a confectionery syringe, with only a large number of dispensers. This measure allows you to evenly start donuts.
  • Glaze coating. Depending on the scale of production, this can be done manually or use special glazing machines.

Donut machine from Russia

Most of the entrepreneurs whose activities are related to the production of donuts are patriots, since they use equipment from Russia. There are two firms on an ongoing basis that provide the necessary positions:

  • Athesi. A well-known brand that provides its customers with a variety of thermal and neutral industrial equipment. The assortment also includes a donut baking machine - the Gulf Stream. The only thing is that this machine is semi-automatic, that is, you will have to manually harvest the blanks under the donuts. It is a symbiosis of a deep fat fryer and a bunker for manual dough. Those who worked with this equipment note that it is good at producing small amounts of donuts with filling. They also complained that the employee should always be at the apparatus for jigging dough and turning over donuts during the roasting process. But the price is attractive - 27,000 rubles on average.
  • Sikom. This company is dedicated to fast food equipment. The production of automatic donut machines has been put on a grand scale - the technologist’s job is only to monitor the level of test in the hopper. He does everything himself - and sits, and turns over when frying, and removes finished products from boiling oil. Owners praise the donut machine from the Sikom brand - yes, the models could be better in some way, but they perform their task well, and a set of plungers for choosing the diameter of the finished products allows you to adjust the filling consumption. The average price in the Russian Federation is 130,000 rubles.

Donut Machine from USA

Indeed, where else to look for equipment for donuts, if not in the country that has spread them around the world? One of the most well-known brands providing their customers with professional donut making equipment is Belshsaw. In the territory of the Russian Federation, the Donut Robot Mark 2 model is most popular. Yes, you will have to pay about 750,000 rubles for it, but this is an excellent example of profitable investments. The equipment is characterized by flawless assembly and includes the following elements:

  • regulator of the duration of the roasting cycle, which depends on the density of the dough;
  • Temperature regulator;
  • fully automated deposit hopper;
  • thermostat;
  • toggle switch, adjusting the jigging speed.
    donut maker

And yes, this is a donut filling machine, since the nozzles provide an output product with a diameter of 10-11 cm. In an hour, the apparatus is capable of preparing up to 600 donuts.

The equipment of the Belshaw brand is mainly used by those who have already put the production of products on a grand scale, since few are able to invest in such a large-scale device. All instances of donuts do not differ from each other in size and appearance, have a uniform rosy roast. According to the owners and technologists, depending on the test formulation, you will have to start several test cycles, choosing the time and temperature of the frying, but these inconveniences are short-lived. Thus, this donut machine (reviews will confirm) is an excellent option for those who are planning a stable and long-term business building.

Diet donuts

There are also baking machines, not donuts. They are ordinary ovens like tartlets. Donuts are more dense and uniform than those that are deep-fried. Yes, they have less oil and are less harmful, but they are more difficult to fill with filling, as there are fewer pores in baked dough.

donut machine reviews
Nevertheless, this can be achieved using a manual dispenser with 6 tips for filling - thanks to this, the mass will be distributed more evenly in the donut cavity. A donut machine with a filling that bakes, but does not fry, is most popular among children's pastry shops, since such products are less harmful.


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