How to plant potatoes, every summer clerk should know!

Admittedly, the second bread for Russians, which has firmly and permanently entered everyday life, is potatoes. This is the main crop that is grown in summer cottages. Despite the fact that in the process a variety of tools are used for giving and gardening, which can often be seen in the hands of even unprofessional gardeners, not everyone knows how to plant potatoes correctly.

Basic rules for a successful landing

how to plant potatoes
Potatoes, the seeds of which are used for planting, are harvested at the time of harvest, in the fall. It is better to take the material from those bushes that gave a rich harvest. You need to choose tubers without spots and problem areas, about 4-5 cm in size. However, you can take potatoes for planting and large sizes, then the crop will ripen earlier and will be richer. Some gardeners plant potato chopped or just sprouted seed eyes. Interestingly, after short-term drying in the sun and dusting the cut with ash, there is a high probability of obtaining a good crop. It is imperative that the weather is warm and humid during such a landing. If it is rainy and cold, then the planting material is likely to decay and will not germinate. It is best to plant the seeds in the place where cabbage, broccoli, spinach, cucumbers or lettuce previously grew.

Proper preparation

Before planting potatoes correctly, that is, in mid-March, tubers need to be removed from the storehouse and laid for germination. They must be washed in a solution of potassium permanganate, and then put in boxes in one layer and kept at a constant temperature of + 20-22 degrees, protecting from direct sunlight. After 2-3 weeks, the boxes can be moved to a cooler room, where the temperature ranges from +10 to 14 degrees. In this case, the tubers need to be regularly turned over and moistened, sprayed every other day with ash and mineral fertilizer solutions (alternate).

potato seeds

What to do if the earth has not yet had time to warm up

This situation is not uncommon, because late spring does not give real opportunities for gardeners to prepare the soil. How to plant potatoes in such conditions? At the dacha, you need to put the seeds in pre-prepared grooves and fill them with a good layer of sawdust or high-quality humus, or simply ground. For safety, the entire structure can be covered with a film. Then the tubers will be able to calmly lie for another 1-2 weeks, and after 7-8 days after they land on a permanent place, friendly first shoots will certainly appear.

How to achieve a rich harvest?

potato planting and care
A common mistake of gardeners is to plant potatoes in one place for many years in a row, but changing it is so important! There should be sand in the soil, then the vegetable will grow better. How to plant potatoes in the beds, and when? As soon as the leaves on the birch begin to bloom and the soil warms up to +9 degrees, the seeds are lowered to a depth of 10 cm. The beds should be located in the direction from north to south, and you need to plant in accordance with the planting pattern 80 x 35. The larger the seed, the larger less likely to be a landing. Potatoes, planting and care of which will be successful, if you pay due attention to every moment of growth, you will surely please you with a good harvest. It needs to be spudded twice during the summer (5-7 days after planting and when the seedlings bloom). On hot summer days you need to water the potatoes 2-3 times a day.


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