"Pronatur" - cat food: customer and veterinarian reviews, specifications

Today, many pet lovers are adherents of feeding cats with factory ready-made mixtures. Indeed, when using such a product, a fluffy pet receives all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for its body.

Of course, you need to choose such cat food. Veterinarians are not advised to feed a pet with cheap products of this variety. Such "pillows" instead of benefit can only harm the animal. If the owners of the cat decided to transfer it to ready-made formulations, only quality products from trusted manufacturers should be bought for it. You can choose, for example, on the "pillows" of the brand "Pronature". Reviews for cat food from this manufacturer earned good from both pet lovers and veterinarians. These pads contain only natural ingredients that are beneficial for the cat's body.

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Cat food “Pronatur”: positive customer reviews

Unfortunately, this relatively new product in our country is not yet widely known. Unfortunately, not all cat owners are aware of the existence of this food. Meanwhile, judging by the reviews, these "pads" in terms of composition and quality are a worthy competitor to many popular brand blends.

Advantages of the feed “Pronatur”, according to the owners of cats, are as follows:

  • the absence of a special “bait” in the composition, which causes the animal to get used to this particular type of food;

  • balanced natural composition without the addition of artificial chemical ingredients.

Most pet lovers point out in specialized forums that cats eating the "Passion" have a much brighter and smoother coat. Also, many pets receiving this food dandruff disappears. Another undoubted advantage of this finished product is a pleasant natural smell.

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Also, the advantage of this food, many cat owners consider the packaging convenient to use. On a bag with "Pronatur" there is a special lock. You can open or close the packaging with this food in just one move.

Which, according to animal lovers, has flaws

Reviews of cat food "Pronatur", from most pet lovers, thus earned good. But of course, this product, like any other similar product, has certain disadvantages. Some cat owners include the disadvantages of this food, for example, that the packaging chosen for it by the manufacturer is made of too thin, not particularly durable material. The lock at the Pronatur packages is convenient, but you cannot leave them unattended in an accessible furry pet place. Gnawing through the thin walls of the bag and making a secret feast for a cat is not difficult.

Also, the downsides of the pet owners include:

  • not too attractive texture (pads practically do not crunch);

  • lack of vitamins.

In addition, some owners of cats consider the “Protons” to be a lack of satiety. It is recommended to give this mixture to pets a little more often than premium “pads” from other manufacturers.

Proper feeding of cats

Another small minus of the feed of this brand, consumers believe that it is quite difficult to find in the store.

Cat food "Pronatur": reviews of veterinarians

Thus, many lovers of domestic animals consider the food “Pronatur” to be of high quality and, of course, recommend including cats in the diet. But what do vets think of this mixture?

Specialists about these feeds also respond very well. The advantages of "Pronatur" veterinarians include primarily the fact that it is sold in stock. That is, this type of feed can be recommended to both adult or elderly animals, and kittens. Judging by the reviews of veterinarians available on the Web, this product can also be used for cats as the main one. No additional products are required for the pet receiving these “pillows”.

Reviews of dry food for cats "Pronatur" on specialized forums on the Web can be read good, including because it is balanced. Protein such a product, for example, may contain 28-30%, fat - 18-20%. In addition to the main ingredients of animal origin, plant components are also part of this feed. Although the manufacturer of “Protatyur” does not add vitamins in its pure form to its mixtures, the cat still gets them in the quantity it needs. This can be seen both in the general well-being of the pet, and in the state of its coat and the work of the digestive tract.

Veterinarians earned good reviews of the Cat food from veterinarians, among other things, also because it:

  • has a preventive effect against diseases of the digestive tract of cats;

  • It has a general strengthening effect.

Experts consider the "Pronatur" one of the best brands of ready-made mixes for cats and, of course, recommend buying it to pet lovers for their pets.

The main disadvantage of feed

In this way, cats can be given the "Passionature" completely without fear. Its only drawback in terms of composition and pet lovers, and veterinarians consider too much ash. For premium feeds, the content indicator of such a component, according to the standards, should not exceed 7%. Up to 9% can be included in the “pillows” of the “Protatura” of ash.

And although ash contains an almost complete set of all trace elements necessary for animals, it affects the taste of food, unfortunately, not too well. For a cat, he, unfortunately, may not be particularly familiar.

Also, the Veterinarians and pet lovers attribute the disadvantages of Pronatyur food to the fact that it contains yeast that contributes to weight gain, as well as cellulose, which is not very useful for the body of fluffy pets.


The Canadian company PLB International Inc. produces high-quality, deserving excellent reviews from consumers, cat food "Pronatur" There is this world famous company since 1969. Mixtures at its plants are carefully controlled from products grown in environmentally friendly regions of Canada. That is why the feed "Pronatur" differ in such excellent quality.

Cat food


Currently, the company PLB International Inc produces two lines of feed ProNature:

  • Original, intended for adult animals;

  • Holistic designed specifically for kittens, elderly animals and allergy sufferers.

Each of these lines, in turn, includes varieties of "Pronatura", slightly different in composition. Owners of furry pets, both large and small, thus have the opportunity to choose the “pillow” option that suits their taste best for their pet. Reviews of cat food “Pronatur Holistic” and “Original” deserve equally good.

Feed composition

Different products can be used in the manufacture of mixtures of this brand. However, the obligatory ingredients of the "Protatura" of any kind are chicken meat and fish fillet. In the composition of the feed intended for adult healthy cats, while this may additionally include products that improve the quality of the coat, eliminating the unpleasant odor from the feces of cats, supporting cartilage, etc.

Mixes of Holistic "Pronatur" can be made using, in addition to chicken, meat of turkey or duck. Also, salmon fillet is often included in the composition of such feeds. The feed of this line, among other things, can also contain a kitten or a weakened elderly animal that are very useful for a growing organism:

  • rice

  • beets;

  • oatmeal;

  • dried apples;

  • seafood;

  • ginger.

Some types of food “Pronatur” intended for kittens and old animals also include medicinal herbs, for example, chamomile, flax seed and juniper berries. The reviews from veterinarians about cat food “Passages Holistic” and “Original” are good, of course, there are also reasons for this.

Healthy food for cats

Feature of mixtures

Contained food "Pronatur", thus, only high-quality ingredients, suitable for nutrition, even for humans. PLB International Inc, unlike most other producers, does not include by-products in its mixtures. In addition, the “Pronatur” also does not contain any cereals, including soy and corn. Some other manufacturers include such products in their mixtures only to increase their volume.

Feed characteristics

Judging by the reviews of buyers and veterinarians, for cats the food “Pronatur”, since it is natural, is definitely worth buying. This product is considered useful for the animal organism, among other things, also because its constituent components contain, for example, useful and necessary substances, such as:

  • fiber and natural vitamins;

  • acids and probiotics;

  • natural protein of animal origin;

  • taurine and natural flavors.

Do cats like food?

As pet lovers point out in specialized forums on the Internet, in most cases they eat cats “cats”, even with a high ash content, they are very willing. Refuse from such "pillows" basically only those fluffy pets that were previously kept in mixtures with the "bait" or very different in taste.

There are good reviews about the “Mother tongue” feed for cats, but picky animals should be trained to it gradually. To do this, for two weeks you need to mix in the usual pet mixes "pillows" from this manufacturer, daily increasing their number. With this approach to business, in the end, the cat will gradually get used to her new food.

This method of transferring to "Pronatur" is recommended for use also for those animals that initially liked it. In no case can cats be drastically changed. Since the intestines of these animals are not too long, a sudden switch to an unusual food can lead to various problems with the gastrointestinal tract, including diarrhea and vomiting.


Packing and price

Thanks, among other things, to good reviews from consumers and veterinarians, the rating for cat food “Pronatur” is far from the last. In 2018, it is in the list of the best dry “pillows” in 8th place after, for example, brands such as Orijen, Acana, Almo Nature. Even the Royal Canin, which is very popular among domestic pet lovers, in the rating, is located below the “Pronatura” - in 14th place.

Feed of this brand can be packaged in bags of 340 g, 2.72, 5.44 and 20 kg. The color of the “pillow” of the “Protatoires”, in comparison with many other professional mixtures, is quite dark. The texture of this food, as already mentioned, is not too airy and crispy. However, the consistency of the “pillows” of the “Pronatur” is quite soft and usually no difficulties in eating cats.

What to feed a cat

Reviews of cat food "Pronatur" from consumers have earned good, despite even its relatively high cost. For a bag of 340 g of this professional product, a pet lover will have to give, for example, about 200-350 rubles. The package “Protatura” in 2.72 kg costs, depending on the region, 1-2 thousand rubles, and in 5.4 kg - 2-3.5 thousand rubles. It is most profitable to purchase this food, in the opinion of cat lovers, in the largest packages 20 kg. Such a number of “pillows” from suppliers costs about 5 thousand rubles.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E27039/

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