How to determine the genre of the work "Captain's Daughter"

Value of A.S. It is difficult to overestimate Pushkin in Russian culture. For this reason, many articles and monographs are devoted to the study of his work.

As you know, an outstanding Russian writer worked in different genres. He is the author of novels, fairy tales, poems.

The genre of the work “The Captain's Daughter” cannot be determined unambiguously. There are reasons for this, as we shall see later. Some researchers claim that this is a story, others define it as a novel. So, let's try to understand what the genre of the work “The Captain's Daughter” is.

genre works captain's daughter

Why is it necessary to determine the genre of this work

The most popular judgments about the genre of this book contradict each other. This applies equally to the definition of the main genre (novel or novel), and its features. Simply put, if you still characterize this work as a novel, you need to understand what it is: historical, family, love.

So, let's try to analyze how the signs of various genres are combined in this book. We will also try to come to a certain conclusion that will allow you to feel more informed if someone suddenly asks you: “Indicate the genre of the work“ The Captain's Daughter ”.

Understanding the “Captain's Daughter” as a story

So, we need to understand what genre of the work “The Captain's Daughter”. We’ll try to figure out whether this is a novel or a story. Researchers of the first opinion proceed from the fact that this work is small in volume and covers a short period. The first adherent of this point of view is considered to be V.G. Belinsky, who finds Grinev and his entourage ordinary and colorless.

Definition of “Captain's Daughter” as a parenting novel

"Captain's daughter" can be considered a kind of upbringing novel. The main character changes very much in a relatively short period of time. Constantly confronted with dangers, Grinev learns to overcome them. According to literary traditions, the presence of adventure at the beginning of the work and the motive of the road (a symbol of life's journey) are characteristic of an educational novel. If you re-review the work, then make sure that most of the time the main character is on the road.

So, the genre of the work “Captain’s daughter” Pushkin A.S. rightfully can be defined as a parenting novel.

indicate the genre of the work captain's daughter

Features of a love story in The Captain's Daughter

It should be noted that the novel has a love affair. In addition, this work has an invariable feature of this genre - a love triangle.

However, the theme of love in the work is not leading, although, undoubtedly, it shows the origin of the feelings of Peter and Masha, a duel for her lover, separation, the union of Grinev and Mary at the end of the book. Nevertheless, the love theme in the book, rather, comes in the background. She is not the main one.

So, the genre of the work “The Captain's Daughter” cannot be defined as a romance novel, although the theme of love is present in the work.

what genre of work is the captain's daughter

The historical novel "The Captain's Daughter"

A significant part of literary scholars define this work as a “historical novel”. Indeed, it is dedicated to a specific historical event, namely the rebellion of Emelyan Pugachev. The work contains historical characters: Catherine the Great and Emelyan Pugachev. When writing the novel, Pushkin turned to documents, talked with eyewitnesses of that time. The author, of course, managed to convey the atmosphere of this historical period.

For this reason, if there is a task "Specify the genre of the work" The Captain's Daughter "", it is quite possible to answer that this is a historical novel. However, the creation of Pushkin differs in a number of features from other works of this type.

the genre of the work captain's daughter Pushkin

According to B. Tomashevsky, a researcher of the writer's work, Pushkin created his novel under the influence of events of the present time, trying to see and convey what united the two eras.

It is worth noting another feature of this work. Pushkin wrote The Captain's Daughter in memoir form. The main reason why he decided to narrate on behalf of Grinev, most researchers consider the desire to circumvent censorship.

IN AND. Lavretskaya notes that this form of presentation helped the author hide his attitude to the Pugachev uprising. There is also an opinion that Pushkin, using a memorial way of presentation, sought to show the contradictory position of Grinev. This allowed the writer to reveal the complexity of the image of Emelyan Pugachev and emphasize not only his ruthlessness, but also the nobleness of the soul.

The third reason why the author chooses a memorial form, as Lotman points out, is the writer's desire to show historical characters in ordinary life. For example, he portrays the empress as a lady in a nightcap. Pugachev is also shown by the author in a relaxed atmosphere.

The genre of “Captain's Daughter” cannot be a story. This is a novel, because it reflects the development of the personality of Peter Grinev, the background of which are historical events important for Russia.

Thus, the work combines the features of a novel of educational quality, a love story, a historical novel. The memoir form gives this work a household flavor.


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