Bulgakov Museum "Bad Apartment": address, opening hours, exposition, reviews

Before describing the Bulgakov Museum “Bad Apartment”, we will plunge a little into the historical and biographical picture of the life of the great literary master Mikhail Afanasevich Bulgakov, who displayed his multifaceted talent in a wide variety of literary genres - lyrical, dramatic and epic. Well-educated, the writer of the trowel was able to create unforgettable amazing images, and therefore his work will be studied, he will be interesting to any generation. There are several Bulgakov museums, but let us dwell on one of them.

This museum was unofficially opened a long time ago, back in the 70s, but it was established only in 2007. In the house on Sadovaya Street, writer Mikhail Afanasevich lived and worked for the benefit of literary art from 1921 to 1924.

Kiev. Bulgakov Museum

Bulgakov short biography

The writer was born in Kiev in 1891, May 15. His father, Afanasy Ivanovich Bulgakov, was a professor at the Kiev Theological Seminary. And mother - Varvara Mikhailovna - was engaged in raising children, since she had seven of them (three sons and four daughters).

Michael himself spoke of his careless youth as a bright spot of his life. He lived in a beautiful green city on the Dnieper steeps, his home was on the famous Andriyivskyy Descent next to the church of the same name, in which they went to the whole family to serve. Then he thought about the prospects of a free and beautiful life.

Young writer

Parental care

A father instilled in his children industriousness and a love of enlightenment. Mother had a strong character and earnestly taught them to distinguish good from evil. In their family, the main authority was knowledge and complete contempt for ignorance.

When Mikhail was 16 years old, his father died of kidney disease. Apparently, that is why the future writer decided to become a doctor and entered the University of Kiev at the medical department. After two years, contrary to his mother’s will, he married a very young gymnasium student Tatyana Lappa.

Military practice

However, he did not have to retrain. The First World War began, in 1916 he left as a volunteer and worked in a military hospital. There he received good medical practice, and then was sent to the Zemstvo hospital of the Smolensk province.

Once, in order to save a seriously ill boy, he had to suck the diphtheria films right from his throat, and they got directly into the doctor’s mouth. Michael turned white. He had to do morphine injections. His health recovered, but he became addicted to this drug. But the first wife - Lappa - was able to pull him out of this addiction.

Michael Bulgakov


And then the raging years of the revolutionary time and the Civil War followed. He fights and works as a medical doctor in various armies.

Then the writer became ill with typhus. After his recovery, he did not want to serve medicine, since by that time he was most interested in writing. During this period, he writes “Dog’s Heart”, “Fatal Eggs”, “Notes on Cuffs”, etc.

He broke up with his first wife. In 1924 he married a second time to Lyubov Belozerskaya. Then there was a third marriage with Elena Sergeyevna Shilovskaya, to whom he dedicated the novel “The Master and Margarita” and which was near his bed until his last breath.

Period of creative silence

Then came stagnation and disgrace, he could not stage plays and was not published. Bulgakov wrote a letter to Stalin to allow him to leave the country or to give him the opportunity to work so as not to starve to death. It is also known that he allegedly had a conversation with Stalin, after which Bulgakov began working at the Moscow Art Theater and at the Bolshoi Theater.

Then he wrote a play about Stalin's “Batum”. She was approved by the leader, but not allowed to stage.


Bulgakov’s health over the years has been undermined. He fell ill with hypertensive nephrosclerosis and sat down again on morphine to relieve pain symptoms.

In 1940, the writer almost did not get up; his relatives and friends were constantly on duty near his bed. On March 10 of the same year, he died.

After the writer’s death in Moscow, there was a wave of rumors that his illness happened to him because of his occult passions. Allegedly, greatly carried away by all evil spirits, he paid with his health. And early death was a confirmation of this.

However, there is another opinion, according to which the master again took up the drugs that caused his premature death. The official reason is hypertensive nephrosclerosis.

On March 11, his body was taken out of the building of the Union of Soviet Writers. Bulgakov was buried in the Novodevichy cemetery. At the request of his wife, a stone was erected on his grave, nicknamed “Golgotha” because of its resemblance to the mountain. Prior to this, he lay on the grave of Gogol, adored by the writer, and then was thrown into the cemetery dump.

Grave of the master


The description of the Bulgakov Museum “Bad Apartment” should start with the fact that this place has always been a kind of magnet that attracts curious visitors to the city and Muscovites themselves, who for some time had the opportunity to be satisfied only with the porch, since one part of the house belonged to the department of the Giprotehmontazh Institute ", And the other to the residents. In the "Bulgakov Encyclopedia" by B. Sokolov it is written that the prototype of the famous museum was a bad apartment in the "Master and Margarita."

It should be noted that some semblance of the museum did exist, as the engineers carefully kept all the exhibits.

In the late 80s, a well-known part of the cultural literary elite struggled to convey to the public and authorities that the creation of a "Bad Apartment" in Moscow is simply necessary.

Writer Desk

Apartment number 50

The basement, the attic and stairs of Bulgakov’s house were all painted and painted, they became a haven for creative people, including musicians, artists and hippies.

Thanks to the Bulgakov Foundation, which was organized in 2004, various exhibitions, discussions, and concerts began to take place in apartment number 50.

This place has become a real folk museum. People of different generations and ages gathered in this house, even though it was completely unsafe, because old wooden floors had already decayed and could collapse at any moment. The writer had enough admirers, and people came here daily.

House entrance


After some time, the house was overhauled, the situation changed, the communal services were resettled, and the remaining residents, deciding to get rid of regular visitors, were painted with dark paint on the evidence of the end of an era.

In 2007, the future Bulgakov Museum “Bad Apartment” by the writer's nieces - Varvara Svetlayeva and Elena Zemskaya - gave unique exhibits - manuscripts and objects, which Bulgakov’s hand touched in his literary work and theatrical life.

House in Nashchekinsky Lane

Bulgakov Museum "Bad apartment." Exposition

So, after three years, things appeared in the museum from his last apartment, located on Nashchekinsky Lane, 3/5, in the courtyard of which two bronze sculptures of the heroes of the novel “Master and Margarita” were built - members of the retinue of Voland, Koroviev and Behemoth (shkodly fat cat) . On the walls of the entrance you can see the plot murals of the heroes of famous works.

Initially, going into the wardrobe of the Bulgakov Museum “Bad Apartment”, you can stumble upon a collection of old hangers from several eras. Once on one of them hung a coat and hat of a genius writer.

The entire exhibition of the museum is located in different rooms. In general, initially the apartment at number 50 was a communal apartment, where eight families lived, who became the prototypes of Bulgakov's art heroes. It was in one of her rooms that the writer settled with his wife.

Communal kitchen


Now the apartment is completely Bulgakov. You can go into his blue office, recreated from photographs and memoirs of his contemporaries, and carefully examine the room where the genuine furniture is located, as well as the radio belonging to Mikhail Afanasevich, according to which he liked to listen to classical music. On the desktop you can see his favorite book - Apuleius’s novel The Golden Donkey, from which he also sometimes used plots in his works. Here you can get acquainted with Bulgakov’s rich library and see a shelf with Egyptian sphinxes. But the most valuable exhibit was the typewritten text of the play "Moliere" autographed by the author.

From the rooms of the Bulgakov Museum “Bad Apartment” a remarkable view of the city opens, the landscape of which, as a master, he repeatedly described in his works.

Once in the communal kitchen, you can see the old three-winged buffet of the 30s and a photo of the squabbler and brawler - the communal worker Annushka-Plague. Judging by the recollections of his first wife, Lappa Tatyana Nikolaevna, it was this drunken grouchy aunt who became the prototype of Annushka, who spilled oil on which Berlioz slipped and fell, as a result of which the tram cut off his head.

Cultural Center

The living room is also furnished with pre-revolutionary furniture with a piano of the 19th century. It often hosts concerts, literary gatherings and performances. The other room, called the White Hall, mainly hosts exhibitions.

If someone has a desire to visit a "bad apartment", one must bear in mind that this house also has a cultural and educational center called the "Bulgakov House" (it has nothing to do with the museum), but in which events are held, related to the name of the great creator of literature.

Address of the Bulgakov Museum “Bad Apartment”, opening hours, ticket price

Address: Moscow, st. Bolshaya Sadovaya, house 302 bis, apt. 50, entrance 6, floor 4.

Visiting days: from Tuesday to Sunday from 12.00 to 19.00. Monday is a day off. On Thursday, visitors to the museum are accepted from 14.00 to 21.00. Every third Sunday of the month, admission is free.

Reviews Bulgakov Museum "Bad Apartment" almost always gets positive and amazing. Many people say that the heroes of his works still live there - such a strange feeling is created.

The cost of a full ticket is 150 rubles, preferential (pensioners and schoolchildren) - 50 rubles, free admission for full-time students, Moscow schoolchildren and children under 7 years old.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E27042/

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