Suit of the hero: getting ready for the New Year's matinee

Instructions on how to make a hero costume with your own hands can be found a little. As a guide, you can use the book "Costumes of children's parties" by Olga Kontareva. More "advanced" home masters act without the guidance of others, based on their own ideas about the image of an old Russian warrior. Making a New Year's outfit on your own project is very exciting and can be a great entertainment for the parents themselves.

Any detailed illustration from a children's book, a picture or even a screen from Russian cartoons "Three Bogatyrs" can be accepted as a sketch of a masquerade outfit. The costume consists of the following elements:

  • Pointed helmet with nose protection.
  • Chain mail or scaly shell.
  • Shirt with embroidered border and high collar.
  • Boots with bent toes.
  • Sword and round shield.

Each of these items can be made with your own hands, without any special financial costs.

hero costume

Heroic Helmet

The headdress of an old Russian warrior has a pointed shape, thanks to which the costume of the hero begins to claim historical originality. To make it, you will need:

  • Cardboard.
  • Fine braid or cord.
  • PVA glue.
  • Paint with aluminum powder or silver in the spray can.

It is necessary to stock up with tools in the form of sharp scissors or a knife for paper, a brush, a stapler and napkins for hands.

do-it-yourself costume

The process of manufacturing a hero helmet is as follows:

  1. Parts of the future heroic headdress are cut out of cardboard. Parts are glued to allowances on bends, which, for reliability, should be stapled on the inside.
  2. In places of "seams", that is, places of connection of cardboard, it is necessary to put a braid, laying it out with a neat pattern in the form of a Christmas tree or wave. Decor will cover the joints.
  3. Then it is evenly coated with silver paint. For greater elegance, the edge of the garment can be painted in gold or black. Transparent nail polish will add metallic shine to the product.

Mail and shirt

A hero’s New Year’s costume is impossible without chain mail up to the middle of the thigh. You can do it in any of the following ways:

  1. You can turn into armor any sweater with a smooth knit. To do this, pull it on the legs of a stool or other form and cover it with "silver" from an aerosol can. The resulting chain mail will be lightweight and comfortable, but wearing it can be unpleasant due to the smell.
  2. Scaled carapace can adorn the hero’s costume, turning an ordinary warrior into a governor. To create it, you should cut out the details in the form of a rectangle with a size of 1x2 cm with one rounded side. As a material, you can use a very dense foil, thin linoleum, the cover of a plastic binder.

hero costume for a boy

The complexity of making chain mail "dragon scales" is that every detail must be painted over, both on the front and on the wrong side. After drying, they are carefully sewn onto a sleeveless jacket of dense fabric. Rows of scales begin to lead from below in a checkerboard pattern and each next row is laid with an overlap of half length.

Another element of the bright New Year's image is a shirt protruding from under the floor of chain mail 10-12 cm and decorated with a "Slavic" pattern. A braid with a similar decor can be found among the goods for needlework and turned into a regular turtleneck or shirt into a fabulous outfit.

Boots and pants

A costume of a hero for a boy is impossible without boots with curved noses or curly shafts. In shoe stores, these can not be found, and individual tailoring is very expensive. But from improvised means, you can easily make fabric covers that are worn over ordinary boots or even sneakers. Their manufacture consists of the following steps:

  1. From dense fabric, elements of blended boots are cut out according to measurements taken over shoes. Cutting should be done with an allowance of 1 cm.
  2. Parts are stitched from the inside. A piece of cardboard is inserted into the shaft to preserve the curly edge and fixed with adhesive tissue.
  3. A fabric cover is attached to the boot from the inside with clothing hooks or double-sided tape.

New Year's costume of the hero

Pants of an old Russian warrior have a cut of "trainings" and a monophonic coloring, without patterns and decorations. So you can not pick up a separate thing in the hero’s costume, but do with ordinary trousers. You can even use part of the school uniform, previously smoothing the arrows.

Sword and shield

Fake weapons and equipment will make the outfit for the New Year's party more spectacular. In addition, they can be set aside at any time to participate in active games. As a rule, the costume of a hero is supplemented with the following items:

Sheath straight sword. This item is cut out of a sheet of cardboard and glued with paper, and then painted. Rhinestones, beads or pieces of colored plastic can be used to decorate the handle.

hero costume

Light shield. Complex shapes are intended for European knights, and circles and ovals are associated with Slavic warriors. A decorative shield consists of several parts:

  • The basis is a circle of 2 layers of cardboard. Its diameter is equal to the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow of the boy’s hand.
  • A border in the form of a hoop 2-3 cm wide. Its inner edge can be figured out.
  • The central figure in the form of a silhouette of the sun, a three-headed dragon or a monogram.

The elements of the shield are glued with paper, painted and only after that they are combined into one.

Making the costume of the hero with your own hands, you need to give free rein to imagination and worldly ingenuity, allowing you to give everyday things a new purpose. And at the same time, it is important not to go too far with jewelry and details. It is important to remember that the hero is a strict male image.


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