Perforated tool stand - a fresh solution to an old problem

As it happens, during repairs (especially emergency ones), it is feverishly to sort through a pile of tools in boxes and shelves in search of the right key or screwdriver, then run to the store for the missing gasket, and the next day find it all in the utility room closet, almost at the very conspicuous place. Today there is a simple and ingenious, like a wheel, solution to this problem - a perforated stand for a tool or a layout.

Perforated stand

In this article we will get acquainted with this type of warehouse and trade equipment in more detail.

Miracle layout

The storage of tools and accessories on a perforated stand has a number of indisputable advantages compared to traditional storage in cabinets or drawers.

  1. The main advantage is that the entire tool, even the smallest, is always in sight, which greatly facilitates its search.
  2. Due to the large number of various mounts (hooks, hinges, hanging drawers, etc.), it is extremely easy and quick to place and remove even sufficiently large elements.
  3. Due to the small thickness and weight of the supporting structure of the perforated stand, it can be placed practically anywhere, for example, above a workbench or in a niche. The tool will always be at hand, in addition, the usable area is very well saved, and this is very important for small utility rooms.
  4. The low weight, ease of installation and dismantling, combined with the small dimensions in the disassembled state, make it easy to carry or transport racks of this type to the right place.
  5. The use of special racks allows forming independent (separate) structures from the panels, using them for zoning the room.
  6. An elegant stand, almost merging with the environment, is much more aesthetic than a bulky drawer or cabinet.

All of the above advantages have determined the widespread use of racks of this type as display cases for the sale of a wide variety of goods. Now perforated trading stands can be found both in a small store near the house, and in a huge hypermarket.

Trading Perforated Stands

Types and applications of perforated panels

In the classic version, the stand-layout consists of a perforated sheet and attachments. If we are talking about the storage of tools, then the sheet metal (from 1 to 3 mm) is most often used as the material for creating the panel, and chipboards or MDF boards are also used. The main difference from conventional storage racks is that the panel has small openings over the entire sheet area, which play the role of clamps for awnings of various configurations, making it easy to place instruments of various shapes on the stand.

Types of Perforated Panels

Due to the limited resistance to moisture, perforated stands made of chipboard and MDF are more often used inside residential premises, for example, in a kitchen, where, in addition to fixing kitchen utensils, they also perform decorative functions.

In order to reduce the risk of deformation, wood-based panels are produced in relatively small sizes (60 by 60 cm), which facilitates their installation and transportation.

Metal layouts, as a rule, are made of galvanized material, which, due to the corrosion resistance of the coating, allows the use of panels in unheated rooms and can withstand significant loads depending on the thickness of the sheet. Due to these properties, perforated metal stands are ideal for storing locksmith's, construction tools and consumables. Most often, manufacturers offer panels measuring 1 by 2 meters, which is quite enough for comfortable placement of not too overall equipment.

Perforated sheets of plastic and drywall are also widely represented on the market, which modern designers are actively using as decor.

Attachments for layout panel

Another key element of a perforated stand is its hinged part (brackets). Depending on the shape of the mounting holes, they are made either from a metal wire with a diameter of 5 mm, or from a metal sheet similar to the panel material. The range of brackets is extremely wide - from hooks and clips to hinges and baskets of various configurations, which allows you to place almost any item on the layout panel. The main feature of such canopies is the special form of the latch, which allows you to easily position the bracket at an arbitrary point on the panel and, if necessary, just as quickly move it to any other point on the layout.

Types of perforated stand mounts

Mounting methods for perforated panels

Most often, the layout panels are mounted on the wall using self-tapping screws or anchor bolts. The main requirement for the bearing surface is its ability to support the estimated weight of the stand and the tool located on it.

Perforated Panel Mounting

As mentioned above, for the independent location of the perforated rack, special racks with support legs are used, which are sometimes replaced with wheels for greater stand mobility.

Mobile perforated tool stand

With a large assortment of products, roller guides are used that allow the panels to be pulled out in separate sections. If necessary, they are placed in a container, which allows to solve the issue of unauthorized access to storage items.


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