Amazon - a parrot for a pleasant conversation.

Lovers of birds discovered the Amazons in the distant XV century. Amazon - a parrot, numbering up to 32 species. Its natural habitat is from the Americas to Mexico, as well as the islands of the Caribbean . In the wild, these birds tend to be kept in small flocks or families. During the breeding season, couples look for a suitable hollow, where they lay 2 to 5 eggs. These parrots prefer to live in coniferous and moist tropical forests. For food, they choose some fruits, nuts, and plant seeds.

amazon parrot
Amazon is a parrot that has a striking and strikingly beautiful appearance. The body length is from 20 to 45 centimeters, the physique of these birds is quite dense - they can reach 400 grams in weight. In the color scale of their plumage, green predominates. However, some parrots have bright multi-colored spots on different parts of the body. They are the main identifier of the species of parrots of the Amazon breed. The color scheme can affect the name of the parrot, for example, bald, yellow-winged, green-cheeked, purple, etc. Also subspecies of this breed are: luxurious Amazon, festival Amazon, colorful Amazon, imperial Amazon and many others.

blue-faced amazon
In more detail I would like to dwell on the cyanobic Amazon. Bird lovers very often choose this parrot for home keeping. There are several reasons for this, firstly, he is very beautiful. Its main plumage is bright green, its forehead is blue, its cheeks and head are yellow, its wing fold is blue, and its beak is black. Secondly, the blue-faced Amazon is distinguished from other brethren of its kind by its outstanding ability to learn speech. If he is provided with systematic classes, then this parrot is able to remember up to 150 words and 80 sentences. Very often, he makes a memorized sentence according to the situation of communication. Thirdly, this pet quickly becomes a real member of the family and begins to copy the voices of the owners, changing the tone as necessary. Fourthly, he is very talented and easily copies dogs barking, cat meowing, sparrow chirping and raven croaking. Fifth, this parrot is characterized by unpretentiousness. He easily takes root in captivity and does not require special care. Its only drawback, as experts say, is the tendency to sharp, inexplicable, sudden screams.

Amazon Venezuelan
The Venezuelan Amazon attracts fans mainly by its appearance: a juicy green plumage with a dark border, a bridle, a forehead and eyebrows - blue, a throat and cheeks - yellow, a beak - yellow-brown. He does not have special abilities for speech. Such a parrot can remember only 50 - 70 words. Its distinctive feature is the ability to reproduce musical sounds and simulate simple melodies.

Amazon is an unpretentious parrot; for its maintenance, a 1x1 meter cage is needed, where there must be a shelter, a place for swimming and toys. A mixture of wheat, nuts, cereals and some fruits is best suited for feeding these pets.

With proper care, the Amazon is a parrot that can live in captivity for 50 - 90 years and will always delight you with a pleasant conversation.


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