Basidiomycetes: species, classification, structure

Basidiomycetes belong to the second class of higher fungi. This means that they are endowed with multicellular mycelium, which reaches a complex structure, it is diverse. What are the hallmarks of basidiomycetes , structure and features? What species are included in this group?


Basidiomycetes have the usual underdeveloped haploid mycelium that appears during the germination of basidiospores, as well as the diploid secondary mycelium; it is well developed. The main organ of the fungi under consideration is basidium. It develops from a dual-core cell. A sequential stage occurs - nuclear fission, which is divided twice.

higher mushrooms

These representatives of the class of higher fungi possess special breeding organs - basidia, among them - representatives of thirty thousand species. Mature basidia have four basidiospores that are located on the sterigm. When they grow, a haploid mycelium appears. Then the mycelium merges, on one of them fruiting bodies develop, and then meiosis begins in basidia. It ends with the formation of four nuclei that pass into the basidiospores.

What kind of mushrooms are these?

Representatives of basidiomycetes can be either edible or poisonous. The first include milk mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, brown boletus. The second - pale grebe, fly agaric. Among them there are species that cause putrefactive processes in wood, affect crops. The structure of basidiomycetes is complex, since they are higher.

There are parasitic basidiomycetes. They are widespread and harmful to agriculture. Among such mushrooms - rust and smut. The latter parasitize on various plants, stems, flowers, leaves, fruits, destroying tissues to black. Smutty cereals are causing enormous damage.

what are the hallmarks of basidiomycetes


Basidiomycetes fungi are divided into classes, taking into account their structure, sporulation, and fruiting body. They are divided into two subclasses: holobazidiomycetes and fragmobazidiomycetes. The former are divided into exobadial, aphyllophore, agaric and gastromycetes. Fragmobazidiomycetes are divided into:

  • smut fungi;
  • rust;
  • rosaceous;
  • avricular;
  • tulasnella;
  • dacryomycetes.

In the last four orders, the fruiting bodies have a gelatinous consistency. In them, framobasidia are divided into four cells. Basidiomycetes are considered depending on the type of their basidia. More than ten classes of mushrooms are distinguished, which include:

  • agaricomycetes;
  • rust mushrooms;
  • urediniomycetes;
  • smut;
  • ustilaginomycetes;
  • exobazidiomycetes;
  • tremellomycetes.

Places of growth, useful properties

Edible are considered to be basidiomycetes for the most part. They grow mainly in forests (in the wild), have delicious taste and nutritional properties. Edible basidiomycetes can be considered a complete nutritious product. What mushrooms belong to them?

  1. Boletus.
  2. Russula.
  3. White breast.
  4. Black breast.
  5. Champignon.
  6. White, or boletus.
  7. Again
  8. Boletus and many others.

In the cep mushroom, there are forms and varieties that differ in morphological and environmental characters. A white mushroom grows in spruce groves. The fruit body with a brown hat has light and dark spots. In birch groves there is another variety - a white birch mushroom with a light and grayish hat. You can distinguish it by a thin and long leg.

In the pine forests, pine boletus grows. He has a brownish-cherry leg, short. In the oak forests, respectively, the oak mushroom grows, its hat is grayish-brown in color. Higher mushrooms prefer sandy and clay soils. Such prevail in deciduous forests. For example, they include garlic. It is used both fresh and ready-made, and is also used as a seasoning. In the fruiting body of edible mushrooms there are many substances useful to humans. These are carbohydrates, fats, proteins.

Mushrooms contain vitamins such as A, B, C, D, PP. White has a large amount of vitamin C. The mushroom is also rich in useful trace elements. He also has antibacterial properties.

higher mushrooms

How does the structure look

In the world there are sixteen classes, fifty two orders, one hundred seventy seven families, more than a thousand genera and thirty thousand species of basidiomycetes. They are mainly saprotrophs, are of great importance in the mineralization of organic compounds. About thirty percent of all mushrooms are referred to as basidiomycetes. Their vegetative body looks like a septic mycelium with and without buckles. The cell wall is multilayer, it consists of glucans and chitin. The septa have a complex structure, there are dolipore septa.

mushroom mushroom


Basidiomycetes are multicellular organisms, so they are higher. Their hyphae are separated by membranes. By type of nutrition, like lower ones, mushrooms are divided into parasites and saprophytes. Among the parasite fungi are tinder fungus and chaga. Both of these species are found on trees; they are also used for medical purposes. The main distinguishing feature of basidial representatives is a hat, a leg, a method of reproduction and nutrition; their mycelium consists of cellular hyphae; contain chitin. Outwardly, one can always recognize a mushroom complex in structure. In the world of cap mushrooms, there are about eight thousand species. Some of them are used in cooking. Poisonous mushrooms are often used for medicinal purposes, some as narcotic and psychotropic substances.

structure of basidiomycetes


Basidiomycetes propagate vegetatively with the help of fragmentation of thallus, as well as mycelium. If we compare them with marsupials, then in the basidiotic asexual reproduction is not so pronounced, with the exception of rust fungi. The development of teleomorph proceeds in two stages: the sexual process and the formation of basidioma. The sexual process is called somatogamy, it is characterized by the absence of germ cells and organs. Basidia are formed with the participation of a buckle.

Where are used

Actively use not only edible, but also inedible, as well as poisonous basidiomycetes. Hazardous substances and poisons are formed in the fruiting body of the latter. The hardest is muscarine. There is a lot of it in the fly agaric, satanic mushroom, pale grebe. The class of poisonous representatives consists of twenty thousand species - micromycetes and macromycetes.

Edible mushrooms include those that do not contain any harmful substances that are unpleasant in taste. They can be distinguished by a characteristic pleasant mushroom aroma. Many are good for eating even raw. Some edible mushrooms have a not very pleasant smell, but taste bitter. In this case, special treatment is required (soaking, cooking, drying, salting). For example, morels and Russula are boiled for five minutes. The mushroom mushroom also requires processing.

Inedible include mushrooms that have a pronounced unpleasant odor, bitter taste, contain harmful substances in the composition. In this case, bad components cannot be destroyed by any heat treatment. Inedible mushrooms are used as seasoning (very rare!), As well as for medical purposes.

basidiomycetes mushrooms

Another class is the poisonous basidiomycetes. They contain toxic substances in their body that are dangerous to human health and life. There are three groups of poisons. Mushrooms of local action (spring mushrooms, false raincoat, bitter russula) are referred to the first representatives. They are insidious in that they adversely affect the digestive tract, the immune system. Lethal outcomes from such a departure are rare.

The second group of poisonous fungi affects the central nervous system of a person. They are also called hallucinogenic. Gebelomas, emetic russula, fly agarics, entolomas are ranked as representatives.

The third group is the most difficult. Mushrooms, if eaten, destroy the body with toxic substances. A person even for several days may not suspect that he has been poisoned, while the cells of the organs are already decaying. Among the representatives of poisonous basidiomycetes are pale toadstool, spring fly agaric, cobweb and others.


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