Where to dig a collection in the "Zombie Farm"? Zombie Farm: School Collection

Recently, computer games based on social networks have gained immense popularity. This means that they require not downloading the client, but registration on a social network, where later you can install a specific game on your page. And then you can enjoy the gameplay with millions of other users. Naturally, this segment very quickly became incredibly saturated, since here there is such a thing as a donut. In fact, these games are free, that is, any user of a particular social network can register and play here. But at the same time, the game becomes much more exciting if you invest real money in order to buy currency that is almost impossible to get in other ways in the game. That is, you decide whether you will play for free and slowly develop, or decide to invest money and get the most out of such a game.

Of course, the appearance of such games caused a wave of not the most high-quality projects aimed at making a profit, but among them there are real masterpieces, such as “Zombie Farm”. Here you get control of a zombie who wants to become a human again. To do this, he will have to grow and collect components to create a special potion. And, of course, during this process you will acquire a full-fledged farm with your zombie workers. One of the most pressing questions regarding this game is: "Where to dig a collection from Zombie Farm?" Collections are special sets of items that give you a certain bonus if they are put together. Therefore, the main collections, their bonuses, and also places where they can be dug will be considered further.

Pirate Islands Collections

where to dig a collection in a zombie farm

If you want to know where to dig a collection at Zombie Farm, then you will first need to go to the pirate islands. There you can easily collect the executioner's collection, consisting of an ax, a chest, a gallows, a guillotine and a sword, a bad collection that includes an ashtray, a whip, a bottle of poison, a card of the Queen of Spades and a toy called Bedomishka. Moreover, there you can find a tropical collection. Its composition is toucan, chameleon, tarantula, coconut and lily. In the first case, you will receive 1500 experience and five doubloons, in the second - 500 experience and twenty gold picks, and in the third - ten gold axes and a machete. As you can see now, it’s very useful to know where to dig the collection in Zombie Farm, because it brings very good profit in one form or another.

Secret treasures

zombie farm collection

There are several secret treasures in the game that you need to look for in a special location. Now you know where to dig the collection at Zombie Farm, it remains to understand what it contains. The first collection contains five figures of cats of various breeds. For her finding you will receive 500 experience and a sheet. The second collection very much resembles the first, only instead of cats there are dogs, and as a reward you get a film instead of a sheet. As you can see, a variety of sets can be found in the game "Zombie Farm". The collections serve two purposes at once - to please the user with their striking appearance and their thematic, as well as give him the opportunity to get useful items and get a bonus experience.

Simple collections

zombie farm school collection

It is worth noting that the collections in the game vary in the degree of difficulty in finding them. Some items from the sets can be found only in a certain place and with a low probability, while others can be found almost everywhere and with a rather high chance. This variety of possibilities attracts players to the game "Zombie Farm". Collections that are difficult to find intrigue users, while simple ones let them know that everyone can find at least something. For example, a sand collection can be excavated at any location where there is sand. However, the reward for it is not so great - one wand and one candy wrapper. However, agree - this is a good incentive to continue to dig and try your luck in the hope of finding rarer zombie collections. Where to dig? This question is sometimes much more complicated than it might seem.

Popular military collection

zombie collections where to dig

The military collection in the game "Zombie Farm" is very popular. Where to dig collections like this? Everything here is not so simple as in the case of a sand set - you will have to look for specific places where an item from this set may fall out. For example, if you take a military collection, then you need to go to the admiral, look for the terminator's hand or look for a tank in a snow location. You can also dig next to the flag of the marathon runner, as well as next to the marathon runner himself. There may be a rare collection in the “Zombie Farm” - then you can be doubly happy, as this will bring you a much more impressive award. By the way, for a military set you get 250 experience points and gunpowder, so the search is worth it.

Unexpected location of the pirate collection

zombie farm where to dig collections

It would seem, what is the best place for a pirate collection? Naturally, pirate islands. But it was not there. You will not find this collection there. You need to look for it in unexpected places, such as a marble cave. The underground lamp and fifteen bone legs should please you, as they will be given to you as a reward. The pirate collection is another example of the unpredictability of this game, which is why playing it is always very fun.

Fisherman's collection

Another collection that can be found in the marble cave is the fisherman's kit. It includes both fishing accessories and the fish itself, but this is not interesting in the first place, but what they will give you for finding it. The developers were not without a sense of humor, and as a reward you get 300 experience and a special fish - ide. Anyone who is aware of the humor on the Internet will understand the irony. Even if this video is unknown to you, you will still enjoy the vivid picture and the benefits that you can extract from this gift.

rare collection in a zombie farm

Special treasures for magic wands

There are treasures in the game that cannot be excavated with a regular shovel. You will need special magic wands - without them you simply won’t find what you need. These are hellish and heavenly collections - the most unusual in the game. You can find them only in the most inaccessible places, in dungeons and so on. But the most important thing is what they will give you. With the help of a hellish collection you will get chocolate and as many as fifteen magic wands, but paradise will offer you a pillow and an incredible amount of fifty thousand coins. So these collections are worth it to spend your playing time on them.

School collection

One of the most popular collections that Zombie Farm offers is a school collection. You can find its components only in a few locations and in specific places, but the reward is really worth the search. In fact, the school collection is a simplified version of paradise, since you can dig a shovel, not a lifesaver. But as a reward you will receive books instead of a pillow, but fifty thousand coins - this amount will remain unchanged. Therefore, go in search of this collection, dig in the hope of finding a backpack, school supplies, a paper airplane, a chair and the last bell, that is, all the necessary components of the kit. And for this you will be rewarded with one of the best prizes in the game "Zombie Farm". The school collection, however, is not the only one, so do not forget about it. Do not ignore others, as the reward for them can also bring you many benefits.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E27065/

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