Louis Vuitton bags: fake or original?

Today, there are a whole host of world brands that produce high-quality items, ranging from perfumes to clothing and accessories. However, do not forget about those people who prefer to earn on someone else's name. The most copied brand in the world is Louis Vuitton. Of course, this suggests that this company produces exclusively high-quality products, and therefore it is so popular. Fakes are in demand only when they are copied from brands. Many people try to get rich on cheap Louis Vuitton bags . Of course, fakes can be of high quality, but many fashionistas value only original goods.

Where did it come from?

The French fashion house faced a similar problem two centuries ago. Nevertheless, now there are much more copies. Today, there are many boutiques that position themselves as original stores. But, it often happens that there they sell goods of a slightly different production. Copies are very high quality, and their price is quite high. There are a number of ways to distinguish an original from a fake, but more on that below.

What to pay attention to?

Wallets, clutches, travel bags, glasses Louis Viton have many small parts, thanks to which you can determine the quality of the goods:

  1. Price. First of all, you should pay attention to the price. It should not be too low, as this may indicate poor quality of production materials. Be sure to pay attention to the famous Louis Vuitton logo. He is a kind of "face" of the original goods.
  2. Material. The French brand Louis Vuitton produces both textile and leather bags. Pay attention to details such as lining, packaging and fittings. They play an important role.
  3. Manufacturer country. Louis Vuitton brand products are manufactured in Spain, the USA and France. Therefore, it should be written on them: "Made in Spain", "Made in France" and "Made in USA". But, it is worth noting that many world companies began to buy factories in China. There are reasons for that, but if you see “Made in China” on your bag, this does not mean that you are trying to sell low-quality goods.

You will be able to purchase quality products only if you take into account all of the above items. Pay attention to details, do not forget to ask consultants questions. Then you can definitely find a quality bag.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E27073/

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