How and how to remove greasy stains from clothes? Effective remedies

Do not rush to throw away soiled clothing if it has greasy stains. You don’t even have to dry clean things. You can clean the products at home. How to remove greasy stains on clothes, is described in the article.

Proceed to the elimination of the stain should immediately after the discovery of this fact. Otherwise, stubborn dirt will be difficult to eliminate. The first thing to do is wipe the fresh stain with salt. It is poured on a fresh stain and left for several minutes. Salt absorbs oil, and then washing will be much easier.

But how to remove oily spots if they are old? To do this, use the following methods.


To remove a greasy stain from clothes at home can be such a means. To do this, it is necessary to dissolve table salt (5 tbsp. L.) In hot water (500 ml) and immerse the stained thing in the solution.

print greasy spots

Clothing should be there until the oily trace dissolves. Then it is soaked in washing powder and rubbed with your hands. Then you can wash it in the machine.

Dishwashing gel

The composition of such funds contains active substances that actively dissolve fats. To erase the stain on clothes will be obtained by soaking in a strong aqueous solution of gel.

To do this, the dishwashing liquid (3-4 tbsp. L.) Is dissolved in hot water (3 liters). The product must be placed in a solution for a couple of hours, and then washed manually. After this procedure, it can be machine washed. If gel for dishes does not help, then you should use a stronger tool.


How to remove greasy stains from clothes if the pollution is very strong? To do this, you can use ammonia. To clean the fat from the material will require 1 tsp. means, which is added 100 ml of water.

The solution should be poured on an oily trace and leave the thing for 5-6 hours. Then it must be rinsed in plenty of water and sent to the machine. If the pollution is not too large and not old, then ammonia will be the best remedy.

But it is only suitable for light and white fabrics. For the dark, it is not worth using, since it has some whitening effect.

Laundry soap

How to remove old greasy stains from clothes of any material? Processing with ordinary household soap will help. The contaminated area is moistened with warm water, then soaped with soap. The product must lie for at least 2 hours. Then it must be manually washed and placed in the washing machine.

washing clothes

You can make a strong soapy solution. Grate 100 g of soap on a grater and dissolve in water (2 liters). In this product, the product must be soaked for an hour, then rinsed and sent to the washing machine.


Greasy stains are easily removed by this affordable remedy. The advantage is that it can be used for clothes made of different materials, even from expensive wool and natural silk. The contaminated area is moistened with water and rubbed with toothpaste.

The thing should be left for 2 hours, after which it should be washed with your hands using laundry soap. Gel colored toothpaste is suitable for colored clothes , and whitening is needed for white.


How to remove a greasy stain from clothes quickly? To do this, mustard is used, which is added during washing. Mustard powder (2 tbsp. L.) Is diluted with water until a thick slurry is obtained. It is applied to a contaminated place and left for 15 minutes.

Then the clothes must be washed manually with laundry soap, and then placed in the machine. If you want to eliminate fat from raincoat fabric, then mustard is the best choice.

Potato starch

How to remove greasy stains from clothes so that it is a gentle treatment? For this, potato starch is used. It is used to process things from delicate materials.

linen after washing

The contaminated place must first be moistened with warm water and sprinkled with starch. Clothes should be left for 1 hour. Then the contaminated place is covered with a paper towel and ironed - the fat will be absorbed into the starch and transferred to the paper. After contamination, the napkin is changed. Instead of starch, baby powder is suitable.


Remove greasy marks with steam. This will allow you to perform a steam generator or iron with the function of steam. You can hang clothes over a pot of boiling water. When the fabric is saturated with moisture, it is washed with detergent or laundry soap.


How can I remove a greasy stain from clothes of any type? For different types of fabric, pharmacy glycerin is ideal. This method can be used for delicate materials, such as wool, silk, satin. A few drops of warm glycerin are added to the stain, and after 30 minutes they are gently washed in warm water with soap.

You can make a simple mixture:

  • ammonia - 1 tsp;
  • glycerin - 1 tsp;
  • water - 1 tsp

These components are mixed and applied to pollution. The composition must be kept for 30 minutes, and then wash the product.


How to remove old stains from clothes if they cannot be washed? Eliminate oily contamination with alcohol. The procedure for using the product is simple: it is poured onto a cotton pad and a grease stain is moistened. After half an hour, the procedure is repeated.


You may have to perform alcohol cleansing many times. In addition, stains from carpet or upholstered furniture can be eliminated in this way. Alcohol is also used to clean the keyboard of fat.


The area with an oily stain is eliminated with clean turpentine and a cotton pad. After a few hours, you need to wash the item in washing powder, rinse and dry.


How to remove stain from clothes after washing? Highly refined household gasoline can be used to remove old stains. Car fuel is not suitable for this!

In gasoline, a napkin made of cotton material is wetted and placed under the mark. Top contamination should be treated with a cotton swab dipped in gasoline. After such cleaning, the fabric will smell strongly. Therefore, it must be washed and rinsed with fabric softener, and then air-dried.


How to remove greasy stains from clothing so that it becomes clean? To do this, use clean wood sawdust. They are soaked in purified domestic gasoline and this spot is sprinkled with this mass on a dirty place. When the gasoline dries, the sawdust is removed, the material is shaken off and machine washed.

Ammonia and table salt

How else can I remove a greasy stain from clothes after washing? A solution of ammonia (1 tbsp. L.) And small table salt (1 tsp.) Will be most suitable. They need to soak a cotton pad and rub the area of ​​contamination. Then wash using an air conditioner and dry.

home wash


How to remove greasy stains from clothing if it is colored or dark? Table vinegar will do. For white things, it should not be used, as the fabric turns yellow. Vinegar is watered over the contaminated area, left for 20 minutes and rinsed. After the procedure, the colors will become brighter and more saturated, since the tool fixes the paint, and the oily marks will be eliminated.

Shaving foam

The tool is used to remove stains of various kinds. On the problem area with a dense layer, apply foam and leave for 5 minutes. Then wash the laundry in the machine using detergent.

a piece of chalk

It perfectly cleans delicate fabrics such as silk, satin, cashmere. The laundry should be laid out on a hard surface and sprinkled with a dampened place in chopped chalk for 3 hours.

After this, the chalk must be shaken off, and the material covered with a paper towel, ironed with a hot iron. It remains only to wash the thing with powder and rinse thoroughly.


Shampoo for oily hair will allow you to remove small spots from delicate materials. The tool perfectly dissolves fat, helps and remove blots. A little shampoo is added to warm water (basin), linen is placed for 2 hours. It is only necessary to jam the dirt and rinse.

how to remove a greasy stain

Tracing paper

A popular way to remove traces of oil is to iron the fabric with a hot iron through tracing paper. You will need to warm the iron to medium temperature. Blotting paper is placed under the mark, and the trail is covered with tracing paper on top.

Baking soda and washing powder

It is necessary to mix these components in equal amounts and dilute with warm water. After dissolving in water, the mixture is applied to a grease stain, rubbing slightly. Keep the composition for at least 15 minutes, and then stretch with powder. Instead, dishwashing gel is often used.

Great pollution

How to remove oily stains from clothes that are large in size? Such stains usually appear on kitchen napkins, towels, tablecloths. For whitening, use the following recipe:

  • water - 10 l;
  • washing powder - 250 g;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l
we erase manually

First, boil water in a pan, add all the ingredients to it. After dissolution, remove from heat, immerse towels in the solution - until the water cools completely. Then wash by hand and rinse.

Household chemicals

How to remove greasy stains on clothes using special products? A lot of household chemicals are sold in stores that can be used to eliminate such contaminants. For each case, you can choose something suitable. Let's consider some of them:

  1. Frau Schmidt. The Austrian remedy copes with different types of pollution. It can be used for products from different types of fabric. In the composition - gall soap. It is necessary to apply the product on the product, leave it for 2 hours, and then wash it in the usual way. The price is about 230 rubles.
  2. Vanish. The powder is suitable for removing any stains. To do this, apply it to a problem place. The price is 160 rubles.
  3. Ecover. Using a Belgian product, you can eliminate various types of pollution. In its composition are plant and mineral components. To cleanse stains, the product is applied for several minutes, and then washed. The price is about 230 rubles.
  4. Amway Stain Remover Spray eliminates contamination without prolonged exposure. You just need to spray it on the fabric. The price is about 250 rubles.

Thus, there are many tools and methods for removing greasy stains from clothes, which allows you to clean things, preserving their previous appearance.


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