What is Nibiru? Does this planet exist?

Many pseudo-scientific theories that predict the death of mankind every few years differ except in variations of the end of the world. In addition to a super-illness, a pole change, a nanotechnology crisis, a global environmental or technological disaster, they highlight the probability of a collision of the Earth with any space object.

nibiru photo

All that is written about one of the most popular possible culprits of this event - the planet Nibiru - today is probably already more than the volume of the Great Encyclopedic Dictionary. What is Nibiru, what is known (and confirmed by scientists) about this cosmic object and does the planet really pose a potential threat to humanity? Let's try to figure it out.

Mention of Nibiru

What is Nibiru? Firstly, it is a cosmogonic concept of the mythology of the population of Ancient Mesopotamia. In the legends of the ancient Sumerians, this name is associated with the god Marduk - the supreme deity, the patron saint of the city of Babylon. This is precisely what gives rise to various interpretations.

But what is Nibiru in the modern sense? Today, this name denotes a mysterious planet that supposedly threatens to destroy life on Earth. The second understanding of the term Sumerian mythology is due to the fact that in the same myths and tales the name is mentioned more than once with the planet Jupiter, is associated with Mercury, but is described separately from stars and planets.

Some words allow us to consider the planet Nibiru (photo below) as a certain axis of the world, an immovable point. The probability of such interpretations became possible after the translation of the Sumerian tablets, where it is described as “parking in the center”, “fixed parking” “twelve stellar months”.

what is nibira

Brown Dwarf Satellite

Today Nibiru has become the heroine of many conspiracy theories and versions of the global catastrophe. There are many interpretations and options for the development of events; the most common of them are presented below.

The first hypothesis from the World Wide Web claims that the mysterious planet - the satellite of a certain Brown Dwarf or Dark Star - is essentially the same thing. This Brown Dwarf allegedly has around itself five more minor planets, one similar to the Earth in size, and, in fact, Nibiru. The latter is unsuitable for life of a certain local civilization, but only is an eternal base or something like a giant spaceship.

When the Dark Star approaches the Sun (and this happens at regular intervals - about once every 36 thousand years), it is Nibiru who becomes the culprit of cataclysms and global catastrophes. Some pseudoscientific theories “blame” the red planet for floods (including the biblical Flood), the disappearance of Atlantis, and the appearance of craters on the moon.

planet nibiru photo

Artificial ship

Another hypothesis (also published only on the Internet) regarding a mysterious planet claims that it is in fact an artificial ship that infinitely crosses the Universe along a regular route. The management of the ship is carried out by certain intelligent creatures that live inside the object. Allegedly, the purpose of these aliens is from time to time to destroy civilizations that may be potentially dangerous or already threaten neighboring regions of outer space. Usually it is further explained that even scientists confirm this theory and even call the cosmic body planet X or the tenth planet, but this is a completely different hypothesis.

The beginning of theories

Why did they start talking about the planet when humanity first learned what Nibiru is? It is known that in the middle of the last century a certain American Nancy Leader stated that the aliens had implanted a special implant into her brain, with the help of which information is transmitted. Why the inhabitants of space in general to report something to an ordinary American is unclear. Nancy claimed that aliens live on a mysterious planet and constantly monitor earthlings. This news was quickly picked up by the journalist and writer Zakharia Sitchin, who became the author of one of the hypotheses.

planet nibiru 2017

Tenth planet

But first things first, and first about why Nibiru was called the tenth planet. Zakharia Sitchin, by the way, called the planet the eleventh in the solar system.

So, in 1978, scientists discovered the satellite of Pluto, which made it possible to clarify the size of the planet itself, as well as the trajectories of neighboring Uranus and Neptune. After that, astronomers Robert Harrington and Ton Van Flandern talked about finding another planet. They claimed that this celestial body is 3-4 times larger than the Earth and its period of rotation around the Sun is very large.

Then the infrared astronomical satellite really recorded a mysterious space object in the depths of space. What is it, no one knew. There is also a photo of Nibiru from the Hubble telescope (below). Then, NASA officially recognized the possible existence of another mysterious planet, which was called Nibiru. True, it was not called by the scientists themselves, but by the intrigued public.

nibiru photo from the hubble telescope

Pseudoscientific theory

Zacharia Sitchin, which was already mentioned earlier, combined several existing theories and put forward his own. First, he said that this planet flies between Mars and Jupiter once every 36 thousand years. Secondly, that in the Sumerian texts it is described as the twelfth planet (he knew the Sumerian and, perhaps, he himself could translate some tablets). Thirdly, the journalist said that intelligent creatures who are identified with the gods of mythology of the peoples of Mesopotamia live on this planet.

What do they say about the planet Nibiru in 2017? Authoritative astrophysicists claim that in the theory of a planet with such a mass and orbit it cannot exist. In addition, the possibility of the existence of life where there is no sunlight and heat, and the temperature is about -270 degrees Celsius, is refuted. It was also noted that in mythological sources Nibiru (photo in the article) is not directly called a planet.

Scientists were really looking for a planet, and did not draw conclusions only on the basis of theoretical calculations. It is now known that there are 11 objects beyond Pluto that are commonly called TNOs (transgenplutonic), but not one of them is the same Nibiru.

In addition, a scientific study was published in 2009 that claims to be between 2001 and 2006. 50% of the starry sky was scanned and no new objects with significant mass and volume were found. The scientific community confirms these words.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E27079/

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