How to draw a skin for Minecraft yourself: a step-by-step description

"Minecraft" was originally conceived as a minimalist game, which is perfectly visible in its appearance. The developers made a reference to the old classic games using eight-bit graphics, although much more advanced technologies are now available. This gives Minecraft a special charm, but at the same time many are unhappy that all players look exactly the same. Many people want to somehow distinguish their character from others, and for this there are special external editor programs with which you can independently draw your own skin for your character, and then use it in the game.

Variety of editors

how to draw a skin
Now on the Internet there are a huge number of ways to draw a skin for a Minecraft character. Some of them are simpler, others are more complicated, some have a limited set of functions, while others have so many that you won’t try everything. Therefore, you immediately need to decide what exactly you want from the editor. If you need only slight differences from the standard skin, sketches of originality, then choose a simpler editor - you can quickly figure it out and instantly understand how to draw a skin. But if you want to literally create a full-fledged work of art, create a character’s skin from scratch, then you need a more impressive editor. True, and spend time on it will have much more, since its functions are actually impressive. So, you went to the editor’s site - and then what? How to draw a skin with it?

Using patterns

how to draw a skin in minecraft
The first way that most players use is the use of pre-prepared options for one or another element. You do not have to jump above your head, just pick up those elements that you like best. Most often, in such editors it is possible to separately process each part of the body: head, arms, legs, body. Having entered, for example, head processing, you can choose what you will edit - eyes, nose, mouth, hair and so on. And when you have already made your choice, you will be offered all the possible design options, among which you will find the one that you like best and apply it. In the same way you need to do with all the remaining parts of the body, and as a result you will have your own unique character. This is the simplest version of how to draw a skin in Minecraft, but there is also a more complex method, which, however, gives a more unique and impressive result.

Detailed rendering

how to set drawn skin
Using templates is a fairly quick and easy method to make your character different from others. However, it cannot be said that you have completely made an appearance for your hero - a little nonunique remains. And if this does not suit you, then you can figure out how to draw a skin in Minecraft completely independently. It is much more complicated, it can take much more time, but the result is worth it. So, to implement your plan, you will need a high-quality editor, in which the function of rendering the skin manually is available. The start window of such an editor is an image of a standard Minecraft character, but you can make any changes. You can twist and twist it in any way, rotate and inspect from all sides - and, of course, you can make changes to the appearance of your character from all sides. As it becomes clear in the end, drawing a skin for Minecraft is not so difficult for yourself - it just takes a lot of time. You can remove certain parts of the body for a while to work in more detail with others, you can use various tools - you have at your disposal a large number of various ways of transforming the character. But what to do with the result?

Skin saving

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But to draw a skin for Minecraft 1.5.2 is not enough - you need to make sure that it is saved on your computer. To do this, give it the correct name and put it in the right folder - only then will you have a chance to load it into the game and use it for its intended purpose. So, you need to save the new look of your hero in a file with the extension png, and you need to name it char. This name is also found in Russian-language game slang, while the word "char" means "character", that is, everything is quite logical - the character’s skin is stored under an accessible name. Now we proceed to the correct placement of the skin, and for this you will have to find where exactly the game is installed on your computer, and then go to the bin folder that contains the main game files. There will be a file called "minecraft", only this is not the file through which you start the game - this file has the extension "jar". You can open it with any archiver, and when its contents are unzipped, you can add a file with your character’s skin to the “mob” folder. Now you will play with the new appearance of your hero.

Single player skin

draw a skin for minecraft yourself
Creating skins is not a trick, so no one will punish you for using off-game software to create an appearance for your character. But even if you figured out how to install the drawn skin, then you will face another problem. The fact is that when you try to start a multiplayer game, you will not be able to see the new skin of your character - it will only act in a single player game. Therefore, you will have to come to terms with the fact that only you can see the beauty you created.

Game purchase

However, there is a simple way out of this situation, which, however, will require financial expenses from you. The fact is that Minecraft is free, but, like in most similar games, some functions can be obtained only if you pay a certain amount. Without these functions, you can play calmly and without problems, but their presence makes the game better and more interesting. These functions include the display of the skin in a multiplayer game. As soon as you pay, you can upload your creation to the game and start the battle over the network - your opponents will see your skin and will be able to admire your creation.


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