Vadim Zeland: books in order. Where to begin?

Many people who are interested in esoteric literature have heard of a writer like Zeeland. This mysterious author, whose biography is shrouded in mystery, promises readers once and for all to change their lives for the better. What questions does Vadim Zeland raise in his works ? Is it important to read books in order, or can you begin acquaintance with the writer's work from any fruit of his work? The answers to these questions are presented in the article.

Zeland's books in order: where to start reading

The course "Reality Transerfing", which is able to teach each person to independently manage their own destiny and easily achieve their goals, consists of several steps. Each of them is described in a separate work. How does Vadim Zeland advise readers to get acquainted with their works? Books in order should be read to all those who strive to truly become the master of their lives - this is the opinion of the author.

Vadim zeland books in order

“Space of Variants” is a book that will help readers go through the first stage of training. It describes effective techniques for controlling consciousness, provides evidence that thought is material. People who start reading should be prepared for the fact that the “Space of options” will turn their worldview upside down.

Second and third books

So, above it is said that it is necessary to read Zeland's books in order. Where to begin? The answer to this question is also given above. What kind of work follows the “Space of Variants”? The next book received the beautiful title "The rustle of morning stars." It provides practical recommendations, describes the techniques, using which, the reader will learn to rule his own fate.

Vadim zeland list of books in order

The most interesting part of “The rustle of the morning stars” is the one where the methodology for the realization of desires is considered. The author talks about why dreams are not realized, teaches readers to competently "make an order" of the Universe. Having become acquainted with it, many people will find talents in their possession, the presence of which they had not even suspected before.

What is the name of the third work created by Vadim Zeland? The list of books in order suggests that after “Shelest” it is necessary to take “Forward to the past”. This work provides a list of techniques through which a person gets the opportunity to explore options for time. This is necessary in order to learn how to attract “successful” versions of events into your life.

"Reality Management"

It has already been said that Vadim Zeland recommends reading all the books in order. Therefore, after the course “Forward to the past”, readers should begin to study the work, which is called “Reality Management”. In the fourth book, the writer introduces such an interesting concept as “dual mirror”.

Vadim zeland all books in order

Studying this course allows readers to exclude such a word as “fate” from their vocabulary. The book provides evidence in favor of the fact that not a single bad event in our life is predetermined; a person himself unknowingly “chooses” it from many options. Having mastered the art of entering the “dual mirror”, you can learn to eliminate all possible troubles and attract only joyful events into your life.

"Apples Fall in the Sky"

Which work should Vadim Zeland recommend reading next ? Studying books in order, you can achieve maximum results. Therefore, the writer offers his fans after "Reality Control" to start reading the work "Apples Fall in the Sky." In this work, the author summarizes everything that he managed to tell about in the previous four books.

Vadim zeland all books in order list

Having systematized information, Zeland asks readers to look at it from the side. The fifth book will help you learn how to apply the techniques described earlier in non-standard situations, achieving your goals in this way. Also, the work “Apples Fall in the Sky” is interesting in that it considers such a concept as “energy”. Having familiarized themselves with this information, people learn how to save energy, to cope with laziness that impedes the realization of a dream . Anyone who reads a book will never complain about the lack of willpower.

Last book

It has already been said that Vadim Zeland recommends reading all the books in order. A list of the first five works is also presented. What kind of work completes the course "Transerfing reality"? The sixth and last book has received the promising title "Actor of Reality." The author warns his fans that this work is primarily aimed at people who are ready to stop and think.

To absorb the information that is contained in the "Auger of Reality" is somewhat more difficult than to gain knowledge from the five books described above. The final part discusses the laws by which the universe exists. The writer helps to understand them, and then begin to use the knowledge gained for their own benefit. The author promises that readers who have mastered all six works will learn to literally control reality.

Mini course

Of course, far from every person is able to easily find the time (and desire) for thoughtful study of all parts of "Transerfing reality". Readers suffering from a lack of time were also taken care of by Vadim Zeland. Books, in order described above, of course, will be more useful than the short version. However, the “Practical Transerfing Course in 78 Days” is capable of turning life around, changing it for the better.

Vadim zeland all books in order of issue

The creator of the textbook advises working with him for 78 days, daily doing practical tasks. This will not only bring diversity to everyday life, but also gradually help to learn how to attract joyful events, to make your cherished dreams come true.

"Living kitchen"

The works created by Vadim Zeland also help to solve specific problems. The author recommends reading all books in the order of issue only if it is a course consisting of several levels. The work, called "Living Kitchen", can be studied separately from the books, a list of which is given above.

books zealand in order where to start

So, what will the Living Kitchen turn out to be for readers? This book can be recommended to people who are worried about health problems. Also, its reading is shown to those who wish to prevent a variety of diseases. The writer assures that “Living Kitchen” contains practical recommendations, following which readers will regain the health and energy of adolescents. The author also promises his followers an improvement in appearance, state of intelligence, a surge of vigor. The recipes in the book have nothing to do with vegetarianism.

What else to read

Apocryphal transerfing is another Zeland work that is not related to the main course. In this work, Vadim offers readers to "wake up", stop living in dreams. Having studied this book, people will have the opportunity to go beyond the boundaries of the familiar matrix, learn how to commit acts previously unusual for them.

Live Transerfing is a reprint of the work described above. It contains many important additions that allow readers to work even more efficiently to improve their own lives. The book contains examples of the negative impact of anthropogenic civilization on man, a way out of this situation is proposed. After reading it, you can forever free yourself from the patterns imposed on individuals by modern society, and gain freedom.


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