How to develop a child in 1 year on his own: games, classes, cartoons and recommendations

Having celebrated the first birthday of their child, parents begin to think about how time flies. And many of them come up with the idea that you should not miss precious moments. The fact that mom and dad will not give their baby at an early age will be very difficult and sometimes impossible to catch up in the future. But how to develop a child in 1 year? What needs to be done at this age so that the baby grows up not only smart, but also happy and carefree? How to maintain harmony and not go too far in the early development of the child? Let's try to understand this complex and important issue.

how to develop a child in 1 year

Psychological characteristics of children of the second year of life

After a year, the baby is no longer the peacefully sleeping (or constantly crying) package in the crib. During the first twelve months of life, a child has mastered a huge number of skills, but there are even more discoveries ahead of him. Various developmental activities for children of 1 year will be excellent helpers in this.

At this age, kids, along with independence and indefatigable craving for the constant study of their environment, manifest fears and doubts. It is very important that parents help their child cope with the first difficulties, this will help him not to be afraid to make new discoveries, which means that the answer to the question of how to develop a child in 1 year will come by itself. Kids are very wise, they naturally have a real thirst for knowledge. They try to imitate their parents in everything, and this feature is a great opportunity to inspire the baby to learn new things with his own example.

Physiology of children 1-2 years old

Subject to proper development by the year the baby already begins to walk independently. To the great amazement of his parents, a month after the first steps, he was already quite confidently walking without assistance, and after another two - he started to run. The growth rate during this period is somewhat slowed down, the body spends enormous resources in order to develop all the baby's systems. Including his agility, coordination of movements. Sports development games for children 1-2 years old can contribute to this:

  • ball games;
  • classes at the sports complex or the Swedish wall ;
  • exercises and simple gymnastic exercises;
  • swimming in a large bath or pool.

At this age, it is very important not to limit the physical activity of the child. Walking in the fresh air - in the park and at special playgrounds - is a great opportunity to give your baby a free run and show your research spirit. And how to develop a child in 1 year, if not through communication with the outside world?

Early child development

Around this topic is a huge number of myths and legends. Opponents and supporters of early development have diametrically opposed points of view. Some believe that the child himself must learn everything when the right time comes. Others sincerely believe that it is possible and necessary to study with a baby almost from birth (in support of this theory, teachers create special didactic materials for their young wards, developing games for children from 1 year old).

developing centers for children from 1 year

Scientists are unambiguous in their opinion: a child is a blank sheet of paper. Up to 4-5 years old, his brain is able to remember and absorb huge amounts of information, so why not take advantage of this, and along with the knowledge necessary for self-service, not help the child learn speech faster, teach him to distinguish colors, shapes and animals?

Montessori School

One of the most popular areas in early pedagogy is the Montessori system, which teaches parents how to develop a child in 1 year. Created by Italian Maria Montessori in the first half of the 20th century, this system found supporters in many countries. What is it? Initially, Maria Montessori was engaged with children who had various developmental delays. Over time, her methods began to be used to raise completely healthy children.

In this technique, teachers and psychologists teach the baby to make decisions, to be independent in their judgments and actions, but at the same time obey the generally accepted rules and norms. It is noteworthy that there are no toys as such in groups where children are engaged in this system. It is impossible to find a typewriter, a pistol or a doll there, on the contrary, children study and study. Developing toys for children 1-2 years old help them in this:

  • cubes;
  • pyramids;
  • sorters;
  • puzzles;
  • musical instruments.

Classes in the Montessori system suggest the development of self-care skills in a child , that is, the baby must learn to play, eat, drink independently. If parents and at home systematically adhere to these principles, then the child grows up as a self-sufficient person, with whom norms of communication in society have been instilled since childhood. Such a baby is able to cope with conflict situations and with dignity to get out of them.

educational cartoons for children 1 3 years old

In Moscow, special educational centers have also been created for children from 1 year old, based on Montessori pedagogy: “Steps”, “Montessori Garden”, “Early Development Club” on ul. Trofimova and many others.

Do I need to torment the baby?

The early development of the child is not an easy process for both the baby and his parents. Having chosen one tactic of behavior, having created certain rules and norms, you should not succumb to the temptation and go away from the given course.

When parents decide for themselves an important question regarding the future of their child: “We are developing a child at home, 1 year is the right age,” it is very important that mom and dad work together with him. In no case can you go too far, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect - the child closes in himself. At this age, a small person learns many things through the prism of comparison, imitation, and only in a playful way. Therefore, even educational games for children 1-2 years old should be interesting for the baby.

During self-study, do not push the child; if he is not interested, he feels bad or is busy with another, important thing for him - it is necessary to give him plenty to play enough. Education will only bear fruit when it happens in an atmosphere of mutual disposition of both the student (child) and his teacher (mother). Then the process will bring pleasure and, of course, a result that will not take long! Many parents are confused by the question regarding whether children at this age can watch cartoons? As practice shows, it is almost impossible to completely protect a child from the benefits of modern civilization, but if you approach the issue wisely, give the baby the opportunity to watch developing cartoons for children 1-3 years old, but not for long and it is those that are suitable for age, nothing bad will happen .

What will we play?

After a year, children begin to take the first steps in their socialization. They learn to play with their mother, brother or sister. The older the baby, the wider his circle of friends becomes. He makes new friends on the playground, he is happy to examine them, listen and try not only to watch the game of other children, but also to participate in the process.

educational cartoons for children from 1 year

During this period, developmental games for children from 1 year old can be diversified. It is very important to give the child the opportunity to develop motor skills, for this you can create several simple activities (under the supervision of parents!):

  • Sorting of various trifles - for this you can take large beads, natural material (chestnuts, nuts), pompons. They can be of different colors or textures, the child must arrange the items in separate trays or cells.
  • Transfusion, pouring is a very important aspect in the development of a child. Playing with water, kinetic sand, cereals - it is exciting and useful, it develops perseverance and spatial thinking.
  • Drawing - you should not expect the child to create a masterpiece, but the process itself will bring him and his parents pleasure. You can draw anything - chalk, pencils, paints (finger, gouache, watercolor).

Such developmental activities for children 1 year old will help show the child the difference between big and small, he will learn to recognize his tactile sensations, it also contributes to speech development.

Do not forget about outdoor games. You can learn how to do simple physical exercises with a child: show him how to squat, walk on the spot, play with balls of different sizes.

developmental activities for children 1 year old

How to play?

Often parents looking for the perfect toy get lost and buy everything. To provide such freedom of choice to the baby is impractical. By virtue of his age, he is not yet able to make it and stop at one thing, much less on his own. Educational toys for children from 1 year old must be at home, but their compliance with age and level of development, as well as the preferences of the child himself is a prerequisite. What can be offered:

  • cubes, constructor "Town";
  • various pyramids;
  • wooden puzzles, insert frames;
  • sorters of various modifications - with geometric shapes, animals, fruits and vegetables;
  • constructor with large elements;
  • large mosaic (plastic, magnetic or wooden);
  • dolls, baby dolls;
  • reliable cars, including pushers.

Sometimes a useful idea of ​​what to play for parents and baby is served by developing cartoons for children from 1 year old. Their characters, as well as an unobtrusive form of training, help the child understand what needs to be done with toys.

Learning to talk

In a year, many babies have a sufficient vocabulary, which makes it possible to maintain communication with their mother. He knows who is who is in his environment, can ask to eat, drink, express approval or displeasure. The whole next year is significant - the child’s vocabulary will grow by leaps and bounds, this largely depends on the parents themselves. You need to talk with the child, comment on all the processes, but do it in an accessible and simple language.

Big helpers in this are educational cartoons for children from 1 year old with short songs and rhymes. Their simple rhymes and simple words are easily perceived by ear, and the combination of sound and image allows the child to quickly learn the names of the characters and their actions.

educational games for children 1 2 years

The book is the best friend from the first days of life!

To instill a love of reading for a very young child is much easier than at an older age. Modern publishers print excellent literature for very young children. Thick cardboard pages, large drawings with a clear image and without small details are the requirements that books for the baby must meet. Well, the list of authors is very extensive:

  • Elena Blaginina.
  • Boris Zakhoder.
  • Korney Chukovsky.
  • Agnia Barto and many other great children's writers.

Educational cartoons for kids

As mentioned above, watching cartoons at such an early age is possible only in limited numbers. In order for the cartoons not to become a pleasure for the child, but also to benefit, they need to be selected wisely. In modern rentals there are a huge number of them for every taste and age, but what kind of educational cartoons for children 1-3 years old will really be useful?

Among the most popular are short stories: “Lion's Truck”, “Aunt Owl”, “Tortoise Aha-Aha”, “Teen Love”. In addition, cartoons that help learn letters, colors, shapes, animals, and item names will be useful.

Do it!

At that time, when the baby learned to sit, an amazing world opened before him. He was able to look at his environment from a new angle, it became even more interesting for the child when he went. Mom needs to constantly look for new sources of knowledge for her child, and creativity is a great help for this.

With a young child, you can also draw, do modeling, make applications and assemble a constructor, teach him how to make images from mosaics and in every way encourage his creative impulses.

Developing centers for children from 1 year old practice such classes. Among the recognized moms are: "Rainbow", "Mosaic", "Anthill". It is very important that now a large amount of material has been created for completely unintelligent kids - these are non-toxic finger paints, kinetic sand, safe plasticine. Many development groups practice modeling from salt dough tinted with food colors.

educational toys for children 1 2 years old

Go to the masses

Yes, the harmonious development of the baby is impossible without communication. Closing a child in an apartment, limiting his communication, it is impossible to expect great achievements from him. Of course, you can achieve intellectual development on your own, the child simply will have no choice but to do what his parents offer him.

However, the process of cognition is much faster and more natural when the child is in society. So he will be able to learn something useful not only from his beloved parents, but also from relatives and other children in the playgrounds, playrooms and early development centers.

Childhood is a holiday!

Growing a child prodigy and future genius, parents should remember that they are primarily doing this for themselves. A child, and especially at such a young age, does not need international recognition, he does not need to know the alphabet and the multiplication table. No matter how much mom and dad would like their baby to succeed in life, it is unlikely that he will succeed without a happy, carefree and cloudless childhood.


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