How and with what to wear high-waisted jeans?

Fashion returns and high-waisted jeans are once again popular. So, let's figure out how and what to wear high-waisted jeans with. It is worth noting that in itself such a model of jeans is very fashionable and popular among the female population of our planet. However, unfortunately, many even the most notorious fashionistas make unacceptable mistakes in the process of wearing high-waisted jeans.

First of all, it is important to note the fact that high-waisted jeans are not recommended for women who have a figure in the form of an apple and a pear - they categorically do not suit them, but many, most likely, think differently when putting them on. Low waist jeans are best for your figure. If your figure refers to a triangle, rectangle and figure eight, then you can safely put on such a jeans model. This means that if you are a happy owner of a slender figure, then jeans with a high waist are for you, because they can very well be able to emphasize the thinness of your waist and the beautiful shape of your hips.

Now let's talk about what kind of clothes it is better to wear high-waisted jeans.

A great addition to such a jeans model may be some stylish top. It can be the most diverse: both shortened and elongated, both on the straps, and without them, and so on - it all depends on your imagination and your choice. Tops that accentuate the chest with the elastic band located under the chest also look great. Your image will be no less successful if you pick up some luxurious fur vest for jeans of such a plan. Also, instead of a fur vest, you can wear the most ordinary one, and it will be just wonderful if it turns out to be of a man's cut.

High-waisted jeans will look great with jeans jackets, and it’s not at all necessary that they be the same color as the trousers themselves. For each option, an individual color and cut can be selected. As an option, you can use not only jeans jackets, because those made of fur look no less attractive.

And, finally, knitted cardigans and men's shirts look very stylish with such jeans.

As for shoes, then the best option can be both sneakers and ballet shoes, and high-heeled shoes. However, fashion connoisseurs most often advise putting on shoes all the same on the rise - heels, a platform - this way you will be able to visually increase the length of your legs. The same effect is easily achieved due to the high waist. So, putting on jeans with high waist, you will definitely achieve a visual lengthening of your legs.

And finally, I would like to say a few words about the accessories that are appropriate to wear with jeans at a high waist. First of all, pay attention to various caps, scarves and glasses. If we talk about bags that are suitable for this kind of jeans, then their choice is individual for each outfit - the model will depend not only on the bottom of the outfit. If you wear high-waisted jeans at a party or club, then some stylish clutch will look very nice with them.

Now a few words about the size of the bag. It depends primarily on your physique and growth. So, if you are short, then try not to choose bags of large sizes - they will make your figure more down to earth. And everything is exactly the opposite for tall women.

High-waisted jeans are very fashionable, but that doesn’t mean that they will surely sit beautifully on you. When buying them, you must always take into account all the nuances of your figure and if it is not suitable for such a jeans model, then it is better to refuse to buy them, despite such a high popularity, especially among famous personalities.


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