Fittonia: home care for this thermophilic plant

Fittonia is a beautiful creeping plant belonging to the groundcover. Recently, it has gained particular popularity among gardeners, as it is able to revive and ennoble the interior of any room with its bright, rich green leaves with an elegant pattern.

fittonia home care
Fittonia can be distinguished from other indoor plants by branched creeping shoots. They grow leaves of an oval or heart-shaped emerald shade. The homeland of this magnificent plant is the vast territory of South America, as well as the wetlands of Peru. Now, any plant grower has the opportunity to purchase a viable variety of Fittonia, which perfectly adapts to the climatic conditions of an ordinary city apartment. In this article we would like to talk about how Fittonia is grown correctly. Home care for this exotic plant is to create conditions as close to natural as possible. That is, to grow a healthy specimen, you should maintain a special temperature and humidity, as well as provide it with the necessary light.

Fittonia: home care. We create optimal climatic conditions

This beautiful plant from South America loves warmth, so the most favorable temperature for it is + 25-26 ° C. In winter, Fittonia can tolerate a slight decrease - up to + 20 ° C. The plant does not tolerate a sharp cooling, drafts or even simple ventilation, therefore, in the cold season, opening the window, take care of the "pet" and cover it with polyethylene. You shouldn’t take the pot with fitton out onto the balcony, terrace or loggia, even if it’s warm outside.

fittonia at home
The plant prefers diffused sunlight and does not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight. In order for your Fittonia to grow well and not get sick at home, select a secluded place for it. It should be sufficiently lit and protected from air currents and drafts.

Fittonia: home care. Humidity and watering

An important condition for the development of the plant is the maintenance of high humidity in the room. To do this, you can use a household appliance (humidifier) ​​or put a flower pot in a tray with pebbles or river sand, into which it is periodically necessary to pour water (2 or 3 times a week). Fittonia loves timely and regular watering. In the hot season, moisten the substrate in a pot at least twice a week, or even more often. For irrigation take clean soft water, always at room temperature. In the autumn-winter period, the plant is watered less often - once every 5 or 6 days. Also likes moisturizing from the Fitton atomizer. Caring for her involves spraying her leaves, especially on hot days, as well as wiping them from dust with a damp, clean cloth. It is necessary to clean the plant, as it “breathes” through the leaves.

Fittonia: home care. Top dressing and substrate

fittonia care
The plant is fed only during the period of active development and growth, that is, from March to October. To do this, use mineral and organic complex fertilizers, alternating them. Great for feeding special mixtures for variegated plants. When transplanting, it is necessary to select a suitable substrate. As a rule, the plant is well related to nutritious soil mixtures from peat, turf and leaf land, as well as sand (2: 2: 2: 1). Tip: with the growth of Fittonia and excessive extension of the branches, it is necessary to pinch the shoots, forming a dense and attractive crown.


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