Biography and work of the Irish writer Cecilia Ahern

Cecilia Ahern is one of the brightest stars in the modern world of foreign literature. Despite her fairly young age - she is only thirty-six years old, she has already gained popularity not only among readers, but also among critics. Today you will learn a lot of interesting things about a talented writer. The facts of her biography, information about the most famous books, as well as reader reviews will be presented to your attention.

ahern cecilia


Many writers and poets did not even think that someday they would connect their lives with the world of literature. What did the Irish writer dream of as a child? What did you like? First things first.

Cecilia Ahern was born in Dublin (Ireland) in 1981. Her childhood was spent in a large village house. Together with her sister, she loved to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature. The girl wrote down everything that happened to her in a notebook. She had a lot of them. She liked to write. In the future, she began to record not only what happened to her, but also to come up with new stories. She liked to write poetry, write stories. At seven years old, she already had a fairly large number of them. But Cecilia wrote only for herself, as she was very critical of her work.

cecilia ahern books

Interesting Biography Facts

  • Cecilia Ahern wrote her first story at age seven.
  • The writer graduated from the faculty of journalism.
  • She became famous at 21. Her book " PS I Love You" has become a favorite among millions of readers in many countries around the world.
  • Cecilia Ahern's first literary critic is her mother, with whom they have a warm and trusting relationship.


The writer has more than a dozen books, and readers are looking forward to her new novels. She loves to create all alone, and when the last chapter is completed, she returns to her beloved family. The themes of Cecilia Ahern's books are love, the relationship between a man and a woman, the complex world of human relations and much more. Her characters - romantic and naive, faithful and honest - instantly win the sympathy of readers. Let's remember the most famous books of the writer.

  • "PS I love you." The main character is experiencing a difficult tragedy - her beloved husband died. He left her letters with detailed instructions on what she needed to do in order to learn how to live and become happy again.
  • "With love, Rosie." The main characters have been friends since school. But many years will pass before they realize that they love each other and they need to be together. Previously, the book was published under the title "I do not believe. I do not hope. I love."
  • Cecilia Ahern, The Ideal. One of the last works written by the writer. This is a continuation of the book "Brand". The author touches on a slightly unusual topic. Future. How can it be? The picture that the author paints us is simply terrifying. In the pursuit of an ideal society, the slightest deviation from the laws is punished in the most cruel way. "Ideal" (Cecilia Ahern) continues the theme.

cecilia ahern ideal

Reader Reviews

Her books are very popular. In bookstores, not only new, but also old works of Cecilia Ahern are instantly sold out. What is the secret of her talent? What do fans say about the work of their favorite writer? The secret to the popularity of Cecilia Ahern is quite simple - a dynamically developing narrative, an exciting plot, a happy ending, a pleasant language.

Her books help to survive the most difficult events in life and suggest how to live on. There are a lot of reviews about the work of Cecilia Ahern on the Internet. We will provide only excerpts from some:

  • All books are unusual and unlike one another. They have a lot of unreal, fictional. Taking the book in hand, you release it only by turning the last page.
  • They have mild humor and a life-affirming attitude, despite the problems that the writer describes.
  • Books are read in one go. After reading one novel, you are happy to undertake the next.
  • They are insanely touching, and the main characters are close, like soul mates.
  • After reading her books, I want to enjoy life.

Useful tips from Cecilia Ahern

She not only writes life-affirming, romantic books, but also shares with her readers some of the secrets of her family life. We offer you some useful tips from a writer for whom love is one of the most important feelings in a person’s life.

  • Be sincere with your loved one. Lies and omissions gradually kill love and destroy tender relationships.
  • The Internet is not the best place to meet. Trust relationships can arise only in real communication.
  • For each person, the family should be a place in which they will support and help him. To establish a warmer relationship, arrange home holidays. They help bring all family members closer together.

Irish writer

In the end

Tender and sad, light and philosophical, her books teach us to believe in love, to find a way out in hopeless situations. And also hope that everything will be fine. Let's wish Cecilia Ahern even more new subjects for creativity, and her fans - interesting and fascinating works.


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