How to cut a nail for a newborn: recommendations and features

Manicure is not only one of the most popular services of beauty salons, but also a necessary hygiene procedure. Nail care should begin almost from birth. In most modern maternity hospitals, young mothers receive recommendations from supervising pediatricians. However, when it comes time to put the advice you’ve got into practice, not all parents can remember how to cut their nails.

The first nail clipping is an event!

All babies are different, some are born with very long nails, while others are opposite, they are barely visible on tiny fingers. Most young mothers, being at home after discharge from the hospital, tend to take care of the baby as carefully as possible. At this moment, the question becomes relevant: when to cut the nails of a newborn for the first time in his life?

How a newborn cut nails

The most important thing is not to rush, to trim the tips of the nail plates for the first time no earlier than on the 10th day of a child’s life. It is even better to wait until the baby is about two weeks old. The thing is that the baby is born with very thin nails. Trying to cut them before they get stronger, you risk harming the baby. But what if the baby is born with very long nails and is scratched? Get special “mittens-scratches”, they look like socks worn on handles. This simple wardrobe item will help solve the problem of skin damage.

Manicure set for baby

How can a newborn cut his nails, are they so small and fragile? Do not be too lazy to buy special manicure tools. Many manufacturers of baby products even offer whole sets of accessories for the care of the nails of babies. Nail scissors for the smallest are distinguished by the rounded tips of the blades. For children older than six months, special tweezers and nail files are also offered.

How to cut the nails of a newborn

What to look for when choosing a children's manicure set? Tools should have the thinnest working surfaces. It is also desirable that the accessories be easily treated with antiseptics. How can a newborn cut nails without special children's tools? If you did not have time to acquire a manicure set for the baby, ordinary nail scissors are suitable . It is advisable that their tips be blunt. Store your baby’s fingernail care accessories in a separate, tight-fitting cover. Be sure to treat these tools with an antiseptic solution after each use.

Preparation for the procedure

The success of the procedure depends on how correctly the time is chosen for its implementation. When can nails be cut to newborn babies? Many pediatricians advise trying to do a baby manicure while he sleeps. Most importantly, the baby should be calm and relaxed. Some babies give their nails trimmed immediately after feeding. Other babies are most calm after bathing. And yet, you should not cut your nails immediately after water procedures. Wait at least 20-40 minutes. The thing is that when exposed to water, the nail plates and the skin around them softens. Cutting your nails immediately after the bath can imperceptibly damage the cuticle or skin near the tips of the nails. Start by preparing for a manicure.

When can newborns cut their nails

How to cut nails for newborns, what needs to be done before the procedure? Mom should wash her hands thoroughly, and even better, wipe them with antiseptic wipes. Tools should be disinfected. Now you can proceed to the most critical part of the procedure.

How to cut the nails of a newborn: rules and useful tips

Before grasping the scissors, you should firmly fix the finger with the fingers of one hand. Try to carefully move the skin near the tip of the nail. With the scissors that you hold in your second hand, carefully trim the edge of the nail plate. Do not try to cut the nail as short as possible. It is recommended to leave a length of approximately 1-2 mm. On the hands it is desirable to round the corners of the nails, and on the legs - on the contrary, leave it straight. This form will reduce the risk of ingrown edges of the nail plates into the skin.

When can newborns cut their nails and how often should this procedure be done? Mom is recommended to observe the growth rate of the baby's nails. Some children need to cut their nails once a month, and others at least twice a week.

What to do if mom injures her baby’s finger when cutting her nails?

Even if you do everything strictly according to the instructions, there is still a risk of accidental damage to the skin near the marigold. What to do if mom pricked the baby while cutting the tips of the nails? The most important thing is not to panic. The child will calm down and forget about the incident in a matter of minutes. It is important to treat the wound immediately to prevent infection. Use any antiseptic solution: iodine, zielonka or furatsilin. Treat skin damage and set aside a manicure until another time.

How to cut nails in newborns

How can a newborn cut his nails if he turns and is naughty? The correct answer is no way. Do not try to trim the nails when the child is not configured to carry out the procedure. Trying to cope with the baby "force", you risk injuring him and develop an hostile attitude to care for the nails.

Ingrown toenail: is home treatment possible?

Most adults believe that nails grow due to wearing uncomfortable shoes and improper care of the nail plates. These beliefs are partly true. Do not just forget that nails can grow even in very tiny babies. What to do if you notice this pathology in your own baby? The best solution is to show the child to the pediatrician as quickly as possible. Do not try to treat or cut off such a nail yourself. The risk of causing the baby pain is too great, and even a successfully removed nail will most likely grow back incorrectly. Only a doctor can determine the cause of abnormal growth of the nail plate and prescribe an effective treatment.

When to cut the nails of a newborn for the first time

To prevent deformation and ingrown marigolds, it is enough to wear only items made from natural fabrics on the baby and avoid squeezing the feet. Try to remember how to cut the nails of the newborn correctly, and follow these rules.


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