Mushroom Dubovka speckled: photo, description. Edible mottled oak or not?

Many people like to pick mushrooms, and this is a pretty useful activity. At the same time, it saves the budget and is a pleasant outdoor recreation (relaxation in the fresh air).

Dubovik is quite rare in the forests. Therefore, many mushroom pickers have never seen him and know almost nothing about him. There is a speckled oak and olive-brown in nature in nature.

In general, this species belongs to boron fungi and is considered one of the most nutritious and valuable products. It grows in oak forests, which is what its name says. Moreover, it is sometimes found in conifers, and a little less often - in mixed forests. Harvesting is usually carried out throughout the summer and early fall, depending on the region of growth.

Speckled oak

In this article, you can learn more about one of the species - speckled oak. Edible or not, where does it grow, what are its beneficial properties? You can find short answers to all these questions in the article.


Dubovik belongs to the fleet family. It mainly grows in deciduous forests, more often in the neighborhood of beech or oak, less often with linden and birch. It is also distributed in coniferous thickets near fir and spruce, as well as in wet marshy areas. In total there are 3 types of these mushrooms: speckled oak, ordinary and Kele. All of them have some common characteristics.

They have a large fleshy hat, velvety in texture, reaching sizes up to 20 cm in diameter. In young mushrooms, it has the shape of a hemisphere, and as it grows, it acquires a pillow-shaped appearance. The massive leg is slightly thickened below. Its height is 5-12 cm, and the diameter is 3-6 cm.

A distinctive feature of the fungus is when the pulp is pressed, it immediately turns blue. Such a property, for which he received the nickname bruise, is not a sign of its toxicity.

And the growth period is similar for all varieties of the oak tree: you can meet them in the forest from the beginning of summer to the end of September.

Mushroom oak

Speckled oak: description

This type of mushroom has several names: granulopod, an apex, boletus boletus, and red foot.

In its form, it is beautiful, with a hemispherical hat of dark brown or chestnut-brown color, with light edges. The matte dry surface is velvety at first, and smooth with age. Its tubular layer has a yellowish-olive or reddish-orange hue. The leg is barrel-shaped up to 10 cm high and about 3-4 cm wide. It is colored yellow-red with reddish small speckles that are randomly located. The dense and fleshy flesh has a yellow tint, only the legs are reddish. The latter also instantly turns blue when cut.

The mushroom is not very widespread. Speckled oak in central Russia and in the Moscow region is extremely rare. More often it can be found in the south of the country, where the very first crop appears already in late May.

Dubovik spotted description

The mushroom requires a good preliminary boil (15 minutes) with the obligatory drainage of the liquid.

Distinctive features

The described view differs from an ordinary oak with a hat. It has a very convex shape even in old mushrooms, and in color it is much darker.

The main difference is also the shape and color of the legs: it is first cylindrical or barrel-shaped, and then there is a thickening in the lower part. It does not have a dark net, instead of it there are red dots and scales. They became the reason for the emergence of such a name.

Mottled oak is a conditionally edible mushroom, therefore, as noted above, it must be boiled before use.

Edible oak mottled or not

Beneficial features

Dubovik, like many other mushrooms, has some useful properties. The composition of trace elements:

  • iron (maintains normal hemoglobin in the blood);
  • copper (contributes to the formation of pituitary cells, is involved in various recovery processes and blood formation);
  • zinc (accumulates in the pancreas - helps to improve digestion and absorption of nutrients).

The health benefits of this mushroom are undeniable. Beta-glutoins contained in it have a positive effect on the immune system. The use of mottled oak tree, as well as other species, improves the activity of the heart, strengthens blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. It also has antioxidant, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects, and reduces the risk of cancer.

It also contains a huge amount of vitamins: A, C, PP, A, C, D, B. The special taste and excellent healing properties of the oak tree have been known for a long time.

Experts praised the health benefits of the fungus. It can be used in food in salted, dried, boiled and fried form.

Mushroom storage

The speckled oak mushroom can also be stored. Freshly collected, they can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 2 days, and in boiled form - up to 3. After this time, toxic substances that can harm the body begin to be released from these mushrooms.

Dried oak trees are stored either in a plastic ventilated container or in a cotton bag, only a certain distance from heat sources must be observed. Provided that the temperature in the room is not more than 18 degrees, mushrooms can be stored for about one year.

Dubovik speckled spread


It should be remembered that the oak tree is very similar to the poisonous satanic mushroom, which is its false double. You can distinguish it by a lighter hat and smell. The poisonous mushroom smells pretty unpleasant.

A bruise, like an ordinary oak tree, has many useful qualities. Only 2 tablespoons of boiled mushrooms make up the daily need for iron, zinc and magnesium.


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