All-Russian Museum A.S. Pushkin: composition, address, opening hours, reviews

His poems and prose are justifiably considered a symbol, the personification of the Golden Age of Russian literature. Today, there is hardly a person who is unfamiliar with the name of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin. But the details of the life path, literary career, worldview are not known to everyone, as well as the features of the environment in which the formation of the great poet took place. All-Russian Museum A.S. Pushkin, opening his doors to visitors, makes it possible to fill in all the gaps and get acquainted not only with the biography and work of the writer, but also to plunge into the unique atmosphere of the 19th century.

Yesterday and today

The starting point for the development of the complex dedicated to the poet was 1879, when the first Russian museum of A.S. was opened in the walls of the Alexander Lyceum Pushkin. Now it includes several memorial buildings and objects located in St. Petersburg and the city of Pushkin. In 1997, the complex was recognized as a particularly valuable object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation.

The official address of the All-Russian Museum A.S. Pushkin - embankment of the Moika River, 12, the city of St. Petersburg.

Here, in the former house of the Volkonsky princes, the poet’s apartment was located, and today there is a collection that presents furniture and household items, prints and rare book editions of the first third of the nineteenth century.

In all parts of the museum there are both permanent exhibits and thematic exhibitions. Visitors can choose an excursion for every taste, as well as take part in organized educational and cultural events.

Parts of the complex

Today, the exhibits of the funds are stored in 6 main locations that are part of the All-Russian Museum of A.S. Pushkin.

In the mansion on the Moika, there are two of them. This is the Museum-apartment of A.S. Pushkin and the literary exposition dedicated to the life and work of the poet. Here you can see personal belongings, portraits of the writer, handwritten materials.

Museums of the city of Pushkin in the Leningrad Region are of no less interest. The famous educational institution in Tsarskoye Selo, where Alexander Sergeyevich studied, today is the Memorial Museum-Lyceum. Nearby, in the former house of A.K. Kitaeva is the Memorial Museum-Cottage.

The composition of the complex dedicated to A.S. Pushkin also included memorial sites associated with the names of two other great writers. We are talking about the apartment of N.A. Nekrasov in house number 36 on Liteiny Prospekt and G.R. Derzhavina at Fontanka, 118.

apartment N.A. Nekrasova

The main expositions

Today, in addition to the collections housed in the poet’s apartment, three main expositions of the All-Russian Museum of A.S. Pushkin.

  1. "In the white gloss of porcelain" in the western building of the estate of G.R. Derzhavina. The exposition halls showcase the masterpieces of Russian porcelain from the beginning of the 19th century, as well as products thematically related to the life, environment and works of A.S. Pushkin.
  2. "The owners of the Russian lira." Literary exposition in the eastern building of the building on the Fontanka. The collection includes portraits of writers and thinkers, objects of decorative art, copies of manuscripts.
  3. "We live in the memory of the Lyceum ...". The exposition is dedicated to graduates of this educational institution in Tsarskoye Selo. Visitors can get acquainted with the history of the lyceum, the lifestyle of students, their biographies.

You can familiarize yourself with these exposures in detail from Monday to Sunday (Tuesday is a day off). Opening hours of the All-Russian Museum A.S. Pushkin: from 10.30 to 18.00.

About exhibitions

Exhibitions are an integral part of the work of all parts of the Pushkin Museum in St. Petersburg. At least 40 of them are held annually. The subject of the exhibitions is quite wide: from expositions devoted to the work of writers, to the presentation of especially valuable objects from the museum fund.

museum exposition

Until the end of the year, you can see the collections dedicated to:

  • 200th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (the iconography of the writer, lifetime editions are presented).
  • Tales of A.S. Pushkin (objects of decorative art with the image of fairy-tale heroes, photographs, stage costumes are exhibited).
  • Theatrical productions based on the writer's works (sketches of the scenery of theatrical and musical productions, photographs of actors, video materials with excerpts from operas and performances).

Exhibitions of copies of exhibits of the museum complex funds are also regularly held in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The tradition was the holding of exhibitions of children's creativity. Drawings and photographs of children are dedicated to the life and work of Alexander Sergeyevich.

Collections and exhibits

In the treasury of the complex there are now more than two hundred thousand exhibits. At exhibitions, visitors to the All-Russian Museum A.S. Pushkin can get acquainted with a huge number of unique objects that reflect the era of the golden age of Russian literature:

  1. Miniature, painting, graphics (images of the writer, his contemporaries, illustrations of works and sketches of theatrical productions, including the works of I. Repin, O. Kiprensky, V. Serov, M. Vrubel) are presented.
  2. Sculpture and arts and crafts (jewelry, bronze, porcelain, bone, marble).
  3. Documents, manuscripts, publications (more than 20 collections of albums, letters, lists of works, rare editions).
  4. Support Fund (a motley collection containing bookplates, postcards, stamps, posters, calendars, etc.).
museum exhibits


They allow you to fully plunge into the atmosphere of time, to feel like a direct participant in the events. Museum A.S. Pushkin provides its guests the opportunity to take part in a variety of excursions: thematic, sightseeing, theater, walking, bus.

You can join the sightseeing tours in all 6 locations of the museum complex. Visitors will be introduced to the main expositions, reporting a lot of interesting facts on the history of Russian literature.

For lovers, theme tours are also offered. For example, opening the veil of secrecy over the novel "Eugene Onegin."

You can learn a lot and breathe fresh air during walking tours along the Moika embankment (duration 1.5 hours) or in Tsarskoye Selo (2.5 hours). The number of groups is from 7 to 20 people.

Bus excursions will help to see as many memorable places as possible: “A.S. Pushkin in St. Petersburg "," G.R. Derzhavin in Petersburg ”and others. Duration: 1.5 to 4 hours.

Poet's apartment

The building near the Konyushenny bridge continues to attract the attention of Petersburgers and visitors. After all, the Pushkin Museum on Moika 12 is not only the location where the main exposition is located, but also the place where the poet spent the last months of his life.

The situation of the memorial apartment was reconstructed on the basis of documents and testimonies of contemporaries. Among the exhibits are household items, interior items belonging to Alexander Sergeyevich and his family, as well as a posthumous mask of the writer.

The tour begins on the ground floor of the building, where visitors are introduced to the history of the house, the last period of Pushkin's life in St. Petersburg.

"... He founded the Lyceum"

A unique educational institution, opened in 1811 by decree of Alexander I and brought up a galaxy of famous graduates. As a memorial museum, the Lyceum has been operating since 1949.

Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum

The building meticulously restored the atmosphere in which Alexander Pushkin and his comrades studied and lived. In addition to the main exposition “We live in memory of the Lyceum ...”, the museum complex includes a library with publications from the beginning of the 19th century, a newspaper room, a large hall, student classes and bedrooms.

During the tour, guests can get acquainted with the history of the institution, biographies and works of its graduates. The exposition is located in 9 rooms and includes more than 500 exhibits. Actively used modern technology (multimedia, digital albums).

The museum is located at: Pushkin, house 2.

Secrets of Derzhavin's estate

The palette of activities of this branch of the Pushkin Museum in St. Petersburg is extremely diverse. In addition to the main building, it has at its disposal a conservatory, a garden and a home theater.

In addition to sightseeing and thematic excursions, festive performances and concerts are regularly held here. The magnificent interiors of the estate are also provided for organizing large-scale conferences, gala meetings and receptions.

Special attention deserves the costume program "The Baroque Era", which includes a sightseeing tour and a dance performance.

Manor G.R. Derzhavina

Concerts, courses and other events

In addition to visiting interesting exhibitions, the All-Russian Museum of A.S. Pushkina offers its guests to take part in:

  • educational programs and conferences;
  • concerts and performances;
  • balls and holiday performances.

Lecture courses are primarily devoted to the writer's work, legends and myths that arose around his name. Of great interest is also the cycle of programs “The Age in Faces”: about outstanding representatives, literary, social, and political life of the first third of the 19th century.

Concerts, creative meetings, literary presentations and performances held in different branches of the museum are very popular.

holiday of Russian poetry

Interactive costumed performances and balls held in Tsarskoye Selo and Derzhavin's estate give you the opportunity to completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the Golden Age.

Programs for children

All-Russian Museum A.S. Pushkin hospitably opens its doors not only to adults, but to the youngest visitors. The main area of ​​work with children's audiences is thematic classes and sightseeing tours for students of different ages. For younger students, holidays are organized, game forms are actively used. In October, a series of children's performances based on the works of the classic began. For high school students - literary meetings and conversations, quizzes, contests, quests, museum practices. Children can independently prepare and conduct an excursion.

activities for children

Programs are also provided for teachers aimed at introducing lyceum pedagogy.

There is a subscription system.

Reviews about the All-Russian Museum A.S. Pushkin

Its popularity and demand is perfectly illustrated by the number of annual visits (about 300 thousand people a year). The museum’s exhibitions attract not only connoisseurs of the poet’s work, but also everyone who is sincerely interested in the events of the most romantic age in Russian history.

The vast majority of reviews of the event are positive. The guests are delighted by the professionalism and extensive knowledge of the guides, their ability to interest all students. Particular attention is paid to the richness of the collections and the variety of thematic excursions.

“Here you can really touch the work of the great Poet!”


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