Impatiens - a plant that is capable of much

Sick, a modern person immediately runs to the pharmacy and buys the drug he needs. People began to forget that nature is generous with wealth and itself creates medicines that help with any illness, one of such natural helpers will be touchy. The plant also has a few more names, such as balsam or jumper.


It is an annual, herbaceous plant, with a fairly attractive and unusual appearance. In height reaches from 30 to 80 centimeters. The stem is erect, knotty, and the roots are fibrous in shape and are highly branched, so if you want to grow a touchy plant in the garden, you must take this factor into account and correctly calculate the distance between the flowers. The leaves are arranged alternately, not gathering close to each other, they are oval in shape and differ in the serrated structure of the edge. They have a bright, saturated green color.

untouchable plant


Impatiens - a plant, the description of which can be reduced to one of the most important factors, it is poisonous. Therefore, you need to be careful with it, especially during the flowering period, which occurs in June-August. The buds are distinguished by a bright lemon yellow color and an irregular, sagging shape. Five petals are usually collected on one flower, four of which are spliced ​​together.


Impatiens - a plant whose seed is distributed by ejecting them from the fetus. He, in turn, has the shape of an oblong box, and if you touch it in the process of maturation, it will begin to crack and shoot with force. This is the main danger of untouched.


The European part of Russia, Europe, Asia, the Mediterranean - in all these parts of the world, impassability grows. The plant loves peaty soil, moist swamps, river banks, lowland swamps and ravines, and most of all it loves a cold and humid climate. From this we can conclude that you can meet him just by walking through the forest, and you need to be vigilant and careful when collecting such flowers. Also, to make the touchy easier to detect, you can remember one small rule: a lot of nettles constantly grow next to it, and in most cases the plant hides in this prickly thicket.

untouchable plant seed distribution

Beneficial features

It has an excellent disinfecting and wound healing property, which is why the leaves of the touches are often crushed and applied to wounds, bruises, bumps and other abscesses that require a speedy recovery. Also, with the help of a plant, you can easily get rid of corns or warts.

Given that the Touch is a poisonous plant, its use inside requires special care. There are a number of contraindications, which include a ban on the use of pregnant women and children under 3 years of age, since it is precisely these categories that have the least degree of resistance to the various components that make up this flower. Also, before use, it is absolutely necessary to properly prepare all the components in order to protect yourself as much as possible.

But if all the rules are followed, then the plant can lead to the cure of the following diseases and conditions:

  • Vomiting
  • Cramps.
  • Cold.
  • Genitourinary problems or kidney problems.
  • Joint diseases.
  • It is an excellent tool to combat worms.
  • It removes excess toxins and toxins from poisoning or bites of poisonous snakes.


Leaves, flowers, stems and even roots - all these parts contain useful trace elements, thanks to which the touch is famous. The plant is usually harvested during the flowering period, which occurs in the summer. Next, they need to be prepared for cooking, that is, thoroughly dried in the shade, preferably under a canopy, for this you need to lay out an untouchable layer of about 3-5 centimeters.

touchy plant description

Tincture: 10 grams of grass and chopped roots need to be poured with 250 milliliters of boiling water, after which the broth should be infused for one hour. 1-2 tablespoons a day 3 times before meals will help with edema, kidney disease, will also be a good diuretic. If you use this tincture in larger quantities, then it will have an emetic effect. It can be used as an anti-inflammatory agent for wounds and abrasions, and is also suitable for the treatment of joint pain.

The infusion, consisting of seeds, leaves, roots and flowers of impatiens, collected in equal proportions and filled with 150 milliliters of boiling water, needs to be filtered and taken orally to disinfect the body and remove toxins from it. Also helps with the bite of poisonous snakes or insects.

untouchable plant photo

Impatiens - a plant whose photo you can see more, although it contains a certain danger, is still an excellent natural remedy for many diseases. It is only necessary to observe all precautions and collect it with special care, if all the actions are performed correctly, then you can get a universal and effective medicine.


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