Where to go in Sergiev Posad: attractions

Sergiev Posad is a small and very beautiful city in the Moscow region. It is inhabited by a little more than 16 thousand people. Where to go in Sergiev Posad, what architectural monuments there are in this beautiful city and other attractions - all this described in this article.

Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius

The foundation and history of Sergius Posad are closely related to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. It is not only an architectural, but also a religious and historical monument of art. The Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius is a unique architectural ensemble of more than 50 buildings that took shape over many centuries. The graceful entrance to the complex adorns the five-domed Baptist Church.

where to go in sergiev Posad

The main building of the ensemble is the Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. It was built in 1422 by order of the Monk Nikon. The temple is dedicated to Sergius of Radonezh. The square of the cathedral is closed by the Dukhovskaya church with a domed belfry. The north side of the Lavra is closed by the Bell Tower, which has a unique collection of bells. And among them is the largest Tsar Bell in Russia.

The largest temple of the Lavra is the Assumption Cathedral. In the south of the ensemble is the Refectory Church. And in the surrounding wards there was previously a hospital of Zosima and Savvatiya. Opposite her, the Smolensky temple was modestly sheltered.

Toy museum

Puppet Museum in Sergiev Posad - a unique collection of a huge collection of toys. They gathered for several centuries. The collection has thousands of exhibits. Sergiev Posad has long been known as the center of the toy industry. This city has even been called the "toy capital."

sergiev posad what to see

The exhibits collected in the museum, not only belong to different eras. Many are brought even from other states. A place of honor is a copy of the famous Olympic Bear. Each toy has its own story. The museum provides guided tours.

At exhibitions, you can see not only individual exhibits, but also entire expositions. Thanks to them, you can easily trace the entire history of toys from different countries. Special attention deserves a collection consisting of children's portraits. It has more than 200 works by Russian and foreign artists.

Chernihiv monastery

One of the most beautiful Russian cities is Sergiev Posad. What to see near the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius? Not far from it, just 3 km to the southeast, is the Chernigov Skete. This is one of the most favorite places of pilgrims. On the territory of the Chernihiv monastery there is a cave church. It was founded in the middle of the XIX century.

horse yard

With the advent of Bolshevik power, the Chernigov monastery was forcibly closed. There were placed prisons, warehouses and boarding schools for the disabled. Chernigov Sket began to revive its former greatness and regain its destiny only in the 90s. Now it is considered one of the buildings of the Holy Trinity Lavra complex. But so far, many monastic cells and buildings are occupied by a boarding school for children with disabilities.

When the question arises: “Where to go in Sergiev Posad?”, You should definitely visit the underground church in the Chernigov monastery. This is his main attraction. An underground temple was built in 1886, and cell buildings were only erected at the beginning of the 20th century.

Museum of History and Art

If the question arose: “Where to go in Sergiev Posad?”, You can visit the Museum of History and Art. He talks about the history of the creation and development of the city and local crafts. The museum consists of four sections: the main building, the local history building and the sacristy. And the fourth (Horse Yard) is worth telling separately.

Trinity Cathedral of St. Sergius Lavra

This department of the museum includes the construction of two hundred years ago. Graceful weathercocks attached to the spiers give the Horse Yard a special flavor. The belfry standing in the courtyard and having two real bells attracts attention. There are guns on stone carriages. And windows and gates adorn openwork lattices.

The horse yard has three permanently open exhibits. Workshops still operate on its territory. There is a spacious exhibition hall. The Horse Farm complex has the status of an architectural monument of Russian architecture of the 18-19th centuries. At first it was a one-story closed square, with four round turrets in the corners. For decades, the yard was being completed, "growing" with new buildings. The result is a whole complex of old buildings.

Gremyachiy waterfall

Not only museums are famous for Sergiev Posad. What to see in the city of believers? Ten kilometers from the city is Gremyachiy waterfall. This is one of the most beautiful places in Sergiev Posad. According to legend, the Gremyachiy waterfall arose after visiting this place by the Monk Sergius.

Since then, the source that hits from a crevice in the rock is considered a saint. Later there was a bathhouse. The source water is considered healing. All comers can douse it or plunge. A lot of tourists and pilgrims aspire to the Great Waterfall. This place is especially popular during church holidays. Most people come to the holy spring at Baptism.

Puppet Museum in Sergiev Posad

A staircase is built to the keys. You can go down the wooden paths. Fonts, although small, but very comfortable. The jets of the spring escaping from the rock resemble the heads of a dragon snake and flow into specially constructed grooves.

Where to go in Sergiev Posad, except for the listed attractions?

The surroundings of Sergiev Posad also have many attractions. For example, the Abramtsevo Museum-Reserve. In 1843, the estate was bought by writer S.T. Aksakov. Since then, the estate was often visited by famous philosophers, actors, historians, writers. Some even stayed for a long time to stay in the estate.

In honor of Archpriest Alexander Me (he was both a scientist and a priest), a chapel-temple was built near the city, which became part of the church complex. And 6 km southeast of the Lavra is the Desert of the Holy Spirit of Paraklit. An ancient lake is located on the northern side of Sergiev Posad. It was on it that in 1618, Poland and Russia entered into a truce. In honor of this event, a small wooden church was subsequently built on the lake. After the fire it was restored, but already in stone form.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E27141/

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