Sample responses to citizens' appeals. Federal Law No. 59 "On the Procedure for Considering Appeals of Citizens of the Russian Federation"

The state exists to organize the life of its citizens. This work requires constant feedback. People ask questions, talk about problems, generate suggestions. And the answers often get slurred, not related to the topic. Therefore, it is desirable for a specialist to have a sample of responses to citizens' appeals. The document must be properly executed, filled with meaningful content, to convey to the person the position of the organization or state. Let's look at how to write a response to an appeal, according to 59 Federal Laws.

sample responses to citizens

Concepts and Definitions

Citizens' appeals are considered proposals, questions, complaints, applications and petitions. They can be filed in writing, electronically or orally. But appeals will be considered only when officially issued. For example, if a citizen spoke with the head, and he did not give an order to draw up a special document based on the results of the conversation, then no answer should be expected, and his organization is not obliged to give it. This is not a violation of the law. And people should know some bureaucratic subtleties. The Law on Appeals describes what types and forms of official conversations with state bodies now exist. Other structures are not considered. They simply do not have the right to initiate responses to nonexistent appeals. In order for you to be heard, you must act in the manner prescribed by 59 Federal Laws. Organizations are required to respond to:

  • letter;
  • a question asked at a personal reception;
  • electronic message.

Each of the listed appeals must contain the individual data of a citizen, otherwise it will be considered anonymous. And such documents are not considered, which is regulated by applicable law.

What to write in the answer?

In this process, two parties are involved. Both face certain challenges. People need information, and employees should take care to comply with the law. It is useful for both of them to study a sample of responses to citizens' appeals in order to speak the same language. For example, if a person decides to complain about the employee who offended him and waits for information about his dismissal, then he can be very upset. Evidence is needed to make an informed and fair decision. The employee who is considering such a question faces a problem: how to satisfy the applicant's claim and not break the law. It must be understood by both parties that any letter signed by an official is a serious document. These papers are stored for the number of years specified by law. They can be extracted from archives and studied. If necessary, an investigation can be conducted on the form and content of the response. All is serious. Therefore, a sample of responses to citizens' appeals is needed by novice employees. Sometimes without experience it is difficult to choose the correct formulations that fully express the essence of the information. Now let's move on to the specifics.

terms of response to a written appeal from citizens

How to work on answers

Below is an approximate form. In the meantime, we should talk about bureaucratic subtleties. The law on appeals provides all the nuances of the process. In our case, it is important that letters accepted by individual data and the signature of the applicant are accepted for consideration. The specialist, forming the text of the answer, needs the surname and initials of the citizen, his address of residence. The fact is that the answer is sent in writing. The header indicates the personal data provided by the applicant. Next, show the recipient which of the calls is answered. Here is the approximate beginning of the text: “Dear Natalya Gennadevna! Having considered your letter of April 12, 2011 on violations of the current legislation regarding the calculation of pensions, (name of the authority) decided .... " That is, it is necessary to convey the essence of the problem to the recipient. If you do not remind about the question, then the meaning of the answer may be completely lost, remain incomprehensible. As a rule, experts forget about this. Imagine that you need to draw up an answer to such an appeal: "Please consider the establishment of a balloon festival in our village."

on consideration of citizens

Estimated work plan

Do not consider this example to be absurd. Not yet such letters have to be considered by specialists. And to be mistaken, it is impossible to violate the order of consideration in any case. I have to do a chore. The employee takes a sample of responses to citizens' appeals and repeats the mandatory scheme. It consists of the following stages:

  1. Identify the competence of which unit (body) is the question.
  2. If there are several defendants, send them copies.
  3. Inform the applicant of where his appeal has been transferred.
  4. Put the question under control.
  5. Designate the person responsible for the paperwork.
  6. Collect all the answers and form the text sent to the applicant.
  7. To analyze the compliance with the legislation of the information provided.
  8. Check the timing of a response to a written appeal from citizens.
  9. Send consolidated information to the applicant.

This plan can be replenished as necessary with additional points. For example, when it comes to misconduct by an employee of an organization, management may decide to conduct an internal investigation. Then you have to wait for its results.

violation of the terms of response to the appeal of citizens

Sample response (not for repetition)

Let's try to go through all the points of the plan, given that the executive branch asked about the ball festival. The head of the organization understands that the issue is not in his competence. Therefore, it must be redirected. A letter is written to the local government with a request to consider the corresponding appeal. And the applicant is answered as follows: “Dear Maxim Sergeyevich! Our organization (to name) has reviewed your appeal from (indicate date) regarding the celebration of the balloon festival. As a matter of fact, we inform you, this topic does not belong to the competence (name of the authority). Your appeal was sent (date) to the local council for consideration and response, in essence. ” This response must be sent to the applicant within fifteen business days. In general, the review period is 30 days. But if the answer is impossible to give immediately, the work of several units is necessary, then it doubles. On this office work does not end. It is necessary to wait for what the local government will say, and then write to the applicant. For example, like this: “Dear Maxim Sergeyevich! Your proposal for a balloon festival dated (date) has been reviewed by your local council. On the merits of the issue, we inform you that at the moment, the annual work plan of the body does not provide for activities to expand the list of public events. Your offer has been submitted to the department (indicate) for study. The unit head was instructed to organize a study of the public opinion of the village in order to identify the percentage of supporters and opponents of the idea. You, for your part, can join in this work. We suggest you come to a personal appointment with the head of the structural unit (name) to discuss specific activities for the implementation of public initiatives. Upon confirmation of the fact that most of the citizens of our village are supporters of the new holiday, the initiative will be submitted for consideration by the session of the local council in the manner prescribed by law. ”

answers to citizens' appeals examples

Legislation on the consideration of citizens

It must be understood that any document created in a state body must comply with the regulatory framework. When a response is written to an appeal, the law under which the question falls is identified first. For example, if they complain about the roads, then the application is submitted to the housing and communal services management, they are dissatisfied with the pension - to the organization dealing with social issues. Legislation on the consideration of citizens' appeals strictly indicates the illegality of preparing a response by those institutions whose competence does not include the question. Of course, it’s better to regulate this at the application stage. A specialist working with citizens is obliged to figure out which unit is engaged in what, in order to prompt people to the recipient. Otherwise, the application is written in the name of "the most important boss." In Russia, people send questions to the president. And the administration already decides what kind of written request to send, so that the citizen receives an answer on the essence of the problem, and not an unsubscribe.

Subtleties of forming answers

Any activity of a specialist working with people is subject to strict regulation. Legislatively established deadlines for responding to a written appeal from citizens. Violating them is not permissible. They are as follows:

  • 30 days usually;
  • 60 - in extreme cases, when additional investigation of the problem is necessary.

But in this case, the applicant will receive an interim response. In addition, the deadlines for interdepartmental correspondence regarding applications and proposals from the public are set. So, having received the resolution of the head, from which it follows that the letter should be considered by several institutions, the specialist must send copies to the recipients for work within seven days. The recipients themselves answer the applicant or send information to the organization from which the request came. In the latter case, they have only fifteen working days to generate information. The timing of a response to a written appeal from citizens is monitored by regulatory authorities. For their violation, specialists are subject to penalties.

consideration of appeals

Responses to citizens: examples

Here are a few letters, and then we will analyze them.

  • “Dear ... The administration of the body has considered your appeal dated (date) about violation of the law on the issues of calculating pensions. In essence, we report the following. The control body (indicate) checked the documentation of the social welfare unit for compliance with the current legislation. During the work revealed violations. The facts indicated in your appeal were confirmed. Currently, all identified violations have been corrected, the employee who committed them was reprimanded. ”
  • “Dear ... Having examined your application dated (date) regarding disturbance of the peace of citizens at night and in the evening, I inform you. This issue does not fall within the competence of the state institution that I head. Your appeal has been submitted to local authorities and the rule of law for study and decision on the merits. An answer will be sent to you by these institutions. ”

In the examples we do not indicate the date, bearing in mind that the reader has learned: violation of the terms of the response to the appeal of citizens is unacceptable. This is written above.

Analysis of examples

If you carefully read the texts, then you saw in them the difference in what person was written. Documents are formed depending on how the consideration of appeals was carried out. If the question does not require elaboration, the head puts a resolution on the letter, guided by which, the specialist writes the answer. It can be very simple, monosyllabic. The leader signs this document, sometimes on his own behalf, more often on behalf of the organization. This is decided by the boss himself when he thinks over the answer. The oral appeal of citizens, for example, is almost always considered by the leader himself. Based on the results, the applicant receives a response from the person he addressed. That is, the message is personal. But this is done only in simple cases. If the question is complex, then no experienced leader will take responsibility for the information provided. He, of course, puts his signature. But the performer, the specialist who worked on the text will be responsible for errors or flaws. His surname, sometimes his position, is indicated at the bottom of the page or on the reverse side of it.

response verbal appeal of citizens

How complex appeals are treated

It is necessary to tell about what the “work of the bureaucrat” is. People often scold government officials for not being able to get an intelligent answer from them to their questions. But not so simple. Specialists do not have the right to do as they possibly want. They work under the strict control of the law. As they say, a step to the right - and dismissal or trouble with the competent authorities. We have already said that the first phase of the consideration of the appeal is the identification of bodies and units whose competence includes solving the problem. There may be many, not one or two. And the answer should be comprehensive. The legislation does not allow breaking it into its constituent parts and informing of each piece separately. Therefore, it is necessary to designate a person responsible for the draft response to the appeal of citizens. Who could they be? As a rule, the main thing in this business will be the department or organization to which the problem is most related. But not always. The decision is made by the head. And he chooses the person in charge, given the personalities. It is better to entrust someone who you trust, who are more experienced in this matter and so on to collect an answer. Therefore, sometimes the executor (author of the text) may be a person who is engaged in several other duties according to the instructions. This is not prohibited by law. And the leader needs to take care of the organization’s reputation. Of course, he entrusts difficult questions to someone who has enough managerial experience, who knows the law in theory and in practice knows how to use it.

Final tips

Both the applicant and the addressee of the appeal need to learn the review scheme given above. Then they will speak the same language, understand each other more. And this, of course, will strengthen the cooperation of the state and society. It is necessary to understand that there is legislation. The defendant submits to him, and has no right to go beyond the framework. Why demand from the "bureaucrats" the impossible? All they can do is obey the law. Therefore, the citizen must know its basics. Then there will be no appeals about the holiday of balls, which only tear civil servants from serious matters.


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