Eco-coats Only Me. Reviews about Only Me eco-friendly fur coats

Every woman dreams of crowning her delicate and thin shoulders with a chic fur product, regardless of age or social status. This is probably already part of our culture - the desire to wear a beautiful fur coat, because a more beautiful outerwear that would deftly emphasize the delicate beauty of the beautiful half of humanity has not yet been invented.

But is it only right that for the sake of our warmth, comfort and aesthetic pleasure, living beings, to whom beautiful fur is given by nature, must die? Do we have the right to kill for this purpose? Few people thought about this issue before, but today, with the development of society and in terms of ethical thinking, a huge number of people consider the murder of the smaller brothers inhuman and even cruel in order to create a new wardrobe element for fashionistas from their skins.

In addition, the level of development of modern technologies allows us not to deny ourselves the desire to wear fur products, we just need to give preference to options made from eco-fur, which, by the way, today looks almost the same as natural fur, and Only Me fur coats are quite well received deservedly.

fur coats only me reviews

And everyone will survive, no one will be hurt!

The realities of the development of the outerwear market show that the assortment of natural fur products has not only ceased to grow at a rapid pace, but is also actively being replaced by eco-analogues from artificial materials, and the interest from customers is also growing rapidly.

A potential consumer (the responses confirm this fact) receives not only significant financial savings (after all, eco-fur is several times cheaper than natural), but also the moral pleasure of what can look great without making several animals of a certain species die to create one fur coat. Only Me fur coats collect reviews around themselves much more often than other manufacturers of such products, because this domestic manufacturer was able to learn how to make beautiful things that in appearance are not inferior to couture counterparts.

Benefits to talk about separately

As an analysis of the growth in the level of purchases shows, Only Me eco-fur coats receive admiration for good reason. Smart buyers have already managed to appreciate the significant advantages received when purchasing products from this manufacturer. If we single out their main advantages, which are most often mentioned in the responses about such products, we get the following list.

eco fur coats only me reviews

  • Affordable price - buying a fur coat is often compared with a serious investment. Products made from natural materials are very expensive and affordable, to be honest, only to representatives of the elite, whose incomes are several times higher than the average level. But fur coats from eco-friendly Only Me fur reviews and recommendations for the purchase are most often due to their affordable price, for which the buyer receives a really beautiful, worthy thing.
  • Lightness - if you have ever had a natural fur coat or at least once tried on such outer clothing, then you know that such products are quite heavy, and if you always dreamed of a luxurious fur coat to the heels, then you had to be ready to wear it on your shoulders quite a serious load. But only Me Me artificial fur coats gather reviews around themselves because even long models are very light, that is, you will be comfortable and easy to stay on your feet for a long time.
  • Appearance - as already mentioned, the quality of options for fur coats from the Only Me brand will please even the most demanding buyer, and only a professional can distinguish them from natural fur. The manufacturer pays a lot of attention to the selection of high-quality, beautiful accessories, which allows you to make your image perfect and complete.
  • Comfort at different temperatures - both at -30 outdoors and indoors you will be comfortable if you choose Only Me fur coats. Customer reviews confirm that the products of this brand are sewn from really breathable materials that retain heat well and allow you to feel comfortable in such outer clothing in warm weather, because there is no greenhouse effect.
  • Durability - natural fur is very demanding on the conditions of personal care. In addition, over time it fades, actively crumbles, so that after several winters your natural fur coat will completely lose its attractive appearance. It's good that this cannot happen with Only Me outerwear options. Fur coats, reviews confirm this fact, they not only wear well, but also do not fade, do not lose color, do not crumble. You can even wash such a thing in an ordinary washing machine, but it will delight you year after year with its beautiful appearance.

eco fur coats only me reviews

Variety of assortment

The brand manufacturer Only Me (reviews about this can be found most often) offers its customers a truly diverse assortment in which even a person with an eccentric taste and high requirements can find the perfect option for outerwear for themselves. It’s quite difficult to sew from natural fur, which means that many fashionable, modern and simply original styles of fur coats to realize from this material is unrealistic. But only Me designers have the only limitation - their imagination.

About insulation

Anyone who is unshakably convinced that heat in severe frosts can only be in a fur coat made of natural fur, probably just does not know about the insulation that the manufacturer uses to create each eco-coat Only Me. Reviews insist that it is really warm in such outerwear, and this is facilitated by a special material - tinsulate.

only me fur coats reviews

Thinsulate is a modified fiber, very thin in structure (for example, when compared with fleece, the thinsulate fiber is about ten times thinner). It can perfectly retain heat, but things with it will be very thin and light.

And the strongest wind is not terrible ...

To prevent strong gusts of wind from being frightening to beauties who prefer models from the Only Me brand, the manufacturer insulated them with a special windproof material, which is hidden from the eyes inside the product itself.

The fur coat, although from a domestic manufacturer, is sewn from imported eco-fur

Many buyers in their responses often mention that they did not expect that the domestic manufacturer could offer outerwear of such high quality. I would like to open the veil of secrecy a little - they produce eco-fur products, even with us, but from imported faux furs.

faux fur coats only me reviews

Upscale fur from the United States, England and even South Korea is used by the brand to sew Only Me fur coats. Customer reviews are filled with information that it is rather difficult to distinguish such material from natural.

The first “ethical" brand

Fur coats from Only Me eco-fur are also gathering reviews around itself because this company is the first in our vast country that began to position itself as an “ethical” brand. Modern society, which is now looking at the concept of killing animals for food and creating things with completely new eyes, could not but respond to such vivid statements from the market newcomer. And when the buyer realized that the big words were backed up by the highest quality of the products, it became clear that Only Me claims not only to be the leader in sales of faux fur products, but also plans to seriously push the sales positions of manufacturers who offer natural fur products.

There are also disadvantages

Of course, against the background of the vast majority of positive and admired responses, you can find those that open the eyes of potential buyers and the brand’s flaws. Most of them are subjective, because there are simply no ideal things at an affordable price today, and if we talk about really significant shortcomings, only one stands out - Only Me offers outerwear only for women. That is, the assortment, although very diverse, is limited to models for ladies, you will not find either men's or children's options, which is very disappointing for consumers.

faux fur coats only me reviews

Individual tailoring

Individual Me tailored fur coats from Only Me reviews are also collected very often. The introduction of such an additional service by the manufacturer allowed not only to expand a number of customers, but also to show that each consumer is valuable to the brand. It’s realistic to choose not only the size, style or material for the fur coat, but even change or create a thing with a unique design, that is, your fur coat will be truly unique.

only me reviews

Summarizing all of the above, it becomes clear why buyers about eco-fur coats from Only Me leave reviews much more often than on products of other brands. The main advantage of Only Me is its high quality, multiplied by a completely modern approach to market conquest.


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