Cottage from timber: advantage, features, construction highlights

Every citizen wants to have at least a small cottage where you can not only spend the weekend enjoying peace and quiet, but also grow various crops. Of course, you can buy an already built-up area with a house and outbuildings, but it will be a little expensive. And most importantly, it is difficult to determine the quality of structures. That is why many people simply prefer to buy a piece of land and engage in construction on their own.

cottage from timber

Recently, a summer house from a bar has become quite popular. And it is quite justified. This material has many advantages. In the rich variety of building materials, timber rightfully occupies a special place. Its limitless possibilities and undeniable advantages were appreciated by modern developers. In this article we want to talk about what advantages a summer house from a bar has and how to work with this material.

Brief description of building material

Timber is a unique building lumber with properties such as durability, reliability, ease of laying, and resistance to weathering. And also with its help it is possible to realize any architectural plans. It is enough to study the projects of houses made of timber to make sure of its design excellence!

Today, buildings of various architectural forms and dimensions are made of this building material. If desired, a 3- or even 4-storey building can be built from the timber. It all depends on the quality and type of boards. However, the most common are one-story cottages from timber.

Kind of timber

The fact is that a modern beam is of various types. They differ from each other in characteristics and production technologies. Today, glued timber is becoming increasingly popular, for example. And all because this type of material has many advantages over analogues. It is worth noting that if the cottage from the beam is equipped with a fireplace, then you can even hibernate on it. This is possible due to the good thermal conductivity of this material.

Features of glued beams

The production of glued beams is a high-tech process, the quality of the final product depends on the observance of the subtleties of which. That's why such material is worth buying only from trusted manufacturers and suppliers.

lumber house

The glued board consists of several wooden (mainly coniferous) lamellas glued together using special, non-toxic and environmentally friendly products. The result is a wood material with excellent performance.

Material benefits

If a summer house is made of glued-type timber, then it has many advantages. What are they like? Let's take a closer look. The construction of houses from timber allows you to create aesthetically flawless and high-quality buildings. Glued beam is practically devoid of flaws. It is resistant to fire and moisture, diverse in terms of shapes and sizes of boards, does not bend or crack during operation, does not deform or swell, and at the same time, all the qualities inherent in natural wood have been preserved in the material.

country houses

That is why the house of timber is durable. True, this material costs a little more than others, no less attractive from the point of view of operation and in demand among developers.

Profile beam for the construction of country houses

The profile board also has excellent performance properties. Among them: a high level of thermal insulation, environmental friendliness (glues are practically not used in production), lack of need for external and internal decoration.

Country houses from such timber can be erected in record time, which is also an indisputable advantage in comparison with, for example, brick. After all, this material does not require shrinkage, and thanks to a special system of fasteners, boards are assembled quickly, like a designer.

Non-core beam

It is worth noting that on the market, in addition to profile and glued, non-core timber is also widely represented. However, the technical characteristics of this variety are slightly worse. Such a log gives impressive shrinkage, and besides, finished country houses will need to be further insulated. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the boards will have to be processed with special compounds, thanks to which it is possible to extend the operational life of the beam. In fairness, we note that this type of building material is much cheaper than others.

construction of a summer house and a house from a bar

Of course, non-core timber has drawbacks, but the choice is always up to the developer. Whether to prefer the operational flawlessness of the profile and glued timber or the economy of the ordinary - everyone decides for himself!

Construction of a summer house and a house from a bar

We have already considered the types of timber and its operational characteristics. Now let's move on to what exactly can be built from this building material. Due to the lightness and ease of installation, the beam is ideal not only for small outbuildings, but also for a full-fledged house. If you conduct heating in it, then you can use the cottage all year round.

The main steps you need to know to build a house of timber yourself:

  • Foundation. Its type is selected depending on the features of the structure. If the house is one-story, then you can restrict yourself to columnar; for higher buildings, a strip foundation is recommended.
  • The construction of the frame. For the lower harness, it is important to use a beam of 150 x 150 mm.
  • Installation of the rough floor. At this stage, you need boards with a thickness of at least 200 mm.
  • Walling.
  • Installation of the roof.
  • Insulation of the floor and its final finish.
  • Installation of doors, windows.
  • Facade decoration.
    one-story summer houses from timber

After these steps, you can begin to decorate the home. As you can see, everything is extremely simple and fast. Each stage does not require additional time, so the house is built in a short period.

Arbors are also built from timber. This process is quite easy. Such a structure is an indispensable element in any suburban area. Two types of arbors stand out:

  • indoor (suitable even for use in winter);
  • open (only for the summer season).


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