The main functions of the forest

The forest provides the opportunity for many peoples to engage in fishing and material enrichment. However, people often forget that without trees, life on the planet would be simply impossible. For this reason, it is important to know about the benefits that green spaces bring. Let's find out what functions the forest performs .

Air cleaning function

forest functions

Considering the functions of the forest, it is first of all worth mentioning about the processing of carbon dioxide and the prevention of disaster, which can be caused by the greenhouse effect. Green spaces absorb more than 90% of the carbon from the surrounding space and replenish oxygen reserves. In addition, forests are able to eliminate other substances harmful to the human body from the air. It is about chlorine, sulfur dioxide, lead.

The air-cleaning, ecological function of the forest also consists in the retention of all kinds of harmful particles and dust. The latter concentrate on foliage, branches and needles of trees. Subsequently, the contaminants are washed away by sediments into the soil. Such particles are concentrated in the upper layers of the soil, retained by the forest substrate.

Forest conservation function

ecological functions of the forest

Dense thickets of trees maintain a stable hydrological regime. Thanks to forests, the water balance of rivers and ponds is maintained, and evaporation is approximately at the same level. In such an area, soils are characterized by high humidity. Groundwater here is partially filtered by root systems.

In winter, water under the canopy of perennial plants accumulates in the form of snow and ice. On the contrary, in treeless wastelands, snow is swelled by the winds and evaporates faster. Silting of ponds, lakes, rivers and reservoirs is rarely observed in forests. The destruction of perennial vegetation significantly accelerates such processes.

Forest substrate is a combination of dead leaves, grass and moss. This litter is characterized by its ability to absorb a significant amount of moisture. In summer, this cover prevents the evaporation of fluid and allows it to linger in the soil. Thanks to this function of the forest, the groundwater level under the green areas is much higher compared to bare wastelands.

Uncontrolled felling of trees leads to an increase in the likelihood of floods, rising water levels on rivers. Catastrophic floods in various parts of the world are largely caused by deforestation. To prevent such phenomena, a person needs to maintain an even distribution of green spaces along the entire length of the catchment areas.

Forest protective functions

forest conservation function

Green spaces protect agricultural areas from adverse environmental factors and enable people to preserve a significant part of the crops. In fields surrounded by trees, improved conditions for farming are observed. A stable temperature amplitude is maintained here, and the wind blowing speed is reduced. Thus, the rapid evaporation of life-giving moisture is eliminated, the dry winds are softened. In areas surrounded by forests, crops are less susceptible to weathering.

Due to the presence of a branched system of rhizomes, green spaces bind the soil. Thus, the level of surface runoff is reduced. In addition, the effect of soil erosion by rain and melt water is eliminated. The results of special studies show that a layer of soil about 20 cm thick in the fields has been washed away for a little over a decade. Thanks to the soil protection function of the forest, this takes millennia. The dense green plantations reliably protect the soil from the wind, fix loose sands and clay soils.

Many modern deserts were formed as a result of the destruction of forests. The beginning of such negative processes was often laid by unreasonable human activity. This problem was often touched by numerous scientists in their studies.

Forests are a natural defense for numerous living things. Trees and stunted plants form whole ecosystems. About a third of the animals that inhabit the planet live in forests.

Economic function

forest protective functions

Forests look to humans a wonderful source of numerous wealth. Entire branches are built on the basis of competent felling of trees and replenishment of their reserves. Without forests, humanity would be limited in building materials, all kinds of raw materials to meet household and energy needs.

The main good that trees give us is timber. However, without mushrooms and berries, as well as wild animals, people would hardly be able to survive in the old days. A few centuries ago, without wood, it was not even a question of building dwellings, heating with the onset of cold weather.

The social role of forests

what functions does the forest perform

Forests are a favorite vacation spot for the most numerous nature lovers. Especially people prefer to spend time in such areas if there are ponds nearby. Forests are of social value primarily for those who live in megacities. After all, only going to nature often allows you to temporarily protect yourself from the noise and pollution of big cities.

In medicine, it has long been recognized that spending time in the forest has the most positive effect on the state of the body. This is not surprising, because green spaces create a useful microclimate. Being in such conditions contributes to excellent relaxation.


So we figured out what functions of the forest exist. Humanity is not yet able to completely abandon the use of trees as raw materials to meet numerous needs. People are unlikely to be able to change their attitude towards felling trees in the near future. Indeed, before stopping such fishing, it is necessary to find an adequate replacement for the source of raw materials presented. Fortunately, some highly developed countries have already realized the magnitude of the problem and are implementing special programs aimed at preserving green spaces.


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