Crocheted hats for girls or openwork fantasy

Crocheted hats for girls - an indispensable attribute of baby clothes: warm in the autumn or winter, delicate and colorful in the summer. For mom, a beautiful headdress for her daughter is a kind of visiting card. Girls sitting well on their heads, decorated with knitted bows, flowers, beads and ribbons in summer, funny ears like a mouse or a bunny, in winter, hats will please a young fashionista. But there is only one inconvenience - the price of such a product. They are prohibitively expensive. But you can do such a thing yourself!

Crocheted hats for girls: materials

Crocheted Hats
To create a beautiful headgear you need the right thread. Woolen or semi-woolen yarn is perfect for warm models. Choose a color suitable for outerwear. You can also purchase threads based on what color is most suitable for the child. And you can always decorate the finished product with additional decorative elements that resonate with a jacket or coat! For summer, the most acceptable cotton thread: "Iris", "Chamomile" or any other type of yarn. Be careful not to twist the thread too much. In this case, the product will be too hard. In order for crocheted hats for girls to turn out beautiful and comfortable, you need to choose the right tool size. If it is thicker than yarn, the product will be loose, and if it is thinner, it will be too tight. Scissors and various jewelry will come in handy.

Knitted hat for a girl: a scheme of work

Knitted hat for girls scheme
Depending on the cap you choose, the pattern can be completely simple, in which chains of air loops and double crochets alternate, or much more complicated. Consider the simplest option, consisting of bridges formed from chains of air loops and double crochets. Crocheted hats for girls, the scheme of which looks like this, take a minimum of time. The bottom of the product is knitted. A ring is formed from 5 air loops, then the first row consisting of single crochet stitches is knitted. Try not to tighten the rows and not allow strong expansion. Otherwise, the bottom will fold. Having finished forming a tight circle the size of the parietal zone of the child, you need to go to the double crochet and make 1 air loop between them. If your yarn is not very thin, then you can make double crochet posts and two air loops. When knitting, check the volume of the product with the head of the child. Adjust the extension so that the cap does not constrict its head, but also does not fall when tilted. Having connected enough depth, make three or four rows with a single crochet, and then form a frill due to the strong expansion of the circle. Finish the product with one row of single crochet.

Knitted openwork hat

Knitted openwork hat for two
For a girl, this is the first necessity in a wardrobe! Snow-white, trimmed with knitted flowers or beads, silk ribbons or decorated with a large decorative flower, they protect against sunstroke, overheating, a light evening breeze, and simply create a mood! It is with such details that the impeccable taste that distinguishes a real woman begins to form. How many times have you observed a baby who, knowingly, puts on a hat that fell during a walk. How neatly, yet ineptly, but diligently spreading the frill ... This is a purely female gesture. Crocheted hats for girls can be made both from yarn of juicy, bright colors, and from gentle pastel shades. The choice depends only on your imagination and mood. And also on the character of the baby.


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