Inheritance: what should I know?

Though subconsciously, each of us dreams that one day a bell will ring and an unknown voice will say: "You are the only heir to County N in the N-th region." Indeed, inheritance can turn the lives of many. However, not everything is as simple and cloudless as it seems at first glance. Even if you bequeathed only a few thousand rubles, you need to know all the nuances in order to stay in the gain.


An inheritance is the acquisition by a person of rights and obligations regarding property that the testator bequeathed to him. Very often the most unpleasant lurks precisely in the word β€œduties”. Speaking about the negative aspects, the first thing I want to mention is the likelihood that, along with a chic mansion, you will get a β€œduty” to pay a bunch of debts and repair this same mansion for several years. However, a person always has a choice.

Inheritance Procedure

1. The successor has the full right to refuse the inheritance. But do not rush: analyze all the pros and cons of a possible inheritance. It may well be that there is still a benefit. But if you suddenly change your mind and want to return the right to inherit back - alas, nothing will come of it.

2. You can and must report your decision within six months from the date of the death of the testator.

3. The place of opening of the inheritance shall be the place where the deceased lived recently. If it is unknown, then you can transfer the procedure to the place of the last residence of the deceased.

inheritance procedure

4. Inheritance is very often divided among themselves not one but several people. There are two options: when all these people are indicated in the will or when it was not drawn up, and inheritance occurs according to the law.

  • Case One. If property and obligations are divided equally between successors, then everything is clear - they have equal rights and obligations. But if everyone got a certain share, then he bears responsibilities proportional to it.

  • Case Two. If the receipt of the inheritance is carried out by law, and not by will, the priority shall be taken into account. The heirs of the first stage are, of course, children and parents, as well as spouses (or grandchildren by right of presentation). The second - brothers and sisters (or nephews and nieces by right of representation) and grandparents on both (maternal and paternal) sides. The third stage - aunts and uncles ... There are ten whole queues, and each of them contains its own reservations and nuances.

documents for inheritance
Documents for inheritance

  • An application containing the will of a person to receive his inheritance by law.

  • Passport successor inheritance.

  • The certificate in which the fact of the death of the testator is registered.

  • All necessary documents that can confirm the relationship of the successor and the testator (for example, a marriage certificate).

  • A will certified by a notary without fail.

This is the basic package of documents that you may need. Depending on the type of inheritance received (car, cottage or apartment) the list is able to replenish.


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