Cassandra Cain - DC Comics Character

In the DC Comics universe, new characters appear infrequently. This is done so as not to confuse readers once again, and because it is rather difficult to come up with a really interesting superhero.

The new Batgirl Cassandra Kane, which appeared on the pages of comics in 1999, was DC's most successful innovation in two decades. A difficult biography of the girl made her a favorite of many readers around the world.

DC Comics Universe

The comic book publisher DC Entertainment is one of the two most renowned graphic novelty companies in the world. It is to him that humanity should be grateful for the appearance of Superman, Batman, Flash, Green Lantern and John Constantine.

All comic book characters from this publisher are related and belong to a single DC universe.

Around each superhero there is always a small number of his associates and assistants. Superman has his cousin Supergirl, Lois Lane, Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, and other Justice League members. The equally famous Dark Knight of Gotham has Commissioner James Gordon, Catwoman, Robin and Batgerle. If Gordon and Selina Kyle are specific people, then at different times completely different people with their complex destinies were hiding under the masks of Robin and Batgerl.

New DC superhero named Cassandra Kane

This girl is the fourth Batgirl in Gotham history.

dc comics
She first appeared on the pages of the 567th issue of Batman comics in July 1999.

Miss Kane's “parents” are young American illustrator Damion Scott, writer Kelly Packett, and editor Jordan B. Gorfinkel.

It is noteworthy that she became the first Batgerle for whom a solo comic book series was created.

The origin of the heroine and her childhood

The parents of the future Batgerl, oddly enough, were fairly well-known criminals: a hit man from China named Lady Shiva and another equally famous hitman David Kane.

Even before the birth of the girl, her father planned to grow from her an ideal protector for Ra's al-Ghula. Under a contract with Lady Shiva, as soon as Cassandra was born, David took her to him and began raising. Since his father emphasized the development of the fighting skills of his child and did not at all teach her daughter how to speak, the baby's brain underwent serious changes, and later Cassandra developed dyslexia.

Despite the fact that the young Miss Kane was not able to speak, read and write, her brain compensated for this by the ability to recognize the body language of other people, as well as to foresee their actions.

When Cassandra was only five years old, David Kane began to take her with him to “work”, so that his daughter would begin to regard the murders of others as normal.

cassandra cain

Three years later, he sent the girl to kill Fayzul. As an obedient daughter, Cassandra Kane fulfilled her father’s errand, but, realizing that such a murder was in reality, she felt disgust and ran away from the pope and his grandiose plans.

Cassandra at the Bat Family

The next nine years of independent life, Kassandra spent traveling around the world. Once in Gotham, she became close to Barbara Gordon, hiding under the hacker pseudonym Oracle. After the girl saved Barbara's stepfather - James Gordon - from her father, Batman drew attention to her and offered to become the new Batgerle.

cassandra kane

Cassandra manages to get very close to the Oracle and the Dark Knight, and later Bruce Wayne became her official adoptive father.

Over time, Cassandra Kane so successfully fought with Gotham crime that her stepfather allows her to work independently if she does not fight too dangerous villains, such as the Joker.

Meanwhile, David Kane decides to return his child to the "right" road. To quarrel the girl with Batman, he sends the Dark Knight a record of the first murder of Cassandra. However, this does not work, but rather, only unites the adoptive father and daughter.

Later, this comic book heroine is influenced by a powerful telepath who restores the normal functioning of her brain, and she learns to speak, but loses her ability to anticipate people's actions and "read" them. Batman tried to help his ward acquire new skills, but she was overly fixated on what was lost. Later, the girl encountered her biological mother, and she offered to train her if at the end of Kassandra fights with her.

Time passed, and having learned to fight well, Miss Kane-Wayne went into a duel with her mother. However, the destructive guilt that had not left her since the murder of Fayzul provoked suicidal thoughts in the girl. Therefore, she succumbed to Lady Shiva, allowing herself to be killed. Having understood the mood of her daughter, her mother resurrected her and made her fight with her in full force. As a result, Cassandra won.

cassandra kane comics

Batgerle was later able to save Bruce Wayne from prison, proving that the real killer was her father David.

Kassandra in the League of Assassins

By sending her biological parent to prison and coping with suicidal tendencies, Cassandra Kane was able to focus on the fight against crime.

Joining the Justice League, she left Gotham for a long time and participated in several important missions.

batgirl cassandra kane

Upon returning home, the girl found out that the whole Bet family went on vacation, and Harvey Dent, once again overcoming his schizophrenia, was fighting crime in Gotham. Then Kassandra alone patrols the streets of the city, until one day a criminal named Defrooke injects her with a drug that makes the girl angry.

Under the influence of the medicine, Cassandra leaves the Bet family and will join the League of Assassins. Working for them, she commits many crimes and even tries to destroy Supergirl. However, Robin does not abandon attempts to save the girl and, finding an antidote, introduces it to her friend.

Black bat

Having regained consciousness and returned to the Bet-family, Cassandra is tormented by torment of conscience for her deed and dreams of finding her father and Deathstroke, who are partially guilty of everything that she did. Finding David Kane, the girl defeated him in a fair fight, but did not kill him.

cassandra kane

In subsequent editions of the comics, the girl was the leader of the Outsiders, and also participated in the organization of the Network.

During the alleged death of Batman, Cassandra was very sad and therefore gave her Batgirl costume to Robin's ex-girlfriend Stephanie Brown, who fought crime under the pseudonym Spoiler. Miss Kane Wayne herself went to Hong Kong, where she continued to fight the villains in ordinary black robes. Later, Robin found her and presented her with an improved Batgerle costume.

At first, the girl did not express a desire to use it, but, becoming a representative of the Batman Corporation in Hong Kong, she still began to wear it, taking on the heroic name Black Bat.

the main characters of the instrument of death cassandra kane

Fighting under a new pseudonym, she was able to neutralize many dangerous criminals Kassandra Kane. Recent DC comics describe the heroine’s temporary return to Gotham, where she battles the villain Architect.

Entertaining facts

  • The first romantic hobby of the heroine was a Superman clone - Conner Kent.
  • The first word that the girl said, having received the ability to speak, was "Stop."
  • Despite her slim figure, Cassandra Cain loves to eat well.

cassandra kane comics

  • This heroine appeared in the comic books “Batman”, “Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight”, “Justice League Elite” and “Batman Corporation”.
  • Kassandra's favorite ice cream is chocolate; she also prefers to drink not coffee, but Assam tea.
  • Miss Cain Wayne was a victim of confusion, like so many fictional protagonists. The Mortal Instruments - Cassandra Kane is sometimes indicated by the author of this series of books by mistake. This oversight is due to the fact that the pseudonym of the epic writer is Cassandra Claire.

Despite the rather entertaining biography, the creators of the DC movie universe doubt that the character of Cassandra will appear in it in the near future. Despite this, Miss Kane-Wayne continues to acquire more and more fans around the world, and who knows, maybe in the future the management of DC Entertainment will change their mind about her.


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