What color is fuchsia? And how to wear it?

From time to time, we are bored by the calm of noble pastel shades, and we want something more emotional and vibrant. And here the so-called "Barbie color" comes to the forefront. A bright pink blast in the blink of an eye brings the scale of our mood to a high point. Here are just telling a friend about what exactly caused this outburst of fun, we often have difficulty getting confused with definitions. The pink tone is multifaceted, there is a completely innocent gentle children's color, there is a cold cyclamen, and there are others. Here's how to talk on the phone, what color is fuchsia? How to explain that it was not a shade of pig joy that delighted you, but a complex floral tone?

what color is fuchsia
Yes, it is commonly believed that this shade inherited its name from a plant with wonderful lush inflorescences. By the way, the color cyclamen, with which it is often confused, is also associated with the botanical world. The difference between these two rivals lies in subtle nuances. So, a cold intense shade with a pronounced purple character is cyclamen. But if red hints are mixed with purple, what color is it? Fuchsia, of course, is her.

The attitude to this tone among fashionistas is ambiguous. This is because he has a strong influence, which can play into the hands of the hostess, and can even push her into the background. But if you make friends with him, then a fashionable dress in fuchsia color will perfectly emphasize the individuality of its owner. And the bonus will be the admiring glances of the people around.

fuchsia dress
So that the coloring does not crush your appearance, you must carefully enter it into your wardrobe. It doesn’t matter if you are a brunette or a blonde, light accents of a rich pink tone will not hurt you. Accessories, lipstick, lip gloss. Let's move to a bright image gradually.

To begin with, we outline a circle of tones that are considered harmonious partners for such a defiant coloring. What color can the neighborhood withstand? What color is it? Fuchsia looks good with black and white (these two are neutral and, as a rule, do not argue with anyone). An ideal partnership with gray, which muffles a riot of pink a little.

fuchsia dress photo
A good choice would be a combination with a pale blue tone and pure purple. They are peculiar relatives and will be good at emphasizing each other's merits.

Please note that the dress in fuchsia color (photos can only emphasize this) looks interesting next to the green shoes. There is nothing strange in this, since the color itself comes from the plant world, its connection with everything natural is understandable. And what is more natural than seeing a pink inflorescence on a green stem?

Well, what color is fuchsia, we figured it out a bit. It remains only to try its magical effect on your own person. And it really is miraculous. Fuchsia successfully shades the even tan obtained on the long-awaited vacation. Or it will give light skin (oh, this pale appearance) a healthy tone without any extra cosmetics. And simply, fuchsia will bring a cheerful note to a gloomy winter day, if you take a chance and buy a coat or a down jacket of this color.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E27168/

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