Who makes fun of the story "Shemyakin court? What vices does the composition pursue?

The poor have always been oppressed by the rich. And the latter always wanted to take up the former. There are many stories in which justice triumphs in this sense. It comes to mind, for example, a biblical case when a beggar died on the steps of a rich palace and went to heaven. In turn, the rich, choking on dinner, died and went to hell. "Shemyakin Court" is also on like that. Of course, it is completely legitimate to ask, and who is ridiculed by the novel “The Shemyakin Court”? The answer is below.


whom the Shemyakin court makes fun of

Events are as old as the world. Once upon a time there were two brothers. One is poor, the other is rich. The rich, as usual, was greedy. It took the poor brushwood to bring from the forest, but no horse. He followed him to his brother, he gave, but said, firstly, to bring the "living property" safe and sound, and secondly, never to contact him again. The poor brother shrugged and agreed.

He came into the forest, and it turned out that he had not thought about the bridle, so he tied the sled (it was a fierce winter) to the tail of the horse. Then he forgot himself and quilted his horse for speed, he jerked and was left without a tail. Someone may ask, so who is ridiculed by the novel “The Shemyakin Court”? Dear friends, we remain patient, an answer will be given.

Seeing such matters, the rich brother dragged the poor to court. They walked across the bridge without a railing across the river. The poor brother was upset, distracted, slipped and fell straight from the bridge. In his misfortune, a merchant was driving along the river, taking the old father to the doctor. Well, the poor man made the old man no longer need a doctor, for he crushed him to death.

And now they are three of them going to the judge. And the poor brother thinks: “I have nothing to lose, so if the judge condemns me, then I will kill him.” He took a large stone, wrapped it in a rag and hid it in his bosom.

They reached the place without incident. The trial began. The poor man continually condemns and whispers to the judge: “You, judge, judge and look at the syudy”, showing him a stone. The judge thinks this is a bribe, and leads the process in a very peculiar way. He says to the rich man: “Let your brother remain with your horse until his tail grows”, and to the merchant: “Let the poor man stand in the same place on the river where your father died, and you jump on him from the bridge. Just like he’s been on you recently. ”

The trial is over. The judge comes to the poor man and says: "Come on, what have you got there." He shows him a stone and admits: “If you had condemned me, I would have killed you.” The judge thought that he still got off easily.

Miracles do not end there. A brother buys a horse from a poor man for 30 rubles (at that time a lot of money). And the merchant forgives him for the death of his father, only to not jump on him from the bridge, and gives him another 100 p.

The poor brother defeated everyone.

The reader, losing patience, asks: “Who is making fun of the story“ Shemyakin court ”?” Now we are ready to answer that.

The moral side of tale

whom the story is ridiculed by a shemyakin court which of the heroes

The story pursues greed and stupidity and glorifies the resourcefulness of the poor. And really, well, what else remains of the oppressed, except for Russian ingenuity? Nothing. Firstly, a rich brother did not have to be so arrogant and arrogant, because already at the trial he asked to return his horse after all. You can also see here the current problem of the relationship between reality and expectation. We explain below.

The judge was waiting for the money. The merchant was waiting for the poor man up. A rich man wanted to get his brother to serve. And all of them were deceived by life, and all thanks to a stone in the bosom, which the judge took for himself a gain.

Someone exclaims in admiration: “So the Shemyakin’s court” makes fun of someone! ” The author of this creation, unfortunately, is unknown, therefore it is believed that this is a folk tale.

The logical oddity of the story

Shemyakin court whom the author makes fun of

The merchant - the figure in the tale is random and necessary only so that the poor man despair and pick up a stone. This is evidenced by one trifle. Those who read the story (or our retelling) can immediately think about it, but for that reason the merchant forgave the poor man and even gave him a hundred rubles from above. Indeed, along with the question of who is ridiculed by the novel “The Shemyakin Court”, I would like to ask: why did the merchant forgive the poor. The story does not answer this question.

Therefore, the poor man’s victory cannot be considered pure and fair, for it could not have done without some logical falsification. However, let’s leave it. There are more important things. For example, for those who do not understand, explain who ridicules the story "Shemyakin court." Which of the heroes is rightfully the main one here? Of course, this is a resourceful poor man. In general, tales are almost always rich - tyrants. There is some mixture of moral and material. The Russian people still think that honest money cannot be earned honestly, and therefore all who have gold are bastards who do not have moral principles. In other words, the “class moment” is strong in Russian fairy tales.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2719/

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