How to teach children to go on a potty? Several ways to help parents

How to teach children to go on a potty? Many mothers and fathers ask this question: someone else before their child is one year old, someone only after two years. However, accustoming to a pot is not only about helping a child need a certain place and saving diapers. This is also a huge leap in its psychological development. When to teach a child to walk on a potty and how to do it right? This is our article. Let's get acquainted with the most famous methods.

how to teach children to go potty

Child orientation

This child-centered method of teaching children how to potty was invented by T. B. Brazelton in 1962, and in 2000, the American Academy of Pediatrics developed its recommendations on its basis. According to them, the baby does not need to be forced, he has to get used to the pot at his own pace. Parents are advised to wait until the child has mastered certain skills and abilities: he will learn to fulfill the requests of mom and dad, speak phrases in two words, etc. Only one thing is required from adults: praise and a positive attitude even to the failures of the baby. It is believed that if the child has reached the right age, he will easily accustom himself to the potty. However, for many, the habit of diapers is so great that there will be many problems along the way. If you wait until the child takes the initiative himself, it may be difficult to determine the child in kindergarten.

Today it is a generally accepted model of how to teach children to go potty, in most developed countries. It is interesting to note that this approach has become widely applicable after the sale of disposable diapers.

teach a child to walk on a potty

Start from birth, or natural hygiene

The basis of this method is the mother’s ability to calculate by the child’s behavior that he is now going to the toilet, and “drop him off” over the toilet or any container. You can apply this method almost immediately after birth. In the process of coping with the needs of the baby, the mother first makes a sound like "p-s-s-s" or "sh-sh-sh", which then is strongly associated with urination in the child.

As a result of such daily communication between mother and baby, he pretty soon and without any special tricks learns to go to the pot himself.

Cons of this method:

1. This is a continuous system. For several months you will have to offer your child to go to the toilet every hour.

2. Washing, because when using this method it is undesirable to use disposable diapers, and failures will be frequent.

We teach a child to go on a potty in one day

The essence of the method: one morning you tell the child that he is already big and will now wear panties and go to the toilet, like mom and dad. The next 4-8 hours you devote to teach the baby all the tricks.

Of course, the child will not be able to fully master the science of going to the pot in a few hours, and "accidents" will still occur for some time, but training should go easily after this first turning day. The main condition is that the baby must be big enough, at the age of about two years, otherwise he just won’t understand what you want from him.

teach a child to walk on a potty

Alarm method

The bottom line is this: you show the baby the pot, explain and show what is expected of it. Then in the morning you start to set a timer or alarm for every 15-20 minutes. Rang out - we plant the child in a pot. If he went to the toilet, gets a sticker or some kind of encouragement. After 2-3 days, when the child gets used to it, increase the interval to half an hour and so on ... This method is not suitable for stubborn children.

So we described the basic methods of how to teach children to walk on the potty. Remember that toilet training is neither a contest nor a conflict. Be positive and don’t scold the child. Be patient and your baby will soon make you happy by saying, "Mom, I want to go to the toilet!"


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