George Skrebitsky, the story "Cat Ivanitch": a brief summary, the main characters

Stories about our smaller brothers are simple only at first glance. Short, capacious descriptions hide a deep thought and great love of the author for every living creature. Therefore, you should not think that such small works are good only for younger students. Sometimes simple, but no less urgent truths are forgotten by forever busy adults. And who doesn’t want to return to the cozy atmosphere of childhood with the help of good old books? The story "Cat Ivanitch" is perfect for this.

about the author

The famous Russian and Soviet naturalist writer Georgy Alekseevich Skrebitsky was born in 1903. The discreet landscapes of Tula forests and meadows made a deep impression on the boy and forever remained in his memory and works. Having received a serious multidisciplinary education - literary and zootechnical - Skrebitsky in the best way combined his main hobbies in life, writing his first works in the late 1930s. Already the first collections of short stories “Coot and Tricks” and “Tales of the Hunter” brought Georgy Alekseevich fame and love of large and small readers.

Subsequently, Skrebitsky actively collaborated with the magazine Murzilka, printing short stories for the smallest. The author also contributed to the compilation of the collection "Native speech". The scripts for the cartoons "Forest Travelers" (about bold squirrels) and "In the Forest Thicket" (about a funny badger) are also created by this wonderful writer.

Skrebitsky cat ivanych

The peak of Skrebitsky’s creativity was two stories: “From the first thawed patches to the first thunderstorm” and “The wings grow at the chicks”. Both works tell a lot about the childhood and adolescence of the writer himself. Unfortunately, the second story remained unfinished due to the sudden death of Skrebitsky in 1964.

Features of creativity

The main theme of the works of Georgy Skrebitsky has always been nature in its constant variability and special beauty. In-depth knowledge about the life of a variety of animals, as well as fascinating scientific expeditions and gambling, were excellent help for the writer.

A characteristic feature of his work is short, but capacious and unusual titles of stories. "River Wolf", "Chir Chyrych", "Thief", "Long-nosed fishermen", "Kuyka".

cat ivanych

Skrebitsky often uses at the beginning of stories unhurried, but also not prolonged descriptions of the surrounding nature, dragging the reader into Karelian swamps or brooding middle-range forests. And often he suddenly introduces the main character - a little animal, fish or bird. Yes, not simple, but with their habits and habits. And what happens to this hero further depends on the story. Even stories about hunting and fishing do not look bloodthirsty at Skrebitsky. They are full of cheerful excitement and fully prove that the struggle between the earner and the prey is on an equal footing.

"Cat Ivanitch" is another striking example of how Skrebitsky describes his "lesser brother" and his peculiar life with humor and love. A small funny story captivates with its sincerity both children and adults.

"Cat Ivanovich": a summary

In fact, the whole story is a collection of mini-sketches from the life of the most ordinary, at first glance, domestic cat. In what kind of adventures did the cat Ivanitch not fall! And in the test he smeared himself, and he caught rats in the barn (though, exclusively for his own pleasure), and even made a difficult friendship with a hedgehog.

cat ivanych summary

All cases in the story are semi-anecdotal; now there are many videos with similar plots. The passion that Ivanovitch’s cat had for fish quickly disappeared after he was seized by a large crab by the paw. The cat also gets from the raven, who encroached on its prey from the barn. And the way Ivanitch’s cat settled in the test makes him laugh heartily at his love for comfort.

ivanich cat reviews

Only the last episode makes the reader tense. Moving to a new apartment is not an easy time for pets, and the author is worried about how this universal furry favorite will perceive it. However, Ivanovich’s loyalty should not be worried: after a brief review of the new house, he realizes that all his relatives are nearby, and completely accepts a new life.

main characters

All characters of the story were divided into two groups by Georgy Skrebitsky. The cat Ivanovich, Bobka's puppy, hedgehog, crows and other animals are the first and main group. Despite the realism of the story (animals do not talk and are not like people), the reader immediately understands the character of each hero: Bobka is funny and silly, crows are arrogant, a hedgehog is wild at first, like every forest inhabitant, but then gets used to a new friend, seeing that he won’t do anything bad to him.

story cat ivanych

There are few people in the story - the author himself, his mother and brother. Curious is the fact that they all appear on the plot only occasionally, mainly acting as observers. Of course, mom has to get Ivanitch out of the dough and wash it in the basin. Of course, she is afraid of the terrible prey that the cat brings from the barn. And yet she takes his tricks calmly and with humor, takes them for granted. And the cat Ivanitch sees her warm attitude, answering the same. It is no coincidence that his favorite place during family dinners is next to the narrator's mom. It is there that the cat fully understands and accepts the move of the family to a new home.

The warm and trusting relationship between the owners and animals is described by George Skrebitsky in his story. And yet, not the people here are the main characters. "Cat Ivanitch" - the work is more about animals, endowed with their own characters and characteristics.

The image of Ivanovich

It is no coincidence that the author chooses a name for the protagonist. This is not a simple nickname, like, for example, Murzik or Fluff - Georgy Skrebitsky did not just call his story. "Cat Ivanitch" ... You just listen carefully! Importance, solidity, character are combined here with a warm, friendly attitude (otherwise the cat would be called Ivanovich).

From the first lines the reader recognizes one of the main features of the cat - laziness. Moreover, this laziness does not cause irritation, we immediately understand that this feeling is absolutely normal, not only for cats. And when the author contrasts the laziness of Ivanitch Bobkina with stupidity, the choice becomes quite obvious.

Ivanovitch loves simple everyday pleasures - a warm lounger (even if in a tub with dough), a delicious fish (it will also come off from the aquarium), small entertainments and praise to the owners (barn rats). Sometimes a cat has to suffer for them, but he endures everything steadily. And here we learn about one more, the most important feature of Ivanovich - kindness.

cat ivanych main idea

Skrebitsky compares his hero with a devoted dog. Kot Ivanovich everywhere relentlessly follows his masters, meets and escorts them. And even when the author fears that their favorite will run away to the old apartment, he is mistaken. Once again comparing Ivanovich with a dog, the writer concludes: their cat is far from the most ordinary.

"Cat Ivanitch": the main idea

The theme of many works by Skrebitsky was the interaction of people and animals, domestic or wild. And a characteristic feature of this interaction is mutual understanding. Both people and animals accept each other with all the advantages and disadvantages, get along together and become friends.

Yes, Ivanovich has many features of a wild cat: greed, laziness, mischief, and hunting instincts that awaken from time to time. But at the same time, he is a kind and affectionate pet who will never betray his family. Even Ivanitch got used to even a prickly hedgehog, sharing lunch with him. And his masters see this, appreciate his devotion and gentleness to those whom he loves.

Language features

The story is read in one breath, not only because of the small volume. It is written in a very simple everyday language. It is as if we are listening to a boy who tells interesting stories about his cat. It is curious that we don’t know what color Ivanitch is — we only know that he is big and fat. This gives us the opportunity to compare almost any cat with it, thereby making it even more dear to readers.

Skrebitsky talks about the daily activities of the cat in the present tense, and it’s as if we see Ivanitch washing himself, basking in the sun or climbing into an aquarium to fish. And special incidents are described in the past tense.

Stories flow so smoothly from one to another that the reader almost does not notice it. The laziness of the cat is replaced by his adventures in the barn, but then it turns out that he does not eat rats, but loves fish. And so the next episode begins. The measured life of a cat is perfectly reflected in a measured, endless narrative.

main characters cat ivanych

"Cat Ivanitch": reviews and recommendations

Skrebitsky’s story is part of the elementary school curriculum and is actively discussed in reading classes. After studying the reviews, we can conclude that the accessible language, fun adventures and the charismatic protagonist make the work one of the favorite among little readers, after reading it they willingly share similar stories from the life of their own pets. As already noted, the text is easy to read, parents say that children do not even need to be particularly begged to read the story to the end. It is advisable, after analyzing the work "The Cat Ivanitch," to hold exhibitions of children's art on the theme "My Pet", as well as compile thematic photo galleries or video collections. You can also invite children to stage individual episodes of the story.


Animal literature will never be forgotten, and the works of Georgy Skrebitsky are vivid confirmation of this. Funny and funny, but at the same time loyal and kind pets teach us to be patient and responsible.


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