Do you know topaz is a precious or semi-precious stone?

precious or semi-precious topaz

The word "topaz" from the Latin language is translated as "fire", "heat". The rest of its names: Brazilian ruby, imperial, and in the Urals - heavyweight.

Topaz is an aluminum fluorosilicate. Colorless minerals are often found or with shades of different densities: cherry-brown, yellow, light green, pink, blue, red, golden. There are stones with the color β€œcat's eye”.

In this article we will learn more about this gem, and also try to answer the question that many ask: is topaz a precious or semiprecious mineral?


Topaz in the ancient world was considered a stone capable of exposing various secrets. Using it, one could influence people, subordinate them to themselves, and also expose intrigues. Due to this, he began to be considered a stone of courtiers and psychologists.

During the period of geographical discoveries, when they had not yet thought about the question of whether topaz is a precious stone, it was believed that the mineral was able to pacify the storms, therefore sailors, going to travel, bought a ring with it.

Physical properties

  1. Color - smoky, yellow, pink or blue (often colorless).
  2. Density - 3.5 g / cm 3 .
  3. The crystals are perfectly formed, prismatic, rich in faces (dipyramids, pinacoids, rhombic prisms). It happens in the form of fine-grained masses and beautiful friends.
  4. Hardness - 8 (on the Mohs scale).
  5. Glitter glass.


The stone can be found in pegmatite veins in paragenesis with orthoclase, quartz, mica, albite. In greisen it is associated with fluorite, aquamarine, wolframite and cassiterite.

topaz precious or semiprecious stone

Place of Birth

It is found in Volyn, in Eastern Siberia, in the Urals (in the Kamenka and Sanark rivers), abroad in Madagascar and in Brazil.

The size of the minerals can be very large. So, in 1965, a crystal with a total weight of 117 kg was found at a deposit in Ukraine.

Healing properties

Its healing properties have been known since ancient times. Healers used this stone as a remedy for possible poisoning. In various countries, topaz was used to treat eye diseases, including myopia. It is believed that this stone improves sleep, helps with nervous disorders, eliminates insomnia forever. Lithotherapists believe that the mineral is an excellent remedy for diseases of the gall bladder, spleen and liver. This magic stone improves the taste. Traditional healers with the help of topaz stop bleeding, treat bronchial asthma. It is believed that the stone should be worn on your body to increase immunity, as well as the prevention of colds.


There is no doubt in Ayurveda which particular topaz is a precious or semi-precious stone. Here it is considered precious, giving the intellect an energetic charge. The stone is able to reduce fear, fuel passion. Its owners are recommended to wear it on their right hand on the index finger, preferably in a gold ring, as well as on the neck in the form of a pendant.

The mineral develops intuition, accelerates the reaction, strengthens premonitions. He is also very much appreciated for his beauty. Topaz stone also has healing powers.

A precious or semi-precious other mineral does not have such a huge amount of useful properties as this one. There is an opinion that if you wear it on your neck framed in silver, then asthma attacks will begin to pass, insomnia will disappear, taste sensations will aggravate, and gout and epilepsy will disappear without a trace. The use of topaz in chronic diseases will increase the effectiveness of other healing methods. Also, this stone was used to treat inflammation of the tonsils, throat, as well as for diseases of the spine.

topaz is precious or semiprecious

Magical properties

Also known since ancient times are the magical properties of such a stone as topaz. Precious or semi-precious, then people were not yet interested. The golden stone in the East was a symbol of spiritual enlightenment. Pink topaz in India is considered a magical tool that brings back lost hope. In many countries, amulets are made from it, which are designed to protect against witchcraft, evil spirits, the evil eye and damage. This is a stone of friendship, spiritual purity, joy and prudence. Ancient legends attribute to him an interesting property to pacify the elements. It helps people who were born under the sign of Scorpio: girls become more beautiful, men bring wisdom.

Is Topaz a Precious or Semi-Precious Stone?

In jewelry, used as a gem. It is used to create all kinds of jewelry.

is topaz a gem

Amulets and Talismans

A talisman with such a stone as topaz (a precious or semi-precious mineral, we found out in this article) is used as a means of attracting material wealth, luck, success in professional activity. He is the mascot of travelers, businessmen and scientists. A brooch or pendant with it will give its owner strength, help achieve financial prosperity, and also overcome any difficulties.

This stone was also used as an amulet that can save a woman from infertility, and a man from sexual weakness.


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