Goluback fortress - an outstanding architectural monument in Serbia

Serbia is still a state little known to tourists, but very rich in sights. Within this Balkan country, many historical and architectural monuments have been preserved . One of them is the Golubatskaya fortress.

Serbia with dozens of its castles and fortifications of different ages will be interesting for both experienced historians and local tourists.

Fortresses of Serbia

On the territory of this Balkan republic there are at least two hundred fortifications. These are separate towers and walls, ruins of fortifications and real castle complexes. One of the most outstanding structures of the country is the Golubatsky fortress.

Serbia is a country with a difficult biography. Her entire history was accompanied by constant wars and battles. From attacks by ill-wishers, the Serbs defended themselves, erecting powerful strongholds at their villages - castles and fortresses. Many of them have survived in one form or another.

Some Serbian fortifications were built in antiquity. Such, for example, include Zvechanskaya and Zelengrad fortresses. Others were erected in the Middle Ages. But the famous Belgrade fortress, located in the capital of the state, is considered a legacy of the Roman Empire.

Golubatskaya fortress

Going on a trip to Serbia, it is imperative to include several fortifications in your tourist route. Their visit will definitely not leave indifferent guests of this beautiful country!

Goluback Fortress, Serbia: how to get to the object

The attraction is located in the north-eastern part of the country, near the border with Romania. Golubatskaya fortress (Golubachki Grad) rises on the right rocky bank of the Danube, near the town of the same name Golubats. The construction of a hydroelectric power station on the river in the twentieth century raised the water level, as a result of which part of the medieval structure was flooded.

Getting to the stronghold is easiest with your own or rented car. The journey from the Serbian capital of Belgrade will take about two hours. In addition, the two cities are connected by regular bus services. The highway runs right under the Golubatsky fortress, in a rocky tunnel.

Goluback fortress Serbia

You can also get to the monument from Romania. To do this, move towards Orshova along the E70 highway. In the village of Gura-Veiy, you should cross the Danube along the dam, after which you need to go west along highway 34.

The history of the architectural complex

Historians have not yet been able to accurately date the construction. It is believed that the Golubatskaya fortress "grew" on the banks of the largest European river at the beginning of the XIV century. It is possible that a Roman settlement had already existed on this site. Who exactly built the stronghold is also unknown. Some scholars attribute this to the Serbian princes, others to the Hungarians.

One way or another, the Goluback fortress in Serbia dates back to the beginning of the XIV century. Already in 1427 it was captured by the Turks under the leadership of the military commander Murad II. Upon learning of this, the King of Hungary Sigismund sent several thousand of his soldiers to conquer the fortress. However, the Hungarian army was defeated.

General description and current state of the fortress

The majestic and fabulously beautiful fortification hangs over the dark Danube waters. Golubatskaya fortress consists of nine towers connected by a system of walls and fortifications. Some of them are square in plan, others are round. One of the towers is half flooded by the river.

Golubatskaya fortress reviews

The walls of the fortress abruptly descend to the river. If you look at the whole ensemble from afar, it’s very difficult to make out: where are the natural rocky ledges, and where is the building that was once built by man. The thickness of the walls of the stronghold reaches 2.8 meters!

The height of the towers of the Golubatsky fortress is 20-25 meters. An automobile road winds directly between them, running under the overhanging remains of medieval stone fortifications.

Immediately after the Golubatsky fortress begins the territory of the beautiful national park Dzherdap. His visit is also recommended to all tourists without exception. The main object of the park is the Dzherdap Gorge (or Iron Gate) - a narrow river canyon formed by the Danube.

Golubatskaya fortress: reviews of tourists and travelers

Reviews of tourists about this attraction are extremely positive. They all describe the fortress with the epithets “unbelievable”, “unreal”, “fairy-tale”, etc. Moreover, most of the travelers are delighted not so much with the structure itself, but with how well it fits into the landscape. The rock and the fortress against its background are perceived as something integral and unified.

Goluback fortress Serbia how to get

Everyone who visited this fortification in Serbia also notes the extraordinary beauty of the species that open here on the Danube River. To enjoy them, you should climb up the dilapidated fortress. True, you need to do this very carefully and carefully so that the trip does not end in disrepair.

Golubac Fortress, according to numerous reviews of tourists, is an object that must be visited in Serbia.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E27212/

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