How to get rid of the smell in the washing machine: effective methods and practical recommendations

It is no secret that the washing machine, no matter how modern and “smart” it may be, is able to work for a long time and flawlessly only if it is used correctly. But even following all the points of the instructions to your assistant, you can encounter such a problem as a sharp and unpleasant smell in the washing machine. How to get rid of unwanted amber and, most importantly, is there a way to avoid this side effect when using the automatic “washer”?

how to get rid of the smell in the washing machine

Foci of odor

The first thing that needs to be clarified right away is where exactly, from what elements or parts of the washing machine comes the amber. The most common foci of unpleasant persistent odor are as follows:

• Rubber cuff (ring) serving as a seal for the door of the washing machine.

• A tray (also known as a container or container) for loading detergent for washing and / or a channel through which powder enters the washing machine.

• Drain hose filter and / or drain hose itself.

• TENY (heating elements) and internal details.

bad smell in the washing machine how to get rid

The causes of the smell of mold and dampness, rotten smell in the washing machine

Before getting rid of the smell in the washing machine , the “patient” will have to determine the “diagnosis”. That is, to establish the cause of the stink. This will help not only to quickly fix the problem, but also to avoid this in the future. So, a rating of the causes of a musty pungent odor:

• Incorrect detergents and / or improper use.

• Persistent pollution and, as a result, multiplied microorganisms and bacteria in the above foci of pollution.

• Incomplete drainage of water after washing.

• Worn parts of the washing machine.

• Sewerage and / or improper connection of the washing machine to communications.

How not to: the most common mistakes that can cause a smell in the washing machine

In addition to all kinds of contaminants, the following regular operation errors can cause unpleasant odors in the washing machine:

• Insufficient drying and ventilation of the unit after washing. The moisture that remains after washing and unloading the laundry can cause the smell of dampness in the washing machine. How to get rid? Simply wipe the drum and the rubber cuff dry, and then leave the door open for a while. In two to three hours, the washing machine will dry out completely.

• Storage of dirty laundry in the drum. Moisture, dust, particles of sweat and dirt create all conditions for microorganisms, therefore it is better to store dirty laundry in a special basket, and leave the drum of the machine free.

The rules, as you can see, are pretty simple. But unfortunately, a reminder of this may not be in every instruction for the washing machine.

Laundry Detergents

The first question that may surely arise is: how can powders and other modern detergents, always containing active substances and perfumes, generally cause unpleasant odors? Firstly, the use of low-quality products from cheap components leads to the fact that the particles of the detergent are not washed off, but settle on the walls and parts of the device. Over time, these residues will fade, and a characteristic smell will appear from the washing machine.

But even the use of the best powders, gels and rinses for washing clothes will not save you from a rotten smell, if you do not observe the dosage. To load detergent, you need to focus on the dispenser that comes with washing powder and other detergents. If you pour too much on a regular basis, the effect will be the same as that of a low-quality product: particles of the detergent, without being washed without residue, will create pollution and an ideal environment for microorganisms.

smell in a washing machine how to get rid of a remedy

All this as a result causes a rotten smell from the drum of the washing machine. How to get rid of the pungent odor that has arisen for this reason?

In addition to observing the dosage of detergent for cleaning the walls and parts of the washing machine from contaminants, it is recommended to carry out an empty wash regularly, approximately once a month, that is, start the automatic machine without loading the laundry into the drum. This is done as follows: instead of washing powder, a special tool designed to clean the washing machine is added to the tray. A special tool for cleaning the machine can be replaced with ordinary food citric acid (2 tablespoons) or a combination of citric acid and baking soda - the effect will be the same.

After that, the unit starts at the highest possible water temperature (usually 90 or 95 degrees). Then the washing machine is wiped dry and dried with an open drum.

How to clean a rubber cuff (ring)

One of the most common places for the appearance of a smell of dampness and mold is a rubber ring, a cuff on the loading hatch. Here, after washing, a little water remains, which can fade, and dirt accumulates under the rubber cuff. The consequence of this is the smell of dampness in the washing machine. How to get rid of it? The cuff will need to be thoroughly treated with a disinfectant detergent and cleaned with a sponge. In the future, it is recommended to wipe the rubber surface dry after each wash. The cuff that has become unusable is best replaced in the workshop.

the smell of mold in the washing machine how to get rid

Laundry detergent loading tray

A drawer where laundry detergents are loaded and the channel through which they are fed into the drum of the machine are also at risk. Excess detergents cover the surface in these parts with a film, subsequently due to this mold and mildew appear in the washing machine. How to get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon? Carefully pull out the tray, soak it briefly in a disinfectant. Then the container should be thoroughly washed with a brush (an old toothbrush will do) and rinsed.

the smell of dampness in the washing machine how to get rid

The hole where the detergent tray is installed must also be machined. To do this, using a spray gun, a disinfectant detergent is applied to the surface inside the hole, after which everything is cleaned with a brush and washed.

It happens that the mold has spread beyond the loading tray into the channel for supplying detergent. You can verify this by shining a flashlight in the hole for the tray - mold, if it is there, will be visible. If this happened, how to get rid of the smell? In a washing machine, you just need to clean the channel with a thin brush, yourself or by contacting the master.

get rid of the smell of gasoline in the washing machine

Drain hose and filter

An unpleasant odor inside the washing machine can often appear if you wash it all the time at low temperatures. The lack of boiling leads to the fact that the bacteria that cause mold and musty odors do not die, but accumulate. Not the last role in this is played by small garbage from clothes that remains in the filter, hoses, on the walls of the washing machine.

How to get rid of the musty smell from the washing machine if the problem is in a dirty drain filter or drain hose? The drain filter must be cleaned regularly - at least 1 time in 6 months. Otherwise, clogging in the filter will not only be a source of rotten odor, but will also significantly complicate the removal of water. In order to clean, the filter must be removed and rinsed well with running water.

A hose for draining water may become silted if rotting residues of detergents and debris are collected in it. In addition to the unpleasant odor, this will lead to the fact that a little water will remain inside the machine, also foul. The hose is cleaned with an empty wash at the highest possible water temperature. In especially advanced cases, the drain hose is better to simply replace.

TEN and internal parts

On the heating elements of a modern washing machine, the source of rotten odor will most likely be what is commonly called “plaque”. These are contaminants that densely cover the heating elements formed from particles of fine debris, water impurities and residues of detergents. All this cap sours and exudes an unpleasant musty odor, and when washed at high temperature conditions it can emit a burning smell. How to get rid of the smell in the washing machine? It will help to start the unit without loading laundry at a temperature of 90-95 degrees using chlorine (if it is not prohibited for this model), citric acid or a special tool.

The smell of mold and dampness may also appear after cleaning the washing machine. In this case, the cleaning agent is most often blamed, but the reason is completely different: scum particles showered from the heating elements, which became an excellent environment for fungi or bacteria. If after repeated cleaning with an empty wash with citric acid or vinegar, the smell remains, you will have to contact the workshop.

Sewage: when the reason is not in the car

It happens that due to improper connection to the sewer or blockages and malfunctions in the sewer pipes , the smell in the washing machine may also appear. How to get rid? Means for cleaning and disinfecting the washing machine will not help here. You will need to connect the machine so that the smell does not go directly, and clean the clogged pipe, which can be identified by the similar smell from the bathtub and all sinks.

Fabric smell

Perhaps it’s worth touching on cases where an unpleasant foul smell from a washing machine appeared due to the fact that a thing with a strong smell was washed.

Most often, owners of automatic washing machines manage to leave the smell of solvent or gasoline in the machine, which they try to remove greasy stains or corrosive traces of paint. After such washing, the pungent smell not only remains in the drum for a long time, but also impregnates all the clothes that are inside. But if this happened, getting rid of the smell of gasoline in the washing machine, as well as the smell of solvent, can only be done in several stages:

• Having set the water temperature to 30 degrees, instead of detergent, pour baking soda into the tray, about 100 grams, and then start washing without laundry.

• Immediately after completing the washing process, carefully pour table vinegar - one glass will be enough. At the same temperature of 30 degrees, washing without laundry starts again.

• The third wash is done not only without laying the laundry, but also without any means in the container for washing powder - just with water at the lowest possible temperature.

• The washing machine is wiped, dried and ventilated for at least a day. To determine whether it was possible to get rid of the smell of solvent (gasoline), you can wash any unnecessary fabric item in the machine.

• Even with the slightest indication that the smell of gasoline or solvent is still there, the entire cleaning process must be repeated.

But you should remember that you do not have to decide how to get rid of the smell: you can’t wash things in the washing machine after processing them with these chemicals.

Prevention: wash without unpleasant odors

It is always better to prevent the appearance of dirt and stench in the washing machine than to deal with it later. What you need to do so that you do not have to worry about how to get rid of the smell in the washing machine:

• At least once a month, clean the walls, parts and heating elements using the already described method of empty washing using a special chemical agent, citric acid or vinegar. It is also good to start at least once a month the longest possible washing cycle with chlorine-containing products at a temperature of 90-95 degrees.

• Strictly dose the use of detergents for washing and, if possible, do not use cheap or dubious detergents.

how to get rid of the musty smell from the washing machine

• And most importantly, do not forget to wash the hatch and the rubber cuff of the washing machine dry after washing the laundry, thoroughly dry it through the open door.


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