Modular origami: a vase for paper flowers.

The oriental art of folding paper of various shapes has become so popular in our country that Russians can boast of their own achievements and individual projects made in the origami style. Many workshops from craftsmen tell how you can create figures of different animals - from the frog to the Serpent Gorynych. The sites offer a "recipe" of the finest cake with cream and roses, there are also descriptions of the creation of beautiful flowers. However, the latter will not look very good in a traditional vase - the disharmony is clear. Therefore, it is much more correct for a gorgeous bouquet in origami style to complete the corresponding vase using the same technique.

Vases are different, including when performing them in the technique of origami. You can create some kind of lace splendor, airy and weightless. This will require about 1,500 modules. A few evenings of painstaking work - and, please, your home will be decorated with modular origami - a vase called "Composition with Butterflies". Its base is dense enough to hold the rest of the structure. The main thing here is to strictly follow the instructions for creating jewelry, otherwise everything may fall apart. In general, with proper fastening, origami modules create a fairly dense structure of a thing, allowing it to be freely transferred from place to place, and sometimes even given to children for playing. However, in this case, it is very important to consider each module and correctly fasten it with the subsequent rows - only then will the design turn out to be quite stable. In addition, the modules must be very tightly folded - otherwise the product will greatly lose in attractiveness. In that version, which is shown as a sample at the master class, the vase looks as if it was twisted from threads using macrame technique - it is very difficult to believe that such a miracle can be made of paper.

A classic vase from origami modules will require 2,000 multi-colored modules from masters. We’ll tell you a secret: it’s not always possible to find good colored paper, so you can simply paint over sheets of ordinary office paper with paints on one side, let them dry β€” and get a blank for the modules! The only drawback of such sheets is that they become softer, which means that each module must be ironed carefully at the folds. After that, the collection of crafts begins. Modular origami "Vase" simply captivates with a variety of colors and well-thought-out lines. From a distance it is impossible to say that it is an origami from triangular modules - the vase looks like a real one in every way. When assembling the product itself, it is most difficult to observe the sequence of alternating modules of different colors - but even this does not overshadow the joy of creating another masterpiece. In the end, any product in the origami style can be easily disassembled into components and start all over again.

Finally, triangles are not all modular origami. The vase can also be made in the "modern" style with the help of completely different modules - also different in execution technique. We select beautiful glossy paper, clearly follow the instructions for creating modules and assemble a quadrangular design with a complex geometric pattern. The author used the idea from a Japanese book - and the inhabitants of this country, as you know, differ in that they do nothing for nothing. Here, every symbol in the house serves a purpose, indicates something or protects. Undoubtedly, the vase from the origami modules looks just great and, reflecting particles of light on the glossy surface of the paper, creates the effect of a glass surface. In addition, this is an unconventional, exclusive modular origami - a vase does not look like a paper craft, but a real find for the designer.

Go for it! Origami vases are not just beautiful, they are very original and modern!


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