Game Assassin Creed: Revelation. Passage, cheat codes, description

To begin with, it is worth noting that a similar genre of computer games was not always there - it appeared not so long ago, and it was this series that became one of its founders. Now you can already everywhere find a variety of action games in which there are an abundance of both stealth and acrobatics. Moreover, earlier it was also possible to discover more than one such game. However, it was Assassins Creed that became the project that launched interest in the genre and began to develop it, while simultaneously improving what would eventually become a classic of the computer gaming industry. In this article you will find information about one of the most successful games in the series - Assassin Creed Revelation: walkthroughs, descriptions and even some cheat codes that you can use to make your process easier. And then you realize why this project is so wonderful. In Assassin Creed Revelation, the passage will not take so much time, but it will be saturated with a wide variety of events.


assassin creed revelation walkthrough

Before considering the game Assassin Creed Revelation walkthrough, you need to pay attention to what it is, or rather, what differs from its predecessors. And there are a lot of differences, and almost everything is for the better. So, you will have a new weapon, a unique ability that will effectively set traps or avoid unwanted meetings with some people, and you can also make bombs from various ingredients and then use them in battle - more than a hundred types of bombs in the game. New modes of protection for the Templar's shelters have been added - now they are a kind of tower defense. In general, there are a lot of changes, and they took the game to a new level. However, now it's time to pay attention directly to what is most important in Assassin Creed Revelation - the passage. It will consist of sequences of memories.


assassin s creed

This part of the game Assassin s Creed begins with an introductory video that will demonstrate to gamers what happened in the previous parts. The fact is that they are all interconnected, so it is important to remember what happened before this part began. So, you are Desmond, a descendant of the Assassins, currently in a coma. Thanks to this, you can inhabit the bodies of the Assassins, who lived many centuries ago, in order to survive what they experienced. And this time, you will mainly settle in Ezio, the master assassin who is trying to find the Ancient Library while fighting the Templars, the worst enemies of the Order of the Assassins. After talking with everyone you see in your hallucination, you can go to the gates that will resettle you in the body of Ezio. From this begins the passage of this part of Assassin s Creed.

Sequence 1

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If you do not start Assassins Creed Revelations, then you can only sympathize, as this project is actually a masterpiece. Check compatibility for system requirements, because if you do not play in this project, you can really regret it. So, the passage begins with the fact that Ezio wants to execute, but he manages to escape and escape. So far, you are seriously injured, so until you see the famous parkour, without which it is impossible to imagine this series. However, you have other things to do - the goal of this sequence is to find the Templar captain, kill him and take his diary from him. It turns out that this is the diary of your teacher Altair. It hides hints for finding keys that can open a library that stores incredible values. Naturally, you will need to start the hunt for these keys, as well as prevent the Templars from getting them first. As you can see, the plot is famously spinning from the very first minutes, so if you don’t start Assassins Creed Revelations, then you need to do everything in order to fix it.

Sequence 2

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The second sequence has not yet brought new details to the plot - it serves as a kind of training. You’ll learn how to save in Assassins Creed Revelations, but most importantly, learn how to handle new unique weapons. Arriving in Constantinople, where most of the actions will take place, you will meet the local master assassin Yussuf, who will show you the city, and then will hand a knife-hook, which you will learn to use. After that, there will be training in throwing bombs, as well as the first attempt to protect the assassin base from attacks by the Templars in tower defense mode. Then you will need to find Yussuf, who went to defend another base, and help him. This will complete the training phase. There are mods for Assassins Creed Revelations that can change the gameplay, but this article discusses the passage of the original version of the game.

Sequence 3

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This sequence is one of the longest in the entire game Assassins Creed Revelations. “Mechanics”, however, did their best, and if you play the Russian version, you will get no less pleasure than from the original, because the voice acting is performed at the highest level. However, it’s about passing, so continue your training - first you will need to learn how to send your student to tasks on the global map of the region in order to free cities from the Templars, and then you have to master how to make bombs that you learned to throw in the past sequence. Then you will meet with Sofia and show her the diary that led you to the key - she will agree to help you find the keys in exchange for ancient books. After that, go to carry out several not so significant tasks, which ultimately lead to the release of the captured assassins. As you can see, the plot twists even more, so if you still have problems, you need to figure out how to launch Assassins Creed Revelations as soon as possible to join the game.

Sequence 4

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In the case of Assassins Creed Revelations, the Russian version is very pleased with the high-quality translation, so you can enjoy the game, even if you do not know English. So, you join Yussuf to protect the Ottoman rulers from the assassination attempt, thereby gaining their trust. Moreover, you already have a suspect who, most likely, betrayed the Ottomans and works for the Templars. However, the investigation is interrupted by the need to steal a book for Sofia from the port. In response to this, she gives you a second magazine, which will lead you to the tower, where you can find the second key. Assassins Creed Revelations is nearing its climax and there’s more to come. Please note that after finding the key you will have a vision where you will play for Alttair, killing his mentor for treason.

Sequence 5

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So, the time has come to deal with the suspect - Ezio, like Suleiman himself, suspects that the assassination commander set up the Janissary, so put him under surveillance. You will learn that he sent his man to the arsenal - to find out more, provoke a riot, after which you can look around in the arsenal and understand what happened here. Return to Sofia and help her find the missing picture while she is getting the next diary for you. After reviewing it, you can find another cache where you can get tips for finding the next key. This time, the flashback talks about the return of Altair and Mary, who find out that their youngest son is dead. Try to get justice, but in the end you have to flee.

Sequence 6

Now you need to follow the leader of the Janissaries and try to sneak up to him as close as possible in order to get a sincere confession from him . As a result, you succeed, and you find out the whereabouts of the Templar army, but at the same time you accidentally kill the leader of the Janissaries, who was in fact absolutely innocent. This is a strong blow for Ezio, but there is no time to relax - Sofia needs you. Follow her instructions, and then get the next journal, which will lead you to the next key. Now from the flashback you will learn that after 20 years, the elderly Altair returned to take revenge on the murderer of his son. As a result, you will overthrow the ruler of the Templars and free the city from their oppression. Then management will return to Ezio, who is sought after everywhere, so you need to leave the city and get away from the persecution of former allies.

Sequence 7

Escaping from the Janissaries, you find yourself in a territory completely subject to the Templars. Miraculously, you run into captured Ottomans - release them, and then help save another spy who was taken for interrogation. Naturally, after that you need to deal with the shah, who is so mocking people. Now it remains to return the weapon, which was taken from the Ottomans, and at the same time to blow up the powder warehouse. In all the panic, you can easily catch up and kill Manuel, from whom you will find another key. However, the new leader of the Templars sets an ultimatum for you: either you return all the keys to the Templars, or Sofia dies. After that, the next Altbek flashback will begin, in which he leads an army of assassins against the Templars along with his students the Polo brothers.

Sequence 8

This time you are faced with the shortest sequence in which you will need to urgently return and collect all the keys in order to pass them to the Templars. This is the only way you can save Sofia, but do not think that the vile enemy will just leave. As soon as Sofia is safe, go in pursuit of the Templar and finish him in a fierce battle. So you can both save Sofia and regain all the keys to the ancient library. Since all the keys have already been collected, you just have to find the library building - there will be no flashbacks, and you have to play for Ezio, and not Altair, although many liked this return to the previous parts.

Sequence 9

Here comes the end of the passage of this wonderful and exciting game. All you have to do is go all the way for Enzio along with Sofia to the ancient library. What is stored there? When you solve the riddle of the castle and the five keys that you collected throughout the game, the door will open. But then everything will change, and you will again find yourself in the body of Altair. You can see how he dissolves all the assassins, sending them all over the world so that they can carry light everywhere. In addition, the apple of Adam remains in the library - it is it that is such an incredible treasure. After that, you again get control over Ezio and watch the final video, in which the protagonist first wants to take an apple, but in the end decides that it is time for him to relax a bit and pass on the Assassins case to the younger generation. To do this, he turns to Desmond to continue the search for truth. As a result, Desmond has a conversation with Jupiter, and the young man regains consciousness. Then he goes to the place where the ancient library was, because now he knows where to look. Naturally, the continuation of this story you can learn only from the next part of the game series.


In the end, it is worth telling a little about the codes that are presented in this game. There are different cheats in Assassins Creed Revelations, but none of them fit the classic definition of cheat code. Firstly, you can perform additional tasks for each memory, and if you deal with them gradually and one hundred percent, you can select bonuses that the developers have prepared for you in the options menu. Secondly, there are various trainers, the installation of which on the computer will lead to the fact that when they are activated, a single click of a button in the game will result in you getting immortality, endless money, new weapons and much more. In any case, this will be enough for you if you want to strengthen your character. However, he is already extremely good.


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