The rout: a summary. Fadeev's "rout" in chapters

In this article we will talk about the work that Alexander Fadeev created in 1926. You will be presented with a summary of it. ā€œDefeatā€ is a novel that brought the writer recognition and fame. He became one of his best works.

You will say that there is already a retelling of the novel that Fadeev created ("rout"). Summary (briefs) introduces the main events. We divided the text into chapters, describing each of them in more detail. The result of our work is brought to your attention.

summary rout

1. Frost

The guerrilla unit commander Levinson gives Morozka, his orderly, a packet with the order to take him to Shaldyba, the commander of another partisan detachment. So begins the work "The rout". A summary of the chapters is sequentially described in this article.

Frost, however, does not want to go, he quarrels with Levinson and refuses. In the end, the commander is bored by the eternal punishment of this partisan. He takes the letter from him, advising Frost to get away, since he does not need balamutes. Instantly he changes his mind about the naughty partisans, picks up a letter, more likely to himself than to the commander, explaining that he cannot go without a detachment, after which he sets off on a journey with a packet.

Hero Frost is a second-generation miner. He was born in a barracks of miners, and already at the age of 12 he began to "roll trolleys." On the knurled path was his life, like everyone else. This guy once sat in a jail, and also served in the cavalry, was shell-shocked, so he was fired from the army before the revolution. Returning home, he married. According to Fadeev, Frost did everything thoughtlessly, because life seemed to him uncomplicated, simple, like a "Murom cucumber." Such was this hero of the work "The rout" (Fadeev). A chapter summary will introduce you more closely to this character. In 1918, he went with his wife to defend the Soviets. It was not possible to defend the power, so our hero went to the partisans.

Frost, having heard the shots, climbed crawling to the top of the hill and saw from there that the Shaldyba fighters were being attacked by the ā€œwhitesā€ and they were running. The enraged commander whips in all directions with a stick, but cannot keep his people. One could see how some of them stole red bows furtively.

Outraged by Frost, watching all this. Among the retreating he saw a lame boy. The fighter fell, but his comrades ran on. I could not see this Frost. He called his horse, jumped on him and went to the fallen fighter. Bullets whistled around. Frost forced his horse to lie down, put the wounded across the croup, and rode with him into his squad.

2. Sword

Let us describe the events of the second chapter, its summary. The "rout" Fadeev continues as follows.

rout brief summary

Immediately did not like the saved Frost. The author writes that this hero did not favor ā€œclean peopleā€, because in his experience they were worthless, inconsistent, which should not be believed. Levinson made up his mind to take this young man to the infirmary. He had documents in his pocket from which it became known that his name was Pavel Mechik. You will get to know this hero better if you read the text of the ā€œDefeatā€ work. A summary of the chapters presented by us will also describe this character in further detail. At that time, he himself was already unconscious.

Mechik woke up only when he was taken to the infirmary, and then slept until morning. Waking up, he saw a doctor Stashinsky and Varia, a sister with gray eyes and fluffy golden brown braids. Sword was hurt when dressing, but he did not scream, because he felt the presence of this girl.

Three weeks ago, this hero walked joyfully through the taiga to a partisan detachment with a ticket to his boot. But suddenly people who suspiciously reacted to this character jumped out of the bushes. Because of their illiteracy, they did not understand his documents, beat him first, and then accepted them into their detachment. They were tough, dirty, rude people who fought and cursed because of the slightest trifle, scoffed at Paul. However, they were "living people", not book people. The sword, lying in the hospital, recalled the events he had experienced, he felt sorry for the sincere and good feelings with which he was heading for the detachment. This hero took special care of taking care of himself. There were few injured. Of the heavy - only two: Mechik and Frolov. The old man Peak often talked with Pavel. Occasionally, a "pretty sister" also came, who washed and sheathed the entire hospital. However, this girl was especially caring and gentle to Mechik. Pica said about her that she was ā€œlascivious,ā€ since her husband, Morozka, was in the detachment, and meanwhile she was fornication. Sword asked why this sister is so? To this Peak answered that he simply could not refuse anyone.

3. Sixth sense

The third chapter of the work is called The Sixth Sense. Let us describe its summary. Smash tells us the following. Frost thought almost angrily about Mechik: why did such people go "to the ready" for the partisans. Although this was unfair, the "Way of the Cross" was coming. Frost, passing by the chestnut, got off his horse and gathered melons into a bag until his master saw him. Ryabets Homa Yegorovich threatened to find a council for him. He could not believe that the Frost, whom he dressed and fed, was robbing him.

Levinson talked with the returning scout, who reported that the Shaldyba detachment had badly battered the Japanese troops. At this time Baklanov came, who was Levinsonā€™s deputy, bringing with him Ryabts, who spoke extensively about the action of Frost. The partisan, who was then summoned, did not deny anything. He only refused to surrender the weapon, considering it a very severe punishment.

4. One

Mechik kept wondering why Morozok, who had come to visit him at the hospital, looked at him so dismissively. Paul was already recovering. But Frolovā€™s wound was hopeless. Mechik burst into tears, remembering the events of the past month, hiding in a blanket with his head.

This is just a summary. The rout, chapter One, tells in more detail about the events described. We have identified only the main ones.

5. Guys and the "coal tribe"

the defeat of the Fadeis

Levinson went to the meeting, wanting to check the fears, hoping to hear rumors, conversations of men. He caught alarming notes, understood that he should hide, go into the taiga. The miners came. Levinson greeted the tall slayer Dubov.

Ryabets already considered this story troublesome and worthless. Everyone wondered why it was necessary to steal - after all, anyone would give melon to Frost, if he asked. The partisan was brought forward, asked why he did this. Frost replied that, out of habit, thoughtlessly, and promised that such a thing would never happen again. Levinson invited him to help the owners in his spare time. The peasants were satisfied with such an offer.

6. Levinson

Levinson hid his fears and doubts, always clearly and confidently giving orders. He always thought about business, was the "right" person. Soon this hero was given the ā€œterrible relay raceā€ sent by Sukhovey-Kovtun, the chief of staff, who wrote about the defeat of the main partisan forces in the fight against the Japanese. Calling on the nachkhoz and Baklanov, he warned them that they should be prepared for the possible performance of the detachment. Levinson, along with letters from the city, received a note from his wife.

7. Enemies

Stashinsky sent a letter to the commander, in which he wrote that the infirmary should be unloaded gradually.

defeat chapter summary

People from this time began to disperse in the villages. Remained from the wounded only Peak, Mechik and Frolov. Peak was not ill with anything, he just took root at the hospital. Mechik wanted to become a efficient and confident fighter, so that upon returning to the city no one would recognize his former.

8. The first move

The deserters, appearing, sowed a panic around, as if great enemy forces were coming. But intelligence did not confirm this. Asked for platoon Morozka at Levinson, recommending Yefimka an orderly in his place. The commander agreed. Levinson with all the squad announced that they were performing.

9. Sword in the squad

Sword got to his feet and went into the squad with Pica. He was identified in the Kurbak platoon. Sword was unhappy with the selected mare, but did not say anything to Levinson. He decided to kill her. They did not like the sword in the detachment, they considered it to be a backhand and loafer. He only got along with Chizh, who taught him to fly away from the kitchen, from mediocrity.

10. Start of rout

Levinson in a remote place almost completely lost contact with other units. He decided to make a sortie. Dubovā€™s detachment attacked the goods; they distributed crackers, drafts, cartridges, and overcoats to the partisans. Baklanov and Mechik soon went into reconnaissance. In the village they met four Japanese soldiers. They killed them all, except for the one who ran away. Leaving the farm, they saw that the main forces of the Japanese were leaving there.

The detachment was attacked the next morning. We will only mention this, describing the summary. Partisans suffered defeat, they retreated. Only in the taiga did the little sword come to life from fright.

11. Strada

Levinson made a suggestion for the horse. The detachment lacked fodder and food. Levinson had to order to steal the cows, rob the peasant gardens and fields. Styrin said that a fee of 500 rubles was assigned for his capture . Levinson grinned - "cheap stuff." The Koreans had only one pig left for the winter. The commander ordered her killed to feed the partisans. He condemned the Sword of Levinson, but still ate the pig, as he was hungry. The detachment, finally, fought its way to the hospital, where food was prepared. Sword accidentally overheard the conversation between Stashinsky and Levinson, from which he realized that they intend to kill Frolov. He ran to the hut, trying to prevent this, but Stashinsky drove him away.

12. Roadways

Fadeev rout rout briefs

Frolov died at night. The detachment, having buried him, moved north. Frost thought that forever someone was bothering him, Mechik was the most. Varia was also offended by Paul, who already began to doubt his feelings. She went to look for him herself. She was completely indifferent to Paul.

13. Cargo

Sword is on patrol. He wonders how he could leave Levinsonā€™s squad. The boring and monotonous life in the city now seems ideal to him. Pavel suddenly expresses everything he thinks to Levinson, saying that the partisans donā€™t care who they serve, the main thing is to "fill their stomach." Levinson objects, convincing Paul that he has nowhere to go, they will kill him. Regretfully, he thinks of people like the Sword, weak, weak-willed, lazy. Problems of character reveals the work "rout". The summary, unfortunately, cannot convey all the features of the inner world of the characters.

14. Exploration of the Snowstorm

The commander sent Metelitsa to the reconnaissance, telling him to return at night. But the village was farther than expected. At night, Blizzard saw the shepherd's bonfire. He informed him that in the village there are many Cossacks who killed his brother and parents, burned the house. The snowstorm went there. He knew from the boy's words that the boss was housed in the priestā€™s house. He wanted to eavesdrop, but he did not succeed - the Snowstorm was seized and beaten.

Roman Fadeeva rout defeat

15. Three deaths

The following events are described in the fifteenth chapter of the ā€œDefeatā€ work by Fadeev. We will briefly describe them in one paragraph.

The partisan tried to escape, but failed. During interrogation, he did not answer the questions asked. Then they began to ask the residents if anyone knew him. The shepherd replied that he was seeing for the first time. One man said that he brought a horse (which this partisan presented to the boy). The kid was seized, but a blizzard came running at the officer. They shot him. Levinson saw the Cossacks. The squad dealt with them. Partisans in the village fed.

16. The quagmire

Varya, going to the village, saw the dead horse of Frost. She found him wounded. In the morning, shots were heard. The detachment fled into the forest, but people ran into a quagmire. Then Levinson ordered the laying of flooring from logs. They went through it, and then blew it up. So only by miracle did not take place defeat. The novel, a brief summary of which we describe, continues. We pass to the seventeenth chapter.

17. Nineteen

Cossacks on the bridge ambushed. The little sword rode through the forest calmly, but suddenly stumbled upon the Cossacks. Then he ran to the ravine, and they pursued him. Frost thought only of rest. He realized that Sword had escaped. Paul suffered because of his betrayal. He took out a gun, but realized that he would not kill himself, because he loved himself more than anything else. He decided to go to the city.

Thus ends the work "The rout". The summary, of course, does not cover all events. Moreover, the work is quite voluminous. The ā€œroutā€, the summary of which you just read, is a reflection of the experience of Fadeev himself. He participated in battles until 1921 in the Far East. This experience was the impetus for the writing of the novel "rout".

rout defeat

Brief summary ā€œbriefsā€ describes events in less detail, does not divide them into chapters. Therefore, we decided to write this article in order to familiarize the reader with this work. However, our description does not exhaust the work created by Alexander Fadeev (The rout). Summary is just basic information. As you know, you can retell only the plot, but not the plot. Leo Tolstoy said that if he had been asked to retell War and Peace, he would read his whole work. So is Fadeevā€™s novel "The rout". The summary does not convey the atmosphere, the author's style, does not form an impression of the novel. In order to have a complete picture of it, it is worth reading the whole work.


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