Dog Behavior Correction: Training Methods

Many of those who want and plan to get a dog dream of seeing themselves as the happy owner of a loyal bodyguard, like a German shepherd, a beautiful collie who looks like a movie star, or the wonderful St. Bernard dog that saves people. It is necessary at this moment to think and answer to yourself one single question: why do I need a four-legged pet? And again, the majority will answer: I need a friend who understands me. Discarding growth, gender, breed and exterior, the whole point of acquiring a dog comes down to just that.

One cannot satisfy one's ambitions at the expense of a living being. If you want to brag to your friends, break up a chic rose garden on a site with rare specimens, build a new pool, etc. The dog needs love, care and participation.

dog behavior correction

Training can help you with upbringing (behavior correction). This is an absolutely necessary process, if not for you, then at least for family members and friends, because you must be able to manage your pet at the proper level. Yes, and the dog must understand that it is completely unacceptable to walk through life, doing everything that she wants. In other words, the educational process, socialization, introduction to the family is required.

A variety of correction methods

It’s worth starting a conversation about training dogs and correcting their behavior with a variety of methods that currently exist. Firstly, it should be noted that these two processes are closely related. Training is a generalized concept, from a very young age you begin to accustom an animal to the correct behavior, instilling in it all the qualities necessary for normal living in a family. If something goes wrong, you need to adjust it, direct the energy of the pet in the right direction.

Methods for correcting dog behavior are quite diverse. However, experts are of the opinion that not all of them are within the power of the owners, some can be used exclusively by professionals. Methods are classified into the following groups:

  1. Correction of environmental conditions: the inability to perform certain “problematic” actions (muzzle, cell, pen); negative experience through environmental conditions (coating of furniture with bitter substances, such as pepper); change of conditions (relocation, new owners).
  2. Correction of behavior: training, the prohibition of unwanted habits and their connection with the signal (voice, whistle), reinforcing the absence of bad behavior, training.
  3. Correction of mental processes and psyche.
  4. Correction of physiology.

The third and fourth group of methods are quite complex. According to them, correction of the behavior of an adult dog on its own is not recommended. It is better to seek the advice of specialists who will help you create the right diet, develop a special program, or even take your pet temporarily on bail. In this matter, it is important to correctly assess your strength so as not to aggravate the situation.

About training

To one degree or another, dog behavior of any breed lends itself to training and correction. However, if you plan to participate in exhibitions, contests and competitions, hunt with a pet, try to take the choice responsibly. Not the best “material” is mestizos and curs, although they are sometimes very quick-witted and cunning. However, a skilled trainer will be able to achieve brilliant results from them, but such masters in reality are rare. Next, we will consider the general rules and principles of training for an average dog living in a family. They are the same for everyone, regardless of origin.

dog behavior correction

You need to think like a dog

“Think like a dog” - this is the principle that all work on training your pet should be based on. This advice is given by the best experts in their field, professional dog handlers. Correction of a dog’s behavior and training involves predicting its behavior and reaction to specific circumstances. Do not think that the animal will behave according to the rules that people came up with. The fundamental difference between him and the dog is that the first can compare and then analyze complex concepts, and the dog learns only simple things, despite the endless charm, excellent hearing and eyesight.

Owners should understand that the ancestors of these four-legged pets were wild species that lived in packs. Instincts, habits, behavioral features, enshrined in the centuries-old existence as a member of a large group, are carried in themselves by modern dogs. They force animals to look for a partner or food, to hunt according to the "schedule" that nature itself dictates. This is biological information that cannot be ignored when training (correcting) the behavior of dogs at home. Do not forget that deep in your soul your pet is a member of the pack. He quickly learns with the help of example and repetition and even tries at some stage of education to become a leader. In this case, judging by comparisons, your family should become a pack for him, and one of its members or two - leaders. Training helps to direct the energy of the animal in the right direction.

Dog collars

General information

The owner must adjust his thinking to an understanding of the behavior and habits of the dog. As a rule, a puppy is received at the age of 7-9 weeks. At this stage of development, he should look active, healthy and seem a plump “ball”, full of cunning and energy. If the owner has any doubts about the puppy's health, he should contact the veterinarian. The specialist will dispel all worries. This is important, because even at such a young age the dog perfectly feels the owner’s nervousness. Insecurity can play a bad joke. Puppies grow up unbalanced and rebellious. In the future, correction of the behavior of an adult dog can be very difficult, and sometimes even unsuccessful.

A puppy at the age of two months sleeps most of the time, and plays the rest. Taking into account his daily routine, it is necessary to determine his place with a basket, drawer or even a small pen. Put them where the puppy will feel safe. In addition, organize a playground for him. At short intervals, regularly show the place where he can recover.

dog behavior correction leash

Beater and Playground

A pen and a playground for games is not just a bedroom and entertainment, but an important element of education, so to speak, means for correcting the behavior of dogs at an early stage of their development.

The pen serves as a place where the puppy can sleep peacefully, gnaw a bone, eat, examine the toys donated to him. Only in rare cases can it be pulled out of there for the purpose of punishment or moralizing. Such intrusions will scare the puppy and make you nervous. In addition, limit the access of children to this place and teach them to wait when the pet leaves its shelter (at home). Many training specialists oppose cages and nurseries, as they howl and worry there. This does not teach them to communicate with people and family life. From the point of view of the laws of the pack, loneliness for a dog is an unnatural state.

As a rule, at the initial stages of adaptation in the family, a kitchen serves as a platform for games. This is a great place where the puppy learns to avoid obstacles in the form of chairs, right there he can meet and get to know the cat and other pets. All this gives him an invaluable experience in communication. As the puppy grows older and his self-confidence grows, you can expand his living space by letting him out into the garden, nearby forest or field.

Routine feeding

Routine feeding is an important stage in training and correcting the behavior of dogs at an early stage of their development. It is of paramount importance. Each time you feed your puppy, you can take the opportunity to gradually (without much stress) introduce training methods. For example, tapping lightly with a bowl, call him by name. For a couple of days, the baby thus learns to escape to the call of the owner. You can also master the Sit command. This will serve as an excellent basis for further training.

correction of dog behavior to other dogs

Dog behavior correction: the role of voice and intonation

You need to communicate with the dog. Only in this way can it be taught anything. One of the basic principles that will come in handy at all levels of training is voice, as a means of developing obedience. To achieve good results, the owner uses various commands: “Come to me!”, “Sit!”, “Place!”, “Fu!” etc. But in addition to the word, the intonation with which it is pronounced is also important. Depending on the team, it changes, and you must follow the sequence. It happens that even the most successful dog breeders achieve insignificant results in terms of correcting dog behavior (training). The reason lies in the fact that they give all the instructions with the same intonation.

So, one of the first teams to train puppies is “Come to me!”. It should be pronounced more slowly and lingeringly than the jerky and short “Sit!”. Team “Lie!” served in a firm and low voice. The last two instructions are and are closely related to the training.

The command “Fu!”, Which means in the dog’s language “Immediately stop what you are doing or are going to do it, otherwise it will get you”, should be given abruptly and abruptly. Successful training requires not only time, but also patience.

correction of the behavior of an adult dog

Patience and calm

Remember that the correction of the behavior of an adult dog, and especially the training of a small puppy, requires calm and patience from their owner. From two months of age to 1 year, your pet will remain at the stage of maximum susceptibility. But in the initial stages, he quickly gets tired, and classes can simply bother him. Therefore, even if he shows excellent results and is gifted, you should not exhaust him with the same set of commands. At the age of 8-10 weeks, it is enough to devote five minutes a day to training, you can increase the time when the puppy grows up to 5-6 months.

The biggest mistake and, as a rule, irreparable is the formation of a dog’s fear of training. Training time should be easy and carefree for her, bring pleasure. It is important to praise the pet for every, even the smallest, achievement.

Specialists and dog handlers, when correcting a dog’s behavior and raising it, recommend that the owners refrain from punishment in any of their manifestations. A puppy is not able to regard him correctly. Moreover, he, most likely, will not understand at all what he was punished for, but the likelihood that he will clog in the corner and wait with horror for the next classes is very high.

Another important conclusion that should not be overlooked is your behavior, gestures and tone, which give out stress, fatigue, or stricken trouble. Do not try to teach a dog something in this state. Irritability and impatience are the worst allies in this business.

Dog Leash

A collar and a leash are two of the most necessary items for training. We recommend buying a puppy a leather accessory of a suitable size. For the first time, you can fasten the collar on his neck immediately before feeding, then he will put up with this measure without protests.

At the age of 5-6 months, the dog will need a collar in the form of a chain with a leash fastened to one of the rings. It is often called the "noose." However, it would be more correct to say “jerk collar”. After all, he should be associated with a short sharp jerk that reminds the dog that she cannot always behave as she wants, and not with asphyxiation. Nylon and leather loops are recommended for dogs that have already been trained. They can harm puppies.

Now widespread are electric collars for correcting dog behavior. Around them there are many myths and erroneous opinions. It is important to weigh the pros and cons before using it. It can be used to give negative reinforcement to a dog at a distance, but it will only be effective if used correctly in the hands of a specialist. Preference should be given to high-quality collars, cheap ones can hurt, it is not known how strong the current can be.

Correct aggressive behavior

Aggressive behavior is a common occurrence in dog breeding. It is mainly associated with inept handling of animals: poor breeding, illiterate education and maintenance. It is important to remember that lack of communication, unjustified rewards, severe punishments, and insecurity from attacks by children lead to aggressive behavior. In 90% of cases, it is observed in males, most often during puberty (18-36 months). Be prepared for the fact that the correction of the dog’s aggressive behavior can take a long time. This process is akin to rehabilitation.

It is important to remember the same rule - the dog is part of the pack in the shower. The owner is her leader. If at some point the situation turned in the opposite direction and the dog began to feel mainly himself, it was required to “return” him to his place. To do this, deprive the dog of the attributes specific to the leader:

  • getting food first;
  • only the leader leads the pack, that is, drags his master on a leash;
  • occupation of the most comfortable and often high places to relax (bed, pillows, sofa);
  • the leader demands and always gets tidbits right from the table;
  • grabs the legs of the "unloved" guests.

Cynologist C. Milan, known to the whole world, advises to correct the dog’s behavior to other dogs, to the owner and the world around him in a very unusual way - kneading food with his own hands, and not with a spoon. Thus, a person leaves his smell in it, and as if openly declares his dominance, as if he himself was the first to eat from this bowl.

correction of unwanted dog behavior

What is “necessary” and what is “not necessary”

When the owner encounters certain difficulties on the way to raising a puppy, he should try to resolve them by trying on the point of view of his pet, always remembering the law of the pack. It is important to control the process and not start it.

It is not necessary to allow the dog to run from the running to the door as soon as the bell rings. If with a small puppy the situation seems funny, then with an adult it can already be dangerous. You will understand this behavior, but friends and guests will not appreciate it.

Do not let the dog rush around the car. This will cause inconvenience to you, passengers, and in general can cause an accident. She must have a clearly defined place by the owner. Control the pet’s behavior using the commands “Sit!”, “Place!” and "Lie down!".

Do not let the dog jump on people. She does this solely out of love and friendliness, but sharp claws tear and stain clothes. Teach her to take caresses at her "level."

Training and correction of unwanted dog behavior require regular training, and not from case to case. We need to do a little daily, step by step, comprehending the basics of "good behavior."

Experts advise owners to take their pet with them wherever they go. Of course, this is not always possible. However, do not leave dogs at home alone for a long time. In the company of a person, she will not get bored and will not establish her "orders" in an empty house.

The most important principle that every owner should be guided by is the desire to communicate with the dog. He should enjoy the lessons and playing with her. Otherwise, the probability of success in education is extremely small. The process should bring joy not only to the pet, but also to the owner himself.


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