Quotes about lawyers. What the great said about the law

The profession of lawyer has entered the life of Russians so tightly that it is already difficult to imagine what the world would be like without them. Indeed, in addition to everything else, this is a very ancient profession. The first lawyers appeared in ancient Greece and Rome. They have always been respected and revered. The work of a lawyer today is considered one of the most prestigious. But what exactly did famous people say about the so-called legalists? And what are the most famous quotes?

Quotes about lawyers

Themis Statue

1) "I went broke twice: at the moment when I lost the lawsuit and when I won it." One of the most famous quotes about lawyers belongs to the famous eighteenth-century philosopher Voltaire.

2) β€œHaving won the case, the lawyer congratulates his ward:β€œ We won, ”and, having lost, declares:β€œ You were defeated. ”A twentieth-century writer from the late twentieth century, Louis Niser.

3) Genti Broome, a lawyer and politician from nineteenth-century Great Britain, defined the essence of advocacy as follows: "A lawyer is an educated gentleman who will not let your enemies get your property and take it into his hands."

4) There is a more modern saying that has a humorous character. "If for the fifth time you cannot understand what you are reading, then you are reading what the lawyer has written."

5) None other than Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain during World War II, said: "Civilization should have freedom to criticize the government, freedom of speech and assembly, freedom of choice of religion, lack of racial prejudice and legal justice."

6) "The purpose and purpose of the law is to create the common good on the basis of private interests." This quote about the law belongs to Pierre Bouast, the famous nineteenth-century lexicographer from France.

7) Victor Marie Hugo, a Frenchman, author of the novel Notre Dame de Paris and other great works in the genre of romanticism, said: "It is easy to be kind, it is hard to be fair."

8) A twentieth-century writer from Japan, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, said: "The most painful punishment is its absence."

9) Another quote about lawyers is from Johann Wolfgang Goethe. "He who begins to study all the laws will not be able to find time to break them."

Ironic quotes

Future lawyer

10) A writer from nineteenth-century Great Britain, Charles Dickens, declared the work of lawyers: "There would be no bad people, there would be no good lawyers."

11) Quite a specific quote about lawyers belongs to British statesman George Saville. "If the laws were speechless, they would first of all complain about the lawyers."

12) Karl Heinrich Marx, a philosopher and public figure in Germany, said: "Moral power cannot be created by paragraphs of the law."

13) "We need to become slaves of the law in order to gain freedom." The quote belongs to Mark Tullius Cicero, orator, philosopher and politician of Ancient Rome.

14) Leonid Semenovich Sukhorov, a Ukrainian writer, argued that the verdict often proclaimed the triumph of not a law, but a lawyer.

Law Quotes

Legislation books

15) "The difference between a lawyer and other people is that he uses words in the manner of mathematical formulas." Quote about the lawyers of an unknown author.

16) "To condemn the innocent is to condemn the judges." Quote about the lawyers of the ancient Roman philosopher Lucius Annei Seneca.

17) "Laws are designed to help ordinary people. Therefore, they should be based on common sense." Third President of the United States of America Thomas Jefferson talked a lot about legislation, considering it one of the most important areas of human life.

18) "The beauty of jurisprudence lies in the fact that it is always able to challenge all kinds of statements. Circumstances, people and form are not important." A writer from the United Kingdom, Wilkie Collins, inserted such an unusual thought into his famous novel Woman in White.

19) "Customs are humanity, laws are the brains of a country. Customs are often more severe than laws. But customs, no matter how unreasonable, triumph over laws." Quote by Honore de Balzac, writer from France.

20) There is also a more modern saying: "Two lawyers - eight opinions."


Statue of the goddess of justice

Quotes about the lawyers of great people as nothing more than show the importance of the law in public life. Including the lawyers themselves talked a lot about their profession, because the ability to find the right words is one of their leading skills. In him, according to Goethe and Voltaire, they were very successful.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E27234/

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